The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) resumed its services in a graded manner from 07-09-2020. A total of 31,52,446 passengers have travelled in the Metro Train from 07.09.2020 to 31.12.2020.
- A total of 3,60,193 passengers have travelled in the Metro Train from 07.09.2020 to 30.09.2020.
- A total of 7,03,223 passengers have travelled in the Metro Train from 01.10.2020 to 31.10.2020.
- A total of 8,58,546 passengers have travelled in the Metro Train from 01.11.2020 to 30.11.2020.
- A total of 12,30,484 passengers have travelled in the Metro Train from 01.12.2020 to 31.12.2020.
- On 21.12.2020 a total of 47,214 passengers have used the Metro Train to commute.
- A total of 83,813 passengers have utilised the recently launched QR code ticketing system from September, 2020 to December, 2020 and 18,49,944 passengers have used the Travel Card Ticketing System from September, 2020 to December, 2020.
- In the month of December, 2020 a total of 29,583 passengers have utilised the QR Code ticketing system.
- While 6,58,213 passengers have used the Travel Card Ticketing System.
- CMRL offers a 20% discount on QR Code ticketing namely Single Journey Q.R Ticket, Return Journey Q.R Ticket, Group Q.R Ticket and Q.R Trip passes from 11.09.2020.
- 10% discount is already available for passengers using Travel Cards.
All the Entrance gates at all Metro Stations have been opened for Public use considering the convenience and welfare of Public and Chennai Metro Rail Passengers. Also, all the facilities inside the Metro Stations such as Lifts, Escalators and Subways connecting the Entrance of Metro Stations are also being opened to benefit the Public and Metro Rail Passengers.
Recent initiatives:
As part of creating safety awareness to the general public and passengers travelling in the Metro Train, it has been planned to conduct Covid-19 related awareness drives in the Metro Stations and Metro Trains.
- In this connection, CMRL in association with ‘Nimirvu Kalaiyagam’ conducted a Parai Performance at Airport Metro Station (Street Level) from 06:30 pm – 08:30 pm on 01.01.2021.
- Several passengers and Public were enthralled by their performance.
- In continuation with Covid-19 Awareness Drives, Nimirvu Kalaiyagam will be doing a Parai Performance at Thirumangalam Metro Station (Street Level) from 06:30 pm – 08:30 pm on 03.01.2021.
Source: CMRL-Press Release
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