Delhi Metro Update: Tender invited for consultancy for assessment of ground borne vibrations & design of track for DMRC underground phase-4 corridor

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.(DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Expression of interest for the work consultancy for assessment of ground borne vibrations & to establish a criterion for design of track form system for vibration mitigation measures for DMRC underground phase-4 corridors (line-8 ext i.e. Janakpuri west-Majlis park-R.K. Ashram and line-10 i.e. Tughlakabad to Aerocity).

  • Tender Reference Number: EOI/DMRC/Noise and Vibration
  • Name of Work: Expression of interest for the work consultancy for assessment of ground borne vibrations & to establish a criterion for design of track form system for vibration mitigation measures for DMRC underground phase-4 corridors (line-8 ext i.e. Janakpuri west-Majlis park-R.K. Ashram and line-10 i.e. Tughlakabad to Aerocity).
  • Completion period of Work: 01 Year
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 11th August, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 08th September, 2022
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 18th August, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 02nd September, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 08th September, 2022
  • Tender Opening Date: 09th September, 2022

Length of the DMRC Phase IV Corridors:

  • Underground section of Line-8 Ext. i.e. Janakpuri West- Majlis Park- R.K. Ashram- Length: Approx. U/G section – 9.42 Route kms.
  • Underground section of Line-10 i.e. (Tughlakabad to Aerocity)- Length: Approx. U/G section – 9.776 Route Kms

Site Visits:

  • The Applicant is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the EOI for the proposed work.
  • The costs of visiting the Site shall be borne by the Applicant. It shall be deemed that the Applicant has undertaken a visit to the Site of Works and is aware of the site conditions prior to the submission of the EOI documents.
  • The Applicant and any of his personnel will be granted permission by the DMRC to enter upon the premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition that the Applicant, and his personnel, will release and indemnify the DMRC and his personnel from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.


  • Based on the response to EOIs, DMRC may float an open tender for the Consultancy for Assessment of ground borne vibrations & to establish a criterion for design of track form system for Vibration Mitigation Measures for Phase-IV Corridors or a limited tender restricted to the applicants found  suitable in the eligibility criteria as set out in Clause A2 and response as per Clause E3 of Instruction to Applicants.
  • The Applicant must not have been banned by DMRC/ Any Other Metro Organisation (100% owned by Govt.)/ Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs/ Order of Ministry of Commerce, applicable for all Ministries as on the date of EOI submission.
  • The Applicant must not have suffered bankruptcy/ insolvency during the last five (05) years (from the last day of previous month of the EOI submission).
  • Each Applicant or any associate is required to confirm and declare with his EOI in Annexure-III that no agent, middleman or any intermediary has been, or will be, engaged to provide any services, or any other item or work related to the award and performance of this EOI and declare that no agency commission or any payment which may be construed as an agency commission has been, or will be paid.
  • If the Employer subsequently finds to the contrary, the Employer reserves the right to declare the Applicant as non-compliant, and declare any Contract if already awarded to the Applicant to be null and void.
  • Applicants including all substantial members of JV/Consortium should have been incorporated more than three years earlier from the last day of the previous month of EOI submission.

Similar Work:

  • Similar work shall be “Assessment of ground borne vibrations, noise & vibration measurement, mitigation measures and design of track form for vibration mitigation measures including the selection of fastening system in projects having underground train systems like underground Metro”.

Measurement of Noise & Vibration:

  • Method statement for measurement of ground borne noise and vibration needs to be developed by the selected noise and vibration consultant and submitted for approval to DMRC at latest 4 weeks after official assignment.
  • The method statement shall include the method for soil transmissibility measurements, the measurements of transfer function of buildings and measurements of ambient ground borne noise and vibration levels.
  • The method statement must include at minimum the method of testing, detailed description of measurement devices to be used and sequence and selection of measurement locations.
  • Ground borne noise and vibration study must cover the frequency range of 1 Hz to 315 Hz. Measurement equipment must be capable to cover this frequency range and must have a valid calibration certification.
  • Consultant should follow recognised and certified Quality Management Systems such as ISO 9001 that guarantees all the process steps, calibration of sensors to national standards and ensures reliable data, results and deliverables.
  • Measurement of ground borne noise and vibration levels (soil transmissibility and transfer function in representative buildings). In case measurements of soil transfer are not possible due to sections where no tunnel structures exist at the time of measurements, numerical simulations using proper finite element or boundary element method must be used. Numerical simulation methods must be proven and calibrated, respective proof needs to be demonstrated by selected N&V consultants.
  • Measurement of the vibration source based on rolling stock similar to the rolling stock intended to be used for DMRC projects.
  • Performing ambient ground borne noise and vibration studies along the alignment. Propose adjustments to the limit criteria assigned to the receivers due to the ambient studies.
  • Time and location of measurements to be coordinated with DMRC. DMRC may select a proof check agency to attend the measurements on site.
  • Measuring ground borne noise and vibration in line with international standard guidelines for measurement technique and equipment.
  • Measuring vibration propagation through the soil near sensitive receptors. Alternative in case of non-existence of tunnel: proven and calibrated numerical simulations.
  • Number of locations shall be based on differences in soil characteristics as determined from bore hole data.
  • Conduct minimum of 1 measurement or simulation every 2 kilometers and number of measurements may be increased if bore hole data shows the soil to be dissimilar or tunnel structure enters different soil layers (same can be provided by DMRC civil team).
  • Measuring building transfer functions for different building types along the alignment. A classification of building types according to the building record needs to be provided in advance.

Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC -Tender |  Image Credit (representational): DMRC

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