Defence PSU BEML Limited has achieved a Turnover of Rs. 3839.19 Crores, and Value of production of Rs 3801.52 Crores.
More Details:
- Profit Before Tax (PBT) during Financial Year 2022-23stoodatRs. 278.60 Crores, with a growth of 35.41% over the Profit Before Tax (PBT) of Rs. 205.74 Crores recorded during the previous year.
- During the 4 th Quarter of FY 2022-23, Profit Before Tax (PBT) has increased to Rs. 278.04 Crores from Rs. 205.65 Crores recorded in the corresponding period of the previous year registering a growth of 35.20%.
- Profit After Tax (PAT) during FY 2022-23 stood at Rs. 158.78 Crores, with a growth of 17.97% over the Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs. 134.59 Crores recorded during the previous year.
- During the 4 th Quarter of FY 2022-23, Profit After Tax (PAT) has increased to Rs. 158.22 Crores from Rs. 134.50 Crores recorded in the corresponding period of the previous year registering a growth of 17.64%.
- The order book position of the company as on 1 st April, 2023 stood at Rs. 8570 Crores.
About BEML:
- BEML Limited is a leading multi-technology ‘Schedule A’ company under the Ministry of Defence, plays a pivotal role in serving India’s core sectors like Defence, Rail, Power, Mining and Construction by offering world class products.
- BEML operates in three verticals viz. Defence & Aerospace, Mining & Construction and Rail & Metro and has state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities located at Bangalore, Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), Mysore, Palakkad.
- BEML has very strong R&D infrastructure. BEML also has a nationwide network of sales and services.
Source: BEML- Press Release
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