Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Consultancy services for implementation of Delhi MRTS project Phase-IV.
- Tender Reference Number: DCS-1B
- Name of Work: Consultancy services for implementation of Delhi MRTS project Phase-IV.
- Completion Period: 45 Months followed by 6 months of Defect Liability Period
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 02nd March, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 17th April, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 16th March, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 10th April, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 17th April, 2023
- Tender Opening Date: 18th April, 2023
Scope of Consulting Services:
- The scope of consultancy will be advisory role of the Consultant in implementation of all work packages mentioned in Table 1.1
Construction supervision and technical advice:
Civil Works:
- For the civil works such as the construction of tunnels, viaducts, stations and a depot, the Consultant shall perform his duties during the contract implementation period of the contracts to be executed by the Employer and the Contractor.
In this context, the Consultant shall:
- Provide assistance to the Employer concerning variations and claims which are to be ordered/issued at the initiative of the Employer. Advise the Employer on resolution of any dispute with the Contractor;
- Assist DMRC in review of the Contractor’s method of work, including site organization, program of performance, quality assurance system, safety plan, method statements of safety and environmental monitoring plan so that the requirements set forth in the applicable laws and regulations, the specifications or other parts of the contract are to be duly respected;
- Regularly monitor physical and financial progress, and advise appropriate action to expedite progress if necessary, so that the time for completion set forth in the contract will be duly respected by the Contractor;
- Assist DMRC in review of the Contractor’s working drawings, shop drawings and drawings for temporary works;
- Organize, as necessary, management meetings with the Contractor to review the arrangements for future work. Prepare and deliver minutes of such meetings to the Employer and the Contractor;
- Support to DMRC in supervision of the works so that all the contractual requirements are met by the Contractor, including those in relation to i) quality of the works, ii) safety and
- Protection of the environment. Confirm that an accident prevention officer proposed by the Contractor is duly assigned at the project site. Require the Contractor to take appropriate remedies if any questions are recognized regarding the safety measures;
- Support DMRC in the field tests, sampling and laboratory test carried out by the Contractor and submission of reports to DMRC;
- Coordinate the works among different contractors employed for the Project;
- Inspect, verify and fairly advice on claims issued by the parties to the contract (i.e. the Employer and Contractor) in accordance with the civil works contract;
- Assist to DMRC in performing the inspection of the works, including test on completion;
- Conducting Monthly Safety walks at construction sites and submitting report to DMRC;
- Conducting Quarterly Safety, Health and Environment audits of the Contractors and submitting report to DMRC;
- Monthly Environmental Monitoring of the construction sites and submitting the report to DMRC;
- Conducting Quarterly Quality Audits of the Contractors in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and submitting the report to DMRC;
- Supervise commissioning and carry out tests during the commissioning, if applicable;
- In case of accidents during the construction, assist DMRC to report to JICA the details of such accidents in a manner reasonably requested by JICA;
- Prepare and submit reports to DMRC, which are detailed in Chapter 6 in relation to the implementation of the Project; and
- Provide technical advice in sophistical fields like construction method, equipment and technology.
Procurement and installation of railway system:
- For the procurement and installation of railway systems such as rolling stock, depot equipment and track work, the Consultant shall perform his duties during the contract implementation period of the contracts to be executed by DMRC and the Contractor as detailed in Table 1.1. In this context, the Consultant shall:
- Assist DMRC in review of the Contractor’s method of work, including site organization, program of performance, quality assurance system, safety plan, method statements of safety, and environmental monitoring plan so that the requirements set forth in the applicable laws and regulations, the specifications or other parts of the contract are to be duly respected;
- Regularly monitor physical and financial progress, and advise appropriate action to expedite progress if necessary, so that the time for completion set forth in the contract will be duly respected by the Contractor;
- Advise on ambiguities and/or discrepancies in the Contract Documents and provide assistance in necessary clarifications or instructions to DMRC;
- Organize, as necessary, management meetings with the Contractor to review the arrangements for future work. Prepare and deliver minutes of such meetings to DMRC and the Contractor;
- Assist DMRC into i) quality of the works, ii) safety and iii) protection of the environment. Confirm that an accident prevention officer proposed by the Contractor is duly assigned at the project site. Require the Contractor to take appropriate remedies if any questions are recognized regarding the safety measures;
- Assist DMRC in review of the field tests, sampling and laboratory test carried out by the Contractor;
- Assist DMRC in review of the construction method, equipment to be used, workmanship at the site, and attend shop inspection and manufacturing tests in accordance with the Employer’s Requirements;
- Assist DMRC to coordinate the works among different contractors employed for the Project;
- Carry out timely reporting to the Employer for any inconsistency in executing the works and suggesting appropriate corrective measures be applied;
- Jointly supervise Pre-commissioning carried out by the Contractor, check and confirm the Contractor’s Pre-commissioning report;
- Jointly supervise Commissioning and Guarantee Test carried out by the Contractor, check and advice DMRC to approve the Contractor’s report on the Commissioning and Guarantee Test, and issue the Operational Acceptance Certificate as specified in the Contract;
- Check and counter sign the operation and maintenance manual prepared by the Contractor; and
- Provide technical advice in sophistical fields like construction method, equipment and technology.
