In continuation to the tender for construction of 4 Underground Stations on corridor-3 of Phase-2, the Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has invited sealed online tenders through e-procurement portal from reputed and experienced web & mobile application developers/service providers for CMRL Track maintenance through competitive bidding on two envelope/Packet system, (technical & financial) with initial filter for the works as detailed below.
- Name of Work: Design, Development & Implementation of web based application & Mobile application for Track Maintenance Management System (TRAMMS) including Store Management System.
- Tender No.: CMRL/TM/02/2020
- Tender Security Amount (EMD): INR Rs.5,000/-
- Period Of Work(Days): 90
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 21-Dec-2020
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 14-Dec-2020
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 20-Jan-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 11-Jan-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 20-Jan-2021
- Bid Opening Date: 21-Jan-2021
Scope of work:
TRAMMS is expected to have the following systems and functions, at a minimum
System: | Function: |
Maintenance Management System | Shall fully implement a track maintenance management solution as per CMRL requirement.
Material Management System | Manage the complete inventory and store activities by synchronizing with the maintenance management system. It shall have the following features, at the minimum.
Hardware & Software |
The above features are indicative only but not exhaustive. The developer is free to innovate their own ideas to fulfil or exceed the said scope of the project.
- The above two systems mentioned above shall seamlessly exchange data among themselves, to have a smooth maintenance process. For example, maintenance management systems shall have the capability to analyze the data received from Hardware systems and contractors to raise work order/ requirement to store management systems for all defects and to send alerts.
- Material management system shall receive the data from maintenance management system for keeping the spares ready for maintenance.
- The above example is an indication only. Solution providers shall clearly describe the interfaces among the two systems in their technical proposal.
- CMRL will provide necessary space/ Room to install private servers (if opted) inside the depot.
All bids are to be submitted on-line on the website (http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app).
Source: CMRL-Tender | Image Credit: CMRL
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