DMRC has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to M/s Centre for Environment Research and Development for EIA & SIA study for preparation of DPR for Metro Corridor from Greater Noida KP-II to Noida International Airport (35 km approx.)
- Tender No.: NIT/03/GM/CS/2021-22
- Name of work: EIA & SIA study for preparation of DPR for Metro Corridor from Greater Noida KP-II to Noida International Airport (35 km approx.)
- Accepted Contract Amount: Approx 10 Lakh
- Work Completion Period (in days): 45 Days
In February this year, DMRC invited a tender for Tender Number: NIT/03/GM/CS/2021-22
Scope of work:
The scope of work broadly consists of the following activities:
- Identifying and defining regulatory framework, legislative requirements and available standards;
- Reconnaissance survey of the proposed route alignment;
- Identification of hot spots like coastal zone involvement of forests, roads, rail crossing, bridges, rivers, nallahs, surface drainage as well as hydro geological conditions including aquifer geometry and groundwater flow etc.;
- Assessment of existing land use pattern and feasibility of the entire rail link route with respect to availability of natural resources within the statutory frame work;
- Study the impact on the flora and fauna of the proposed project area and also on the monuments as per applicable by laws;
- Establish the baseline status of the study area with reference to the air, noise / vibration, water and soil quality along the section;
- Identification and suitability of sites for disposal of muck material generated from tunnelling and cutting for roads and design of retaining structures;
- Identification and assessment of habitation coming under entire section especially with respect to noise/vibration impacts, resettlement and rehabilitation requirements;
- Study the possible impacts of the project on land use pattern and suggesting alternative land use for environmental sustainability;
- Suggest suitable measures for restoration of the drainage net work
- Suggest suitable measures separately for mitigating the impact of noise and vibration in surrounding environment and habitated area that is likely to be generated from the speed of the train;
- The environmental and social baseline data collection for the entire proposed corridor at selected locations;
- Preparing and suggesting adequate environmental management plan for environment sustainability, including environmental costs.
- The consultant is also required to study the alignment against the extant equirements of Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification and Forest Conservation Act, if applicable.
The EIA report should include the following items appropriate to the magnitude and impact of this project:
- Executive Summary: it brings out significant findings and recommended actions in a concise and lucid manner.
- Policy, legal and administrative framework: discusses the policy, legal and administrative framework within which the EIA report is developed and carried out.
- Project description: describes the proposed project and its geographic, ecological, social and temporal context, including any off-site requirements such as utility diversion, access roads, electricity and water supply requirements, housing for labour, estimates of building material and other inputs. All project details and activities that are likely to have environmental impacts are found here. The need for any resettlement or social development plan is indicated here. Should include a map showing the projects site and the area(s) affected by the project.
- Consideration of alternatives: systematically compares feasible alternatives to the proposed project including the “Business-as-usual (without project)” scenario in terms of their potential environmental impacts; the feasibility of mitigating these impacts; their capital and recurrent costs. Environmental impacts to the extent possible are quantified for each of the alternatives along with economic implications, where feasible. Basis for selecting the particular project design is clearly stated as the best environmental option and recommends approaches to pollution prevention and abatement for the recommended option.
- Baseline data: Studies and assesses the location and physical dimensions of the project area and describes relevant physical, biological and socio-economic conditions. Current and proposed development activities within the project area but not directly connected to the project are also taken into account. Data should be relevant to decisions about project site, design, operation, or mitigatory measures.
- The section includes data on trees, meteorology, ambient air quality such as PM10, SO2, NOx, HC, CO, and other parameters defined under “NAAQS”, surface and ground water quality, noise and vibration, traffic conditions etc. existence of sensitive historical and archaeological monuments, national park, zoological/botanical garden, notified water bodies and similar significant structures and attributes within the influence zone of the project corridors are studies. Accuracy, reliability and sources of the data are clearly brought out in this section.
- Identification, Prediction and Assessment of Environmental Impacts; predicts and assesses the project’s likely positive and negative impacts, in quantitative terms to the extent possible due to project location, design, construction and operation. Positive and negative impacts are reported separately. Prediction of Impacts is made by using appropriate models and contours are submitted.
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP): Identifies mitigation measures and any negative environmental impact that cannot be mitigated. Explores opportunities for environmental enhancement. Describes mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during design, construction and operation to eliminate adverse impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels. Most recent guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board are considered in designing the EMP. The EMP considers prevention, conservation and mitigation options or combinations thereof and recommends institutional arrangements to effectively monitor the EMP, also calculating the cost of items recommended under EMP. In addition, an Environmental Monitoring Program is prepared which details the parameters, frequency, location protocol and associated costs both during construction and operation of the project. It also includes:
- Preparation and submission of environmental management strategy; development plan.
- Storm water drainage and outfall shall be described.
- Application of renewable energy/ alternate energy such as solar energy, wind energy etc.
- Management of waste discharged by the project and the services during operation and construction phases.
- Identification of arrangements.
- Recyclable wastes and waste utilization Inventory of waste disposal facilities and immediate plan of additional facilities.
- Arrangement for hazardous waste management will be described.
- Facilities for waste collection, treatment, recycling and disposal (all effluent generated from loco sheds, emission and refuse including MSW).
- Traffic management plan including parking & loading/unloading areas will be described.
- Provision of green belt as a measure for mitigation of dust and noise.
- EMP to include technical & institutional aspects for pre-treatment by constituent units.
- Use of environmental friendly material and local building material will be discussed. The provisions of Fly Ash Notification shall be kept in view.
- Visibility of proposed structures and its impact on the scenic beauty (scenic value, aesthetics & culture).
- Environmental Management Plan shall be accompanied with the Environmental Monitoring Plan and Environmental Cost & Benefit Analysis.
- The facilities to be provided in the stations.
- Provisions for housing of construction labour within site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc.
Source: DMRC-Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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