HIGHSPEED 2018, the 10th UIC world congress on High Speed Rail, is being organised by the International Union of Railways (UIC), the worldwide railway association, and Turkish State Railways (TCDD), in close cooperation with all UIC member railways. The congress will be held on 8-11 May 2018 in the Turkish capital Ankara, at the Congresium International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The eventUIC is organised under the High Patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and several leading international organisations such as OTIF, the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail, the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation BSEC.
The main theme of this congress edition is “Sharing knowledge for sustainable and competitive operations”.
Following a series of successful editions, UIC HIGHSPEED has definitively become the world event to meet the main players and decision-makers in charge of preparing today’s and tomorrow’s railways. The congress will gather actors and stakeholders from governments, international organisations, NGOs and financial institutions, railways and their suppliers, research bodies and universities, and all partners cooperating at different degrees with the railway developers.
As UIC Director General Jean-Pierre Loubinoux stresses, “The UIC World Congresses on High Speed provide, every two or three years, a unique opportunity to exchange information and best practices on all aspects related to the development of competitive, sustainable and efficient high-performance passenger transportation systems. This 10th edition should put a strong focus on new opportunities opened up by the digital revolution for sustainable operations and increased synergies between the rail sector and universities as well as the research world including start-ups, on intramodal connections and multimodality…”
The congress will be organised around three main blocks: sessions, exhibition and technical visits. Plenary and parallel sessions will focus on the most significant technical, economical and social streams. In addition, two round tables will give participants the opportunity to interact and exchange knowledge.
10th world congress on High Speed Rail 2018
Venue: Ankara, Turkey
Date: 8-11 May 2018
Registration Link: Click Here
Show website: www.uic-highspeed2018.com
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