- Facilitation of implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Monitoring Plan(EMoP)
The Consultant shall:
- Update EMP as appropriate; incorporate necessary technical specifications with design and contract documentation;
- Assist DMRC in preparation of EMP and EMoP in accordance with EIA and the conditions stated in environmental permit certifications (EPC) for the Project if any;
- Assist DMRC in dissemination and explanation of additionally confirmed and identified environmental issues to public including holding public consultations;
- Assist DMRC in obtaining necessary environmental-related permits such as the Consent to Establish and Operate from Central Pollution Control Board and Permission for felling of trees from Department of Forest in accordance with the planned implementation schedule;
- Assist DMRC to review the Construction Contractor’s Environmental Programme to be prepared by the contractor in accordance with EMP, relevant plans, and JICA Environmental Guidelines and to make recommendations to DMRC regarding any necessary amendments for its approval;
- Assist DMRC to implement the measures identified in the EMP;
- Monitor the effectiveness of EMP and negative impacts on environment caused by the construction works and provide technical advice, including a feasible solution proposal, so that DMRC can improve situation when necessary;
- Assist DMRC in monitoring the compliance with conditions stated in the EPC and the requirements under EMP and JICA Environmental Guidelines. Submit the Environmental Monitoring Report to DMRC at every three months after the commencement of the services until the completion of the Project;
- After verifying the Environmental Monitoring Report by DMRC, assist submitting the report to JICA as part of the Progress Status Report at every three months after the commencement of the services until the completion of the Project;
- Assist DMRC in preparation of the answer to the request from JICA’s advisory committee for environmental and social considerations if necessary i.e. assist DMRC to:
- Assess impacts caused by the construction of Metro Stations and consider additional mitigation measures if necessary,
- Conduct a baseline survey on current status of ESZ to assess the impacts on the ecosystem of Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary which could be caused by the implementation of the Project within ESZ, conduct monitoring to understand the impacts on ESZ (especially at the location of launching and retrieval of shaft) due to the Project during the construction and operation and take actions to mitigate the impacts if the results reveal any possibility of significant impacts on the flora and fauna in ESZ and the Sanctuary in consultation with forest department,
- Identify sensitive receptors by taking account of not only noise impact, but also vibration impact and consider additional mitigation measures if necessary; and
- Assist DMRC in the capacity building of DMRC staff on environmental management through on-the-job training on environmental assessment techniques, mitigation measure planning, supervision and monitoring, and reporting.
Review of the DPR of Delhi MRTS Project Phase-IV-2:
- Preparation of a Survey Report and EIA/SIA assistance for JICA for Survey and appraisal of three remaining corridors of Delhi MRTS Project Phase-IV-2 based on DPR prepared by DMRC.
The assignment will include preparation of:
- Inception Report (IC/R) within one month from award of contract.
- Interim Report (IT/R) within two months from award of contract.
- Draft Final Report (DF/R) within four months from award of contract.
- Final Report (F/R) within six months from award of contract.
- Assist DMRC in preparation of the answer to the request from the JICA’s Advisory Committee for Environmental and Social Consideration if necessary. The expected tasks are as per below:
- Review of EIA & SIA report including resettlement & compensation policy and preparation of revised report in accordance with JICA EIA & SIA guideline
- Review of EIA & SIA procedures taken by DMRC and proposing necessary suggestions in accordance with JICA EIA & SIA guideline
- Preparing the draft Environmental monitoring plan and monitoring mechanism plan in accordance with JICA EIA & SIA guideline
- Assistance for the JICA’s Advisory Committee for Environmental and Social Consideration (Japanese preferred)
- Assist DMRC in preparation of appropriate safety standards in accordance with JICA safety guideline “JSSS”.
