Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders for the work Contract DS 24 comprising of:
(a) Contract DS 24A: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) System for 44 Stations of Phase IV Including Central System.
(b) Contract DS 24B: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) System for upgradation of existing Phase I, II and III network including Back Office.
- Tender Reference Number: DS 24
- Approximate cost of work: INR 411.61 Crores
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 13-Aug-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 23-Sep-2021
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 31-Aug-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 17-Sep-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 23-Sep-2021
- Bid Opening Date: 24-Sep-2021
Scope of Works:
The scope of the works includes:
- Design, manufacture, supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of AFC System for 44 stations of Phase-IV Including Central System.
- It also includes supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Phase-IV Central computer and its connectivity with CCHS, TG, acquirer Bank/FI. Phase-IV contractor shall interface with DMRC CCHS for seamless integration of Phase-IV system and CCHS. The proposed solution shall work in synchronization with existing Phase-I, II & III AFC system of DMRC.
- Station wise list of equipment and spares are given in Appendix ‘2.1 & 2.2‘. The delivery includes all the items which have not been included in this list but are part of proposed solution and are required for implementation at all levels: Central level, Station or Equipment level.
- The Phase IV AFC Central Computer design shall meet the DMRC requirement for handling at least 100 stations (expandable further beyond 100 but not to be limited by any configuration parameter). The Phase IV AFC System shall support a Fare Table of minimum 512 Stations and 64 fare zones. The Central system should be scalable and integrable for DMRC future extensions and CCHS (for data handling capacity as well as number of lines / stations / equipment and smart cards by addition of extra hardware).
- The system shall support inter-operability with different operators using the same smart card as per CCHS interface requirements and NPCI and MoHUA guidelines for NCMC and QR respectively.
- System shall meet existing DMRC business rules and shall be designed keeping in view of future Business Rules expansion/modification requirements.
- The Contractor shall follow the schedules of works and supply and shall complete the sections of the works by the key dates set out in the tender document. Schedule of key dates and access dates are at Appendix ’15.1 & 15.2 ‘of PS.
- The CCHS interface is for Parameter, transaction data and key.
- Complete interface of AFC equipment with Acquirer Bank/FI and TG
- Design, develop and maintain acquiring and issuance services.
- Handle issuance of NCMC cards and Customer grievance redressal at DMRC stations.
- Contractor shall be given advertising rights at designated spaces over AFC equipment and in accordance with DMRC advertising policy. (Refer Table-2.1)
- Provision of Mobile and web application for DMRC that integrates with AFC system and includes the maintenance and support during the contract period.
- The DS24 A Scope also includes-
- Supply, installation and commissioning of a Software Development/ Training Centre (SDC) including furniture. SDC Central Computer supplied in the scope of DS 24A should have complete functionality of Phase IV CC with 20 % capacity. This facility should allow DMRC to test the system end to end i.e. from Card Level to CCHS, acquirer Bank, FI and TG.
- Supply, installation and commissioning of all the networking equipment and cables for station LAN, OCC LAN and for the connectivity with the communication backbone provided by Telecommunication contractor.
- Connectivity to Acquirer bank/FI and TG router/Switch hosted at OCC.
- Supply and installation of power cables and distribution boxes for providing power to AFC equipment from the UPS provided by S&T or E&M contractor.
General Requirements:
- The system shall be designed to attain the Employers requirements as required in this Specification.
- AFC System shall be designed to process Contactless Smart Cards (Type A & C), all NCMC, Account Based Ticketing (ABT), Paper QR ticket, Mobile QR ticket and NFC Media.
- System shall have provision to enable or disable any media type based on system parameter’s data.
- Software application of AFC system shall be such that if employer wants to interface with different acquirer bank it shall be done without any software modifications.
- DMRC seeks an Open Architecture Solution for the AFC system with following elements:
- Adherence to International and National standards and practices for the industry. (published and maintained by organizations such as ISO, CEN, ISI , BIS etc.).
- Interface ability to ensure that Phase-IV Central System & equipment will be able to participate in an open Smart card market including other transit systems subject to commercial rights agreements between parties utilizing Clearing house.
- The proposed solution (hardware and software) will ensure:
- Vendor independent delivery of modules / equipment as far as possible. Use of Standard Commercial off The Shelf products and software, encouraging use of non-proprietary items.
- Proven hardware platform. Contractor shall highlight above aspects in his technical offer.
- The system needs to be flexible and configurable designed to allow future adaptation in a multi-operator environment and government policies.
- The attainment of the reliability, availability, maintainability and safety requirements of the system will be verified by analysis, testing and system demonstrations as required in the Specifications
Tender document can only be obtained online after registration of tenderer on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.
Source: DMRC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): UPMRC
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