Chennai Metro Rail Limited has always endeavoured to provide the people of Chennai a safe, efficient and a reliable travel partner.
More Details:
- A total of 66,07,458 passengers have travelled in the Metro Trains from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023.
- A total of 63,69,282 passengers have travelled in the Metro Trains from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023.
- February 10, 2023 recorded the highest passenger flow for the month, with 2,61,668 passengers.
- In the month of February, 2023 a total of 20,20,027 passengers have utilised the QR Code ticketing system, while 39,85,113 passengers have used Travel Card Ticketing System.
- CMRL offers a 20% discount on Mobile QR Code ticketing (Single, Return, Group Tickets and Q.R Trip passes). Additionally, 20% discount fares are also available on Metro Travel Cards.
- CMRL wishes to thank its passengers for their continuous support and cooperation.
About CMRL:
- The Chennai Metro is a rapid transit system serving the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL), a joint venture between Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu, operates the Chennai Metro. It is the third longest metro system in India after Delhi Metro and Hyderabad metro.
- The Phase-I of Chennai Metro Rail project covers a length of 45.046 km network and consists of two corridors i.e. Corridor-I (Blue Line) – From Washermenpet to Airport (23.085 Km), Corridor -2 (Green Line) – From Chennai Central to St. Thomas Mount (21.961 km).
- About 55% of the corridors in Phase-I are underground and the remaining elevated. Out of 32 nos of stations 13 nos are elevated stations and the remaining 19 nos are underground stations.
- Inter corridor interchange stations are available at Alandur (Elevated) station and Chennai Central (Underground) station respectively. The system commenced service in 2015 after partially opening the first phase of the project.
Source: Chennai Metro- Press Release | Image Credit (representational): CMRL
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