Chennai Metro Update: Tender invited for supply, installation and maintenance support of CCTV video surveillance system

Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has invited digitally signed open e-tender through e-procurement portal for Design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, training, operational acceptance and technical/maintenance support of CCTV video surveillance system.

  • Tender Reference Number: CMRL/SYS/ASA_02B/2023
  • Name of Work: Design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, training, operational acceptance and technical/maintenance support of CCTV video surveillance system.
  • EMD: INR 29 Lakh
  • Duration of Contract: 12 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 04th Dec, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 18th January, 2024
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 20th December, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 08th January, 2024
  • Bid Submission End Date: 18th January, 2024
  • Bid Opening Date: 19th January, 2024

Scope of Work:

  • The scope, as described herein, comprises the sub-systems as outlined below which are described in detail in the particular specifications.
  • The Contractor shall take due account in the design, site installation and commissioning of the systems.

Control and Management System:

  • Within the OCC, the CCTV Video Surveillance System HMIs shall be provided to enable the Employer’s operations staff to monitor, operate and control the locally and remotely installed (such as at the ventilation shaft) communications facilities.
  • At all other staffed locations such as stations and at the depot the Employer’s operations staff shall monitor, operate and control the locally installed communications facilities via the Station/depot CCTV Video Surveillance System HMIs. 

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Video Surveillance System:

  • The CCTV system shall be installed throughout all of the Employer’s sites (including street level and parking areas) for area and personnel surveillance.
  • The system shall interact with various other systems such as Fire Alarm and Access Control/Intruder Detection to automatically present to the Employer’s operator’s relevant camera images as the situation demands
  • A Driver only Operation (DOO) CCTV shall be provided within surface and subsurface stations to present the CCTV images to the drivers of trains operating through the route sections.
  • Video Analytics as described in the particular specifications for the proposed CCTV Video Surveillance systems in Phase-1 part of this contract and Implementation of Video Analytics in the Existing CCTV system of Phase-1 Extension.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS):

  • The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all of the power distribution cables and power distribution boards required external to the UPS room to the Contractor’s equipment.
  • The provision of the centralised UPS is outside the scope of this document.
  • The DC supply if required to operate any sub-System shall be provided by the Contractor.

General Requirements:

  • The Employer intends to award a single contract for all of the Works and services of the Chennai Metro Project forming the CCTV Video Surveillance System for Phase-1 stations, and Build, as described herein, and as further detailed within the Particular Specifications detailed.
  • The Works covered by this specification include, as a minimum, detailed design, manufacture, procurement, supply, factory testing, packing and transport to site, installation, site testing, commissioning and handover of the works to the Employer’s representative.
  • The Contractor shall provide a consolidated and integrated project team for the scope covering all project management, supervision, design office, liaison and site works;
  • The scope of supply includes, as a minimum, the supply of equipment, cables, materials, accessories, connectors, interfaces, software and antenna masts, etc, forming the Design and Build for the Employer’s metro project.
  • Interface management between systems, existing completed phase-1 network and phase 1 extension, other project disciplines/departments of CMRL, other project contractors engaged by the Employer and external agencies including, as a minimum, the following:
  • Liaison, via the Employer’s representative, with the Automatic Fare Collection, ACID system and Fire Alarm/Detection System project contractors, engaged by the Employer, on communications circuit interfaces if required;
  • Liaison, via the Employer’s representative, with the relevant civil engineering Department/Project Contractor’s, engaged by the Employer, for cable routing, equipment positioning and fixing, power supplies, earthing and installation activities;
  • As the facilities are operational, the contractor will have to avail Permission to Work (PTW), from authorised personnel of CMRL while performing various activities, part of the works. The contractor must take at most care to protect the existing facilities. Any damage made during the works needs to be made good by the contractor.
  • Allowance in the design to readily facilitate in the future.
  • The supply of spare parts.
  • The staged supply of all documentation required to cover the various project phases from commencement of the project through system operation, handover, maintenance and project completion.
  • Compliance to all applicable Statutory Requirements, International Codes and Engineering Standards.
  • Site surveys and site trials.
  • Provision of site offices and site storage areas, including associated utilities, to support the installation and testing of the site works.
  • Decommissioning, removal and disposal of Temporary Works.
  • Dismantling of existing Analogue CCTV cameras and related accessories, where ever found a hindrance to new CCTV installations. (Locations like Platform, tunnel cross passages or any other locations).
  • Provision of prototypes, mock-ups, emulation and simulation as required;
  • Training of the Employer’s staff on systems operation and maintenance prior to sub-system handover.
  • Maintenance of the systems, subsequent to sub-system commissioning, prior to entering operational service.
  • Comprehensive maintenance of the systems, following the completion of the works.
  • Fault rectification of the CCTV Video Surveillance systems in accordance with warranty and Defects Liability requirements.

