The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has invited a request for proposal (RFP) for Property Development at Escorts Mujesar Metro.
- Tender Reference Number: CPD-80R
- Name of work: Property Development at Escorts Mujesar Metro
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 16-Nov-2021
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 02-Nov-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 02-Dec-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 02-Dec-2021
Project Background:
- Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a joint venture of the Government of India (GOI) and the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) implementing the Delhi Metro Rail Projects, has been mandated by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) (formerly known as Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD)) to undertake value capture from property development initiatives for sustainable revenue generation for the DMRC vide its Policy Circular No K-14011/8/2000-MRTS (Pt.) dt 30.3.2009.
About Project Site:
- The Project Site is situated at the Line-6 Ext (Badarpur – Faridabad corridor) of Phase-III of Delhi MRTS Project. Escorts Mujesar is an elevated metro station.
- The station lies in proximity to Delhi – Agra highway (NH -2), and is accessible by road to all areas in Badarpur and Faridabad.
- DMRC has planned property development at Escorts Mujesar MRTS station along with operating facilities for commuters.
- The station will have retail and commercial space on ground and concourse floor which is proposed to be leased out for specified purposes as detailed in this document.
- Being located in the commercial sector of Faridabad, the Project Site has an excellent opportunity to become important commercial hub within this locality.
- With separate access being available for the commercial areas, prominent and spacious frontage, and a captive commuter base, these floor areas will present unique opportunities for retailers.
Scope of Work:
- The Lessee shall, at its sole expense and risk, carry out the financing, construction, procurement, management, operations and maintenance of the Leased Area in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
- Activities allowed in the leased premise shall be governed by the extent provisions of Master Plan of Delhi or any activities permitted by the local authority under the administrative jurisdiction. Indicative nature of the activities and facilities that are allowed at the Leased Space(s) are as under:
- Shopping complex / shopping mall / shopping plaza.
- Departmental Store, Discount Store, Hypermarket.
- Restaurants, Fast Food Stalls, Kiosks, food court, hotel.
- Offices, Banks, lounge.
- Educational Institutes, coaching centre.
- Computer Training Centres, IT centers.
- Warehouse/store.
- Showrooms for Consumer goods like Garments, Electronics / electrical Items, general utilities, automobiles etc.
- The Lessee may use or allow the use of the Leased Area for other activities which are not envisaged in Clause 4.3.2 above, only after taking prior written approval of DMRC.
- The Lessee shall carry out the designing and development of the Leased Area in strict compliance with all applicable laws, in particular, applicable building codes and standards and good industry practice, which shall not in any manner endanger the commuters or the Project Site. Further, it is agreed and understood by the Lessee that proprietary interest on all development carried out by the Lessee on the Leased Space(s) shall vest with the Lesser and the Lessee relinquishes all its rights in such development in favor of the Lesser.
- Subject to terms of this Agreement and approval of the DMRC, the Lessee shall be free to design the layout plan and undertake the subdivision and partitioning works, interior design works along with utilities like power supply, water supply, toilets, drainage, HVAC, fire fighting, and telecommunications.
- Provided that, (a) the Lessee, the Sub-Lessee(s) and their representatives, agents and other persons undertaking works shall duly adhere to the provisions of all Applicable Laws including and in particular the prevalent building bye-laws of the place where the Leased Space(s) is located and specified guidelines /requirements of other competent authorities; (b) the facilities and works being undertaken or installed shall not in any manner affect, hinder or interfere with the free movement of the passengers,
- DMRC‟s staff agents and representatives and visitors; (c) the width of passage and common area for movement of persons in the Leased Area shall be kept as per prevalent building bye- laws; (d) no material shall be stored or kept outside the Leased Space(s) or in the common area meant for movement of persons; (e) no surplus construction machinery and materials, including hazardous materials and wastes shall be left at any place in the Leased Space(s) or the station.
- Before applying to any other competent authority for sanction of the scheme/Leased Space(s) layout, the Lessee is required to primarily obtain DMRC‟s written approval on its proposed drawings and specifications with due consideration of accessibility for maintenance of existing utilities i.e. water supply, power supply, fire fighting, telecommunication, bearing etc. to ensure that the proposed developments do not conflict with the DMRC‟s activities and functional requirements, structural aspects, utilities and all traffic movement requirements.
- It is agreed that DMRC shall not unreasonably interfere with the internal layout of the complex proposed by the Lessee. DMRC shall convey its decision within a maximum period of 30(thirty) days after scrutinizing the submission. Delay by DMRC in communicating such a decision beyond the 30 days period, shall not be construed as an approval. In case DMRC is not satisfied and raises any objections, the Lessee shall be required to appropriately amend/modify his scheme / Leased Space(s) layout within a reasonable time frame and seek DMRC‟s approval on the same.
- The Lessee shall approach any other competent authority for sanction of the design etc. only after receiving the written approval of DMRC. The Lessee shall use only standard materials including but not restricted to electrical materials as per standards prevalent in DMRC. In this connection the Lessee is required to get approval of all material from the concerned department of DMRC before commencement of works during the Moratorium Period.
- Save as on account of Force Majeure or reasons solely attributable to DMRC with no contributory factor of the Lessee, the Lessee shall have to complete in all respects the Fit-out Activities within the Moratorium Period and DMRC may thereafter be entitled to restrict the development on the Leased Space(s).
- The liability of the Lessee to pay the consideration and other amounts to DMRC shall however commence from the Commencement Date as stated in Article 3 and the Lease Period shall be restricted to 15 years from the Commencement Date notwithstanding the time allowed for completion under this Clause.
- For delays on account of Force Majeure or reasons attributable solely to DMRC with no contributory factor of the Lessee, the due date for the first Lease Fee and Lease Period shall be extended accordingly by the „period of delay‟ in the sole discretion of DMRC, however, no financial claims shall be entertained by DMRC on this account.
- The lessee acknowledges and accepts that the parking facility shall be as per the availability of the project site and no special arrangement or exclusive parking area shall be provided by DMRC.
- The Lessee shall make its own fire-fighting arrangements for the Leased Area. Such fire- fighting arrangements shall conform to the IS Code of Practice / Delhi Fire Services norms.
- The Lessee shall ensure installation of automatic sprinkler systems, fire alarm & detection system as per the approval of DMRC and shall only commence the required activities on the Leased Space(s) only upon inspection and approval by the concerned department of DMRC.
- In this connection the Lessee will provide unfettered access to DMRC‟s officers for the purpose of inspection from time to time and shall at own risk and cost install and complete works as may be instructed by the officers of DMRC.
- The Lessee shall be solely responsible and liable for development of the Leased Area and implementation of the scheme/Leased Space(s) layout. DMRC shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever to either the Lessee or its contractors or agents and Sub-Lessees for any default or failure by the Lessee to comply with statutory requirements, design and construction as per the Applicable Laws in particular building codes and good industry practice, observance of safety and security measures at Leased Space(s) etc.
The complete bid document can be downloaded by the bidder from the website of https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.
Source: DMRC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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