Shri Shiv Das Meena, Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board on Wednesday visited NCRTC’s Corporate office and Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor’s construction sites. Among other construction sites, he visited one of the launching gantries, to observe the on-going segment launching. He especially took note of the various dust mitigation measures like use of anti-smog guns, water sprinklers etc. taken by NCRTC to minimize pollution in and around the construction sites.
- Shri Meena was also briefed about the various unique features of India’s first RRTS such as Multimodal integration MMI and how it will transform the regional mobility in NCR.
- Shri Meena congratulated the field engineers for working in tough conditions of heavy traffic movement that too amidst Covid-19 pandemic.
- He also acknowledged the way NCRTC team is leveraging various advanced technologies especially in the field of project monitoring and cost control for the efficient execution of this commuter centric project.
- He appreciated that the sites & casting yard are being systematically maintained and clean.
- He took keen interest in understanding the systems created by NCRTC to deal with the prevailing challenges of air pollution in the project area.
Recent Achievement:
National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) on 26th October, 2020 signed an agreement with Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) for transfer of land on temporary basis for the construction of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor.
- This agreement will help in further pacing up the ongoing construction activities and deliver this commuter-centric project in time.
- NCRTC has geared up construction activities on India’s first Regional Rail between Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut.
- Superstructures are now visible on the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor.
- The RRTS will have a total length of 82.15 km (68.03 km elevated and 14.12 km underground) with 25 stations.
- It will have a design speed of 180 km per hour, maximum operating speed of 160 km per hour and high-frequency operations, which will reduce the journey time from Delhi to Meerut to 60 minutes.
- The Project will develop an efficient and sustainable regional transport system and reduce congestion in Delhi, by offering people the alternative of settling in surrounding cities and being able to commute to Delhi through a fast, reliable, safe and comfortable public transport system.
Source: NCRTC-Press Release
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