Works Excluded from Contractor’s Scope:

  • The demarcation between the Contractor’s scope of work and other parties, in particular other Project Contractors engaged by the Employer, are outlined in general within the relevant interface sheets.
  • Except for the facilities provided by the Employer, the Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all other facilities required to complete the works, up to the agreed interface demarcation points.

Work-site Facilities:

  • The site facilities shown on the Contract Drawings will be made available by the Employer to the Contractor for commencement of the on-site work on the dates set out or shall be provided.
  • The Contractor shall take due account of the dates of availability of such facilities in the programming and planning of the Contractor’s Works.
  • The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s representative, 30 days prior to the commencement date of the Works, details and notice of its intention to use any of the Employer’s facilities and the period of usage.

The Contractor shall be responsible for:

  • Design layout of all Equipment Rooms and Control Rooms, incorporating in the design the layout requirements of CCTV Video Surveillance system equipment and facilities.
  • Design layout and the positioning of all field equipment devices pertaining to CCTV Video Surveillance system;
  • The scope of supply for the IP based CCTV surveillance system shall include, but not limited to:
  • CCTV Control equipment at stations and depots.
  • Full HD fixed and PTZ IP cameras as per requirement.
  • CCTV HMI Workstations in SCR, Security room, OCC, DCC and Security Control room in OCC.
  • All types of cables, supporting and mounting brackets, installation materials, accessories, equipment racks, termination protections devices etc as per site conditions.
  • All software and firmware required shall be supplied with license given to CMRL for lifetime and any upgrades within the currency of contract shall be free of cost.
  • Design, supply and installation of all cable routes within Equipment Rooms and Control Rooms as required, pertaining to CCTV Video Surveillance system.
  • Design, supply and installation of spur cable routes within field locations;
  • Power for CCTV Video Surveillance systems shall be tapped from Telecom ACDB by adding suitable MCBs or other methods as per site conditions.
  • Installation, testing and labelling of all equipment and cables within the Contractor’s scope of supply up to designated interface connection points;
  • Video Analytics for New Cameras planned in Phase -1 Stations part of this contract as well for the existing CCTV Video Surveillance available in Phase-1 Extension stations
  • Removal of existing Analogue CCTV Cameras based on site conditions and appropriate storage/handing over to CMRL of the same is in the scope of this work.


  • A Bidder may be a firm that is a single entity or any combination of such entities in the form of a joint venture (JV) under an existing agreement or with the intent to enter into such an agreement supported by a letter of intent. In the case of a JV:
  • All members shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and
  • The JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the members of the JV during the bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during Contract execution.
  • A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. A Bidder shall not be employed under any of the circumstances set forth below throughout the bidding/selection process and/or the execution of the Contract unless the conflict has been resolved in a manner acceptable to JICA.
  • A firm shall be disqualified from providing goods or non consulting services resulting from or directly related consulting services for the preparation or implementation of a project that it provided or were provided by any affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with that firm.
  • This provision does not apply to the various firms (consultants, contractors, or suppliers) only due to the reason that those stations are under a turnkey or design and build contract.
  • A firm that has a close business relationship with the Borrower s professional personnel, who are directly or indirectly involved in any part of: (i) the preparation of the prequalification and Bidding Documents for the Contract, (ii) the prequalification and Bid evaluation, or (iii) the supervision of such Contract, shall be disqualified.
  • Ensure fair competition, a firm and any affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with that firm shall not be allowed to submit more than one Bid, either individually or as a member in a JV. A firm (including its affiliate), if acting in the capacity of a Subcontractor in one Bid, may participate in other Bids, only in that capacity.
  • A firm having any other form of conflict of interest other than (a) through (c) above shall be disqualified.

About CMRL:

  • The Chennai Metro is a rapid transit system serving the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL), a joint venture between Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu, operates the Chennai Metro. It is the third longest metro system in India after Delhi Metro and Hyderabad metro.
  • The Phase-I of Chennai Metro Rail project covers a length of 45.046 km network and consists of two corridors i.e. Corridor-I (Blue Line) – From Washermenpet to Airport (23.085 Km), Corridor -2(Green Line) – From Chennai Central to St. Thomas Mount (21.961 km).
  • About 55% of the corridors in Phase-I are underground and the remaining elevated. Out of 32 nos of stations 13 nos are elevated stations and the remaining 19 nos are underground stations.
  • Inter corridor interchange stations are available at Alandur (Elevated) station and Chennai Central (Underground) station respectively. The system commenced service in 2015 after partially opening the first phase of the project.

The complete documents can be downloaded from

Source: CMRL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): CMRL

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