Delhi Metro Update: Tenders invited for Property Development between Dwarka and Nangli Metro Station of line-9

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. has invited tender for Property Development on a land plot adjacent to metro pillar no. 23 in between Dwarka and Nangli Metro Station of Line-9.

  • Tender Reference Number: CPD-97
  • Name of Work: Property Development on a land plot adjacent to metro pillar no. 23 in between Dwarka and Nangli Metro Station of Line-9
  • Period Of Work: 5475 Days
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 28-Apr-2022 
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 30-May-2022 
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 23-May-2022 
  • Bid Submission End Date: 30-May-2022  
  • Bid Opening Date: 31-May-2022 
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 10-May-2022

Scope of Work:

  • The Lessee shall, at its sole expense and risk, carry out the financing, construction, procurement, management, operations and maintenance of the Leased Area in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
  • Lessee is required to develop the PD area by constructing a single story Temporary / lightweight structure for retail or commercial development, details as given below:
Package PD area Area in Sqm
01 For Temporary/lightweight construction 1265

The lessee shall also be required to leave an area of 4m space open around the metro pillar and have dedicated access to the metro pillar for undertaking maintenance works as and when required by DMRC.

  • Property Development to be undertaken in the leased premises shall be governed by laws, bye-laws, rules and regulations of the local bodies and other Authorities and guidelines issued by DMRC. The Lessee shall be responsible for complying with all such laws, rules and stipulations and obtaining all the required approvals and clearances for the same from the concerned Authority. The leased space(s) can be used for any activity/purpose except for the activities banned by Law or Government Regulations and the activities listed in Clause 4.3.3 as banned activities. DMRC reserves the right to ensure that there is no violation of the above.
  • Following activities shall be Banned in the premises:
    • Any product/service the sale of which is unlawful/illegal or deemed unlawful under any Indian act or legislation.
    • Any product the storage and sale of which may lead to or be considered as a fire hazard; such as fire cracker, industrial explosive, chemicals, etc.
    • Storage and sale of tobacco and tobacco products.
    • Coal based cooking.
    • Gas based cooking may be permitted as per DMRC‟s extent policy/Guidelines. (Policy Attached).
  • The Lessee shall carry out the designing and development of the Leased Area in strict compliance with all applicable laws, in particular, applicable building codes and standards and good industry practice, which shall not in any manner endanger the commuters or the Project Site. Further, it is agreed and understood by the Lessee that proprietary interest on all development carried out by the Lessee on the Leased Space(s) shall vest with the Lesser and the Lessee relinquishes all its rights in such development in favor of the Lesser. The guidelines for Fit-out Activities will be provided by DMRC and shall be followed strictly by the Lessee.
  • Subject to terms of this Agreement and approval of the DMRC, the Lessee shall be free to design the layout plan and undertake the subdivision and partitioning works, interior design works along with utilities like power supply, water supply, toilets, drainage, HVAC, fire fighting, and telecommunications. Provided that, (a) the Lessee, the Sub-Lessee(s) and their representatives, agents and other persons undertaking works shall duly adhere to the provisions of all Applicable Laws including and in particular the prevalent building bye-laws of the place where the Leased Space(s) is located and specified guidelines /requirements of other competent authorities, (b) the facilities and works being undertaken or installed shall not in any manner affect, hinder or interfere with the free movement of the passengers, DMRC‟s staff agents and representatives and visitors, (c) the width of passage and common area for movement of persons in the Leased Area shall be kept as per prevalent building bye- laws, (d) no material shall be stored or kept outside the Leased Space(s) or in the common area meant for movement of persons, (e) no surplus construction machinery and materials, including hazardous materials and wastes shall be left at any place in the Leased Space(s) or the station; and (f) the guidelines for Fit-out Activities shall be strictly followed.

The complete documents can be downloaded from

Source: DMRC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC

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