Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., (BMRCL) a Joint Venture of Government of Karnataka and Government of India, invites open Bid through National Competitive Bidding (Single Stage – Two Envelope System) from eligible, reputed and experienced Consultants (JV/Consortium Not Permitted) for Design, Fabrication, Supply and Installation of Signage and Graphics for Stations of Reach – 5 of Phase-II
- Tender Reference Number: BMRCL/ELE/0301/2022
- Name of Work: Design, Fabrication, Supply and Installation of Signage and Graphics for Stations of Reach – 5 of Phase-II
- Estimated Cost: INR 10,34,22,932 Crore
- EMD: INR 15 Lakh
- Completion Period: 06 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 20th June, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 20th July, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 20th June, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 20th July, 2022
- Pre-bid Meeting: 05th July, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 27th July, 2022
- The Tenderers shall submit Tenders for the whole of the Works. The Tenderers are required to submit three separate sealed covers, one containing the Tender Security/EMD, and the Second Cover containing the Form of Tender and the details of their capability to undertake the Tender (as detailed in ITT Clause 2 and 3), any other submissions as per requirements of Tender Document and signed Tender document, and the Third Cover containing Priced Bill of Quantities.
- The First Cover containing the Tender Security/EMD shall open first.
- The Second cover will be opened only when the Tender Security/EMD has been found acceptable, and
- The Third Cover will be opened only of those Tenderers who are found to be qualified to execute the tendered work.
- All Tenderers are hereby cautioned that Tenders shall be submitted without any deviation, alteration or modification. Tenders containing any deviation from contractual terms and conditions, specifications and other requirements shall be considered as non-responsive and shall be liable for rejection.
- BMRCL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason. No Tenderer shall have any cause of action or claim against BMRCL for rejection of his Tender.
- A firm after purchase of the Tender document in their name can submit the Tender in their firm name only.
- Addendum / Corrigendum, if any will be intimated to all the Tenderers and also will be uploaded on BMRCL Website.
- Last date for submission of queries in writing by Tenderers as per date, time and place mentioned in -Key Details” of NIT.
The complete documents can be downloaded from www.bmrc.co.in
Source: BMRCL -Tender | Image Credit (representational): BMRCL
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