Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.(DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria, for the work of Engagement of Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for Civil, Architectural and Building Services including E&M works for proposed underground Automatic People Mover (APM) system at Central Vista
- Tender Reference Number: DCDD-04
- Name of Work: Engagement of Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for Civil, Architectural and Building Services including E&M works for proposed underground Automatic People Mover (APM) system at Central Vista
- Approximate Cost of work: INR 8.07 Crores
- EMD: INR 8.07 Lakhs
- Period Of Work: 96 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 25th May, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 27th June, 2022
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 02nd June, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 20th June, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 27th June, 2022
- Work Experience: The Tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed work(s), completion date(s) of which falling during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:
- At least one work of DDC (Detail Design Consultant) of 1.00 km of tunnel (including bored tunnel / Cut & Cover tunnels) and 02 nos. of underground stations for Metro Rail / Light Rail/ Automatic People Mover (APM) of value INR 3.23 Crores or more.
- If the tenderer is a JV/Consortium having foreign partner(s) and above work(s) have been executed by the foreign partner of JV and the work(s) were done in the country of the foreign partner, then in addition to this the foreign partner must have executed any consultancy work(s) for Metro Rail / Light Rail/ APM corridor/section of value INR 3.23 Crores or more outside the country of the foreign partner.
Detail Design Consultancy:
- Detail Design Consultancy (DDC) work for this contract shall mean works pertaining to design of Civil (Structural), Architectural and Building Services including E&M works of tunnel and underground station(s) for Metro Rail /Light Rail/ Automatic People Mover (APM).
- The requirement of designing of structural, architectural and building-services including E&M works may be satisfied by members of JV/Consortium together or by the sole tenderer bidding as an individual entity. For the purpose of structural design, the proof checking will be treated as equal to the structural design of structures. The above qualifying work of DDC amounting to Rs. 3.23 Crores or more means a composite DDC work (i.e. DDC work involving civil structural design or proof checking of civil structural design, architectural, building services and E&M works as a single composite DDC contract).
- If this requirement of DDC work amounting to Rs. 3.23 Crores is not met by single composite DDC contract, the tenderer (substantial members of JV/consortium) are also allowed to submit separate works of DDC for Civil Structural design (or proof checking of civil structural design), architectural works and building services (including E&M works) in order to jointly meet the criteria. Each substantial member of JV/Consortium in that case should have successfully completed that part of DDC work [structural/architectural/building services (including E&M works)] of value not less than Rs. 3.23 Crores.
- Besides, in such case, the tenderer as a single entity or any of the members of the JV shall have completed put together civil structural design of at least 1.00 km of tunnel (including bored tunnel / Cut & Cover tunnels) and 02 nos. of underground stations in the above qualifying work(s).
- Work experience of only substantial partner (partner with share of 26% or more in the JV / Consortium) shall be considered for evaluating of JV/Consortium.
- The tenderer shall submit details of works executed by them in the Performa prescribed in Appendix-17 & 17A of FOT for the works to be considered for qualification of work experience criteria. Documentary proof such as completion certificates from client clearly indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion for such work should be submitted. The offers submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated. In case the work is executed for private client, copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received certified by C.A., T.D.S certificates for all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by client shall be submitted.
- Only fully completed works shall be taken into consideration for meeting work experience criteria. However, value of successfully completed portion of similar work in any on-going composite work (work involving other than similar work also) up to last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission will also be considered for qualification of Work experience Criteria subject to completion of entire scope of similar work in a composite work.
- For fully completed works only, value of work done shall be updated to last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year compounded yearly and 2% per year for foreign currency portions compounded yearly. The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be applicable 28 days before the submission date of tender.
- In case of joint venture / Consortium, full value of the work, if done by the same joint venture shall be considered. However, if the qualifying work(s) were done by them in JV/Consortium having different constituents, then the value of work as per their percentage participation in such JV/Consortium shall be considered.
- If the above work(s) (i.e. “Similar work” comprise other works, then client’s certificate clearly indicating the amount of work done in respect of the “similar work” shall be furnished by the tenderer in support of work experience along-with their tender submissions.
- Only work experience certificate having stamp of Name and Designation of officer along with the Name of client shall be considered for evaluation. However, if any work experience certificate has been issued prior to 01.07.2019, same shall be considered for evaluation even if it is not stamped.
- After opening of financial bids, the work experience credentials (work experience certificate along with other documents if any) of L-1 bidder shall be sent for verification and certification to the concerned client(s). In case of any concealment or misrepresentation of facts, appropriate action(s) in accordance with Tender Conditions and “Suspension/Banning Policy, August 2019” of DMRC shall be taken. The copy of “Suspension/Banning Policy, August 2019” of DMRC can be downloaded from tender section of DMRC website.
Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: DMRC -Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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