The expected tasks are as per below:
- Review of DMRC’s HSE guideline and proposing necessary suggestions in accordance with “JSSS”
- Gap Analysis on HSE and JSSS and preparing draft unified safety standard
- Assist DMRC to enhance the non-fare revenue in line with DMRC’s non-fare revenue business plan. The expected tacks are as per below:
- Review of DMRC’s activities on Non-fare revenue box increase
- Analysis on best example on Non-fare revenue box increase based on proposal by JICA’s study ‘Data Collection Survey for Enhancing Non Rail Revenue and Social Impacts of the Indian Metro Projects’ (summary of FR is as per attachment)
- Capacity building & Institutional support on non-fare revenue box business
- Assist for implementation of JICA-DMRC‘s Pilot Project, conducted in FY2021 based on JICA’s study ‘Data Collection Survey for Enhancing Non Rail Revenue and Social Impacts of the Indian Metro Projects’
- The Consultant (JST) shall assist DMRC for facilitation (hearing) with prominent & competent manufacturers and suppliers and incorporating the same in the said eligible criteria.
- The Consultant (JST) shall discuss the above reports with JICA & DMRC officials and finalise the reports.
- The task of the Consultant for study and JST reports are listed in table below. The works are to be performed as per methodology desired by JICA.
Assurance of safety and quality in project implementation:
The safety expert of the Consultant shall:
- Review Contractor’s safety plan before the commencement of physical construction work, if mobilized;
- Review Contractor’s organization & staffing throughout the work of contractor;
- Inspect the site, apprise the working procedure and equipment at site and compliance of safety procedures at agreed frequency between DMRC and contractor; and
- Hold joint meetings with contractors and DMRC officials.
- In case the corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an issue during the construction phase, the safety expert of the Consultant shall:
- Conduct awareness activities to the Contractors concerning prevention and mitigation of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at the construction sites;
- Immediately report to DMRC if a person infected with COVID-19 is confirmed at the construction sites; and
- Assist DMRC in preparing ‘COVID Mitigation Measures matrix,’ which will be submitted together with the Quarterly Progress Report.
The quality expert of the Consultant shall:
- Review Contractor’s PQMP and ITP as per scope of the contract;
- Inspect the both temporary & permanent works on weekly basis, conduct tests, review test results, issue quality inspection report, advise NCR’s/ NCN’s/ hold points as necessary, follow up the compliance of short falls /rectification of defects;
- Review of method statements including checklists, design mixes etc.:
- Scrutinise monthly quality reports, Internal/ External quality audit reports submitted by the contractor as part of overall quality assurance, notify shortfalls, follow up the compliance;
- Inspect and follow up of establishment of field laboratory, batching plant etc.:
- Assist DMRC in approval of raw materials and their sources, curing systems as per scope of contract; and
- Hold meetings with contractors and DMRC official and making presentation as necessary.
Project monitoring and interface plan:
The Consultant shall:
- Monitor the progress of all disciplines;
- Hold interface / coordination meeting with HODs of all disciplines;
- Draw up a Coordinated Plan and status of Project with respect to key dates and line commissioning date;
- Prepare the reasons for shortfall in progress if any and suggest remedial measures for achievement of key dates / commissioning date;
- Coordinate the integrated Testing and Commissioning Trials;
- Review of work programs, Primavera schedules as per scope of contract;
- Scrutinize monthly progress report;
- Prepare and review of master primavera schedule with respect to key dates of contractors of all disciplines and lines/ corridor commissioning date;
- Assist DMRC in project monitoring through Integrated Project Monitoring software integrate with primavera schedules and BIM models and progress updating through mobile app; and
- Hold meetings with contractors and DMRC officials and make presentations as necessary.
Technology transfer:
- The Consultant shall assist DMRC and its staff to build their capacity as part of the on-job training, for example, sophistical techniques such as construction of underground tunnels/structures, construction of cross-passages, environment control system and modern signalling & train control system, operation & maintenance training for civil and system assets, under the Project.
- The Consultant shall submit a Training Plan in accordance with the Inception Report, and submit Training Execution and Evaluation Report within 1 month after training.
Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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