Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Ltd. has invited open tenders for the work, “Supply of 788 MT UIC 60/60E1, R260 Grade Rails, for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-II”.
- Tender No: GMRC/R260 Rail/Ahmedabad/PH-II/2022
- Name of Work: Supply of 788 MT UIC 60/60E1, R260 Grade Rails, for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-II
- Estimated Cost: INR 6.16 Crore
- Completion Period: 7 Months
- Document Sale: 26/03/2022 to 12/05/2022
- Pre-Bid Date: 12/04/2022
- Submission upto: 12/05/2022
- Opening Date: 12/05/2022
Minimum Eligibility Criteria:
Work Experience:
- For the Bidders having source of Rail manufacturing facility in the country of Purchaser, supply of a minimum quantity of 8000MT of rails during last seven years, out of which, minimum 800 MT supply should be of 60 E1 (UIC 60)-880/R260 Grade Rail conforming to IRS-T-12-2009 or equivalent international standards.
- In case of supplies from other countries, out of total quantity, 4000 MT Rails should have been to countries outside the country of production from the proposed Rail manufacturing facility as per international standards specification.
- Documentary evidence of R260 Grade Rail manufacturing facility, certified by international accredited agency, shall be submitted with the bid.
- Also, the Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the Goods it offers meet the following usage requirement(s): The rails proposed to be supplied in this bid are as per IRS-T-12-2009 latest Specifications. The Bidder shall furnish clause by clause confirmation of IRS-T-12-2009 latest Specifications for the rails proposed to be supplied in this contract.
- Supply of fully completed works shall be taken into consideration for meeting work experience criteria. “Similar Work” means Supply of Rail 60 E1 (UIC 60)-880/R260 Grade Rail conforming to IRS-T-12-2009 or equivalent international standards.
- Work experience of only substantial partner (partner with share of 26% or more in the JV / Consortium) shall be considered for evaluating of JV/Consortium.
- The tenderer shall submit details of works executed by them in the Performa of Appendix-17 & 17A Section IV (Bidding Form). for the works to be considered for qualification of work experience criteria. Documentary proof of completion certificates from client clearly indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion for such work should be submitted. The offers submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated. In case the work is executed for private client, copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received certified by C.A., T.D.S certificates for all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by client shall also be submitted. The offers submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated.
- Value of successfully completed portion of any ongoing work up to last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission will also be considered for qualification of work experience criteria, provided at least 70% of the Contract value of work is completed. The details to be furnished in Appendix – 17 & 17A along with the Engineer / Employer’s certificate and other requisite details as mentioned in NIT/Tender Document. The Engineer / Employer’s certificate for ongoing works should not be older than three months from the tender submission date.
- For completed works, value of work done shall be updated to last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign currency portions per year. The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be applicable 28 days before the submission date of tender. For updation, the rate of inflation will be applied on compounding basis.
- In case of Joint venture / Consortium, full value of the work, if done by the same joint venture shall be considered. If the qualifying work(s) were done by them in JV/Consortium having different constituents (consist of other than Indian Contractor or consist of Indian contractor with less than 40% share), then the value of work as per their percentage participation in such JV/Consortium shall be considered, but in case if the qualifying work(s) were done by them in JV/consortium having different constituents (consist of Indian contractor with 40% or more participation), then the value of work as per Indian contractor percentage participation in such JV/consortium shall be taken two times subject to the maximum of 100% for the consideration of value of the work for work experience.
- If the above work(s) i.e. “Similar works” comprise other works, then client’s certificate clearly indicating the amount of work done in respect of the “similar work” shall be furnished by the tenderer in support of work experience along-with their tender submissions.
About the Project:
- The Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-II, having one corridor with a combined length (including Extension) of 26.91 km which include 22.838 km from Motera Stadium to Mahatma Mandir (Corridor-1) and 5.416 km from GNLU to GIFT City (Corridor-2).
- Corridor-1 has 20 stations and Corridor-2 has two stations along the route. All stations are elevated.
- The Surat Metro Rail project Phase I, having two metro rail corridors with a combined length of 40.35 km.
- Total 38 stations are proposed consisting of elevated and underground stations. First corridor is proposed from Sarthana to Dream city Line.
- The length of this corridor will be 21.61 km of which 6.47 km would be underground and the rest 15.14 km will be elevated.
- Second corridor is from Bhesan to Saroli.
- The length of this corridor will be 18.74 km, and will be completely elevated.
- The Gujarat Metrorail Corporation (GMRC) Limited is being financed from Agence Française de Développement (“AFD”) and Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KFW) for Ahmedabad metro Rail Project Phase-II and Surat Metro Rail Project Phase-I.
- As per the requirement, GMRCL needs to Appoint a Third Party Auditor for Rehabilitation and Resettlement activities for both projects.
- As per the draft SIA report, total 118 PAFs for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase II and total 676 households for Surat Metro Rail Phase I, are getting affected due to the Metro Alignment, Station Box, Depots etc.
- The number of affected households/families may vary as per the design if any.
The complete documents can be downloaded from
Source: GMRC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): GMRC
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