The National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) has invited online open e-tenders for the work Final Alignment design including Aerial LiDAR survey and other related works for Delhi-Amritsar High Speed Rail Corridor (about 459 kms. long).
- Contract Package No: NHSRCL/CO/CA/LIDAR/2020/44
- Approximate cost of work: INR 10.20 Crores
- Tender Security: INR 11,10,400/-
- Completion period of the Work: 150 days
- Pre-bid Meeting: 11.12.2020
- Tender submission start date: 19.12.2020
- Tender submission end date: 28.12.2020
- Date of opening of Tender online: 29.12.2020
Scope of work:
The services to be rendered by the Contractor include all the work described in these technical requirements for the corridors described in Table-1 above. The Contractor shall submit relevant documents for approval wherever required and will interact with the concerned authorities/State Government/other Govt. departments as required.
- The work shall be executed in a phased manner unless otherwise directed by NHSRCL so that succeeding tasks can also be initiated as per Schedule for timely completion of the Project.
- The scope of work shall be carried out as per NHSRCL’s Schedule of Dimension for High Speed Rail, Relevant Design manual, IS codes and as per International accepted norms. The document submittals shall be in formats as per HSR Codes and manuals, soft copies and hard copies as laid down. The latest modern techniques and software shall be used for this work.
Scope for Final Alignment Report : Detailed Final Location Survey and Studies with final alignment design:
The contractor shall further refine the alignment in the selected alignment corridor by undertaking detailed Final Location Survey using Aerial LiDAR technology along with establishment of Ground Control Network, Pillar fixing, Hydrological Survey (wherever required) and final alignment design (horizontal as well as vertical). For doing this, the contractor shall undertake the following:
Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey
The contractor will undertake Aerial LiDAR Survey complemented by Aerial Imagery in a corridor width of 300 m (150 m on either side) around the proposed alignment. Detailed Specifications are provided in TOR and Broadly the work will involve the following:
- Collection & paper study of existing alignment reports, data, drawing, documents, ground control points etc;
- Ground Control Survey to be undertaken as follows:
- Carrying out reconnaissance survey of the project area for identifying the Control Points locations for carrying out DGPS survey and preparing a plan of a grid network of Control Points on SOI topo-sheets/satellite imagery.
- Survey of India Benchmarks to be located during the above reconnaissance survey. These benchmarks shall be tested for stability and the same shall be reported to the client. The entire horizontal and vertical control shall be linked to the approved stable Benchmarks for conversion of LiDAR data to MSL.
- Master Control Network comprising of interconnected triangles (with baseline of about 25km) to be established for overall horizontal control with approx. 25 km baseline length throughout the alignment. Secondary Control Network comprising of interconnected triangles weaved with Master control network to be established with a baseline length of approx. 3-5 km throughout the alignment. Target LiDAR points to be established at an interval of approx. 5 km within the final alignment. To densify Horizontal Control Network, the GNSS triangulation method should be adopted and processing of data for network adjustment should be done to achieve an accuracy of at least 1:100,000 in horizontal.
- Establishment of vertical control referenced to SoI MSL Permanent Benchmarks to be undertaken by double tertiary leveling along the entire route by connecting target points. The threshold limit for levelling loop closure accuracy should be 12√K mm, where K is circuit length in km.
- Monumentation of Master and Secondary Control Points shall be undertaken if required in consultation with client as per Section.
- Applying to DGCA/Ministry of Defence for flying permissions as per DGCA guidelines and procedures along with adherence to all security stipulations issued by Ministry of Defence in the issue of the permit. NHSRCL will provide the necessary support.
- The contractor will mobilize an aircraft/helicopter to site fitted with state of art Aerial LiDAR and Imagery sensors (equipment as per minimum specification mentioned in Annexure 3) after due security inspection as per MoD stipulations.
- Preparation of flight plan for the Area of Interest.
- Acquiring and pre-processing LiDAR data and digital imagery with LiDAR collected at a point density of 10 points per sq m with FHA (Fundamental Horizontal Accuracy) of 10 cm and FVA (Fundamental Vertical Accuracy) of 10 cm both at 95% confidence interval level. Imagery is to be taken at a resolution of 10 cm GSD.
- Pre-processing data to be referenced to MSL with SoI permanent benchmarks
- Ground survey/Hydrological survey using traditional methods such as Echo Sounders etc along areas such as river crossings etc where Aerial LiDAR data needs to be complemented, including the following:
- 4 km (2 km on each side of centerline) along all river crossings with river cross-sections soundings (or alternate acceptable method) taken at centerline and then at every 500 m distance along upstream and downstream of the river and upto 50 m beyond high bank
- The DEM generated from this data shall be suitably merged with the LiDAR DEM in consultation with the client.
- Post-processing of LiDAR data to produce the following:
- Classified Point Cloud in LAS (.las) format (Soft Copy format)
- Three-Dimensional Topographical map of 50 m corridor on either side of the finalised alignment on a scale of 1:2500.
- Contours of 50 cm interval for the 50 m corridor
- Digital Orthophotos of 10 cm GSD resolution (in tiles and seamlessly mosaicked over the survey area)
- DSM of 1 m grid f. DEM/DTM of 1 m grid g. 3 sets of all deliverables to be provided in Hard Copy.
- Soft copy of all deliverables to be provided.
Note: The final output should be compatible with AutoCAD Civil 3D Software or similar. Appropriate QA/QC to be undertaken for the data to ensure adherence to accuracy requirements as per this TOR. Stations, yards and other installations beyond 50 m are also included in post processing output.
- All topographical information including natural & man-made features to be captured such as but not limited to streams, river, buildings, wall, fences, roads (Paved, unpaved, dirt), power-pole, power line, light poles, trees, slope top & slope bottom etc.
- Conducting Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) to establish correctness of flight operations.
- Validating horizontal and vertical accuracy through independent means.
- Compliance with other product requirements such as file naming, datum and projection, units, etc.
- Delivery of raw data, other products and supporting reports.
- Contractor may have to process data 50 m on either side of alignment, which will be done from Aerial LiDAR data captured on either side of alignment. All outputs for additional area also to be provided.
- NHSRCL will render assistance to the contractor, if deemed necessary, in obtaining the relevant permissions from various Government agencies like DGCA, MoD, CWC, GSI, SOI etc. as per the request of the Contractor, by way of forwarding request letters etc.
- Contractor has to abide by all security stipulations specified by the Ministry of Defence/Survey of India including clearance of the personnel working on this data by MHA/IB.
Tender documents may be downloaded from CPPP site https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app.
Source: NHSRCL-Tender
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