Delhi Metro update: Tenders invited for engagement of Detailed Design Consultant for Remodelling of Ajronda Depot and Augmentation of Sarita Vihar Depot

In continuation to tender for supply of 25 kv Flexible Overhead Equipment and SCADA system for Remodelling of Ajronda and Sarita Vihar Depots, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. has now invited open e-tenders for the work, “Contract CPM8/2020/04: Engagement of Detailed Design Consultant (DDC) for Civil, Building Services and E&M Works for Remodelling and Construction of Ajronda Metro Depot cum Workshop and Inspection Bay Line; and Ramp, Cut & Cover, other Civil Works including E&M Works for Augmentation of Sarita Vihar Depot for Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Projects”.

  • Contract No.: CPM8/2020/04
  • Approximate cost of work: INR 1,58,92,989
  • Tender Security: INR 1,58,930
  • Completion period of the Work: 36 months
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 16.09.2020
  • Tender submission start date:10.09.2020 
  • Tender submission end date: 03.10.2020
  • Date of opening of Tender: 05.10.2020

Scope of work:

After the realisation of the first three phases of Delhi Metro, DMRC has started the development of its 4th Phase which includes a range of 100 km of lines. This phase has to be realized within the next 5 years.

Ajronda and Sarita Vihar are the existing Depots of Kashmere Gate-Raja Nahar Singh Violet Line of DMRC. It is proposed to carry out the remodelling and augmentation of the Ajronda Depot so as to meet the requirement of the above noted line. After augmentation/ remodelling of Ajronda Depot, Sarita Vihar Depot shall be connected to the IGD-Tughlakhabad corridor of DMRC Phase-IV and will serve the same.

It is proposed to engage a Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for Civil, Building Services and E&M Works for Remodelling and Construction of Ajronda Metro Depot cum Workshop and Inspection Bay Line; and Ramp, Cut & Cover, other Civil Works including E&M Works for Augmentation of Sarita Vihar Depot for Delhi MRTS Phase- IV Projects.

This document describes the General Scope of Services to be provided by the Detailed Design Consultant (DDC). The emphasis is to explain the requirement of work, interfaces with other DDCs/ Contractors/ DMRC for achieving an efficient and safe system to the best International Standards and Practices. DDC shall follow acceptable standards and design procedures akin to best systems wherever not explicitly mentioned.

Services to be provided

The DDC shall perform the Services set out in this Agreement. The DDC shall deliver sufficient designs and documents to enable DMRC to construct works as per the details below:

  • Remodeling and Construction of Ajronda Metro Depot Cum Workshop and Inspection Bay Line for Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project.
  • DDC for Ramp, Cut & Cover and other Civil Works in Sarita Vihar Depot for Augmentation of Sarita Vihar Depot for Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project.
  • Proof Check of Design for Prefabricated Steel Roof Structure including Roof Portals, Purlins, Sheeting etc. at Ajronda and Sarita Vihar Depots of Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project.
  • Associated E&M Works.
  • Interface and co-ordination with other DDCs/ Contractors/ DMRC.

These Services generally include, but are not limited to:

  • Survey and Setting out of the proposed locations.
  • Preparation of Traffic diversion proposals.
  • Producing concept planning and design alternatives for DMRC’s review; (excluding layout of tracks as the layout of tracks has already been freeze, the same needs to be checked for Construction methodology and clearances as per SOD from existing/ proposed structures).
  • Proof checking of structural design and scheme of construction suggested by the Contractor for PEB Works. Review and suggest change as necessary in the detailed designs done by Design Build Contracts for PEB Works. Provision of Solar Panels on Roof shall be ensured.
  • If any Foundation of PEB structure is combined with the Depot Building foundation, the scope of Design of such foundation shall be within the scope of this contract.
  • Perform cost effective detailed designs of Structure, Building, Electrical and Mechanical services and Building Management System (BMS) based on approved designs and design criteria.
  • Manage the design task for cost, schedule and performance compliance.
  • Detailed design of various structural components of Depot connection like Underground Ramp, Connection details of underground ramp with shaft of Main Civil Contract, foundations and superstructure etc.
  • Perform detailed designs for building works, and services including illuminations, water supply, drainage, power supply and other amenities.
  • Co-ordinate and integrate designs and details with contractors and consultants employed by DMRC working on contracts pertaining/relevant to the site of works for this contract regarding DDC’s drawings.
  • Integration of Building Services with the existing M&E systems.
  • Prepare and update during construction Combined Services Drawings (CSD), Structural-Electrical-Mechanical Opening Drawings (SEM) and identify embedded items/openings indicating system wide information for the purpose of E & coordination and civil construction interfaces.
  • Incorporate and co-ordinate changes in design due to system wide interfacing with other DDCs/ Contractors/ DMRC.
  • Incorporate changes in design resulting from DMRC’s design reviews.
  • Consult and co-ordinate with various City and Government authorities that interface with the DMRC project. DMRC will assist with the co-ordination.
  • Prepare necessary documentation and obtain necessary planning and other required approvals.
  • Plan, design, detail, control, co-ordinate, and execute the design phase of the Works for production of drawings, documents and reports to meet the key schedule dates included in the Agreement and as directed by DMRC.
  • Maintain a Quality Control activity and an effective internal procedure for checking the accuracy of Work and assuring compliance with contract requirements.
  • Attend meetings connected with the Work whenever required.
  • Make available their services as and when required during the construction contract: to modify existing designs or drawings as necessary to incorporate site conditions and unforeseen conditions; to assist DMRC’s site supervision staff in clarification of queries resulting from the design; to review and confirm Contractor prepared “As-Built” drawings.

Tender document can only be obtained online after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC-Tender

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