Delhi Metro Update: Tenders invited for supply of New Digital CCTV cameras for Line-5

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. has invited open e-tender through e-tendering system for CONTRACT: RSMDD-14:- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of New Digital CCTV on RS-3 Trains of Line-5 in place of Old Analog CCTV System. 

  • Contract No.: RSMDD-14
  • Name of Work: Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of New Digital CCTV on RS-3 Trains of Line-5 in place of Old Analog CCTV System.
  • Approximate Cost of work: INR 30.16 Lakh
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 13-Dec-2021
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 05-Jan-2022
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 22-Dec-2021
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 27-Dec-2021
  • Bid Submission End Date: 05-Jan-2022
  • Bid Opening Date: 06-Jan-2022

Scope of Work:

  • Camera shall comply with the specifications as given in Technical Specifications. The size, as well as mounting arrangement of the camera, shall be such that it shall get fitted into the existing camera cutout space available.
  • The cab front camera should be fitted on the front of the cab at proximity of TNI/DIF panel and shall be focused such that complete OHE, as well as track view, is well covered.
  • All the components/hardware etc. required for complete installation, testing & commissioning as well as the smooth operation of the CCTV system shall be provided by the contractor.
  • The visual images from each camera shall be recorded with train set car number camera location (i.e, L1, L2), time and date stamp in the non-volatile memory of recorders on FIFO basis without any limitation of the repetitive writing of the data. A minimum 2*2 TB SSD shall be provided with minimum 360 hrs or 15 days of recording capacity.
  • System shall facilitate facial recognition for unambiguous identification of the target person by giving high resolution images.
  • In case of loss of signal to NVR due to failure of any one or all the cameras due to any reason, there shall be visual indication on the NVR and HMI for the respective camera.
  • The CCTV recording from either of the recorder shall be possible to download using a standard laptop with specified interface cables or by using USB. The recording shall be with train set car number camera location (i.e, L1, L2) time and date stamping and required software to download and play it at different speeds for viewing with search function shall be provided.
  • The view of all CCTV cameras of all cars of a train shall be possible to view on a separate HMI touch screen to be provided in the cab on the driver’s desk. The size of HMI touch screen should be as per the specification given in Technical Specifications. 
  • The HMI touch screen should have all the basic functions including that of adjusting the brightness and contrast. The live view of CCTV cameras of all cars of a train should be possible to view on the HMI screen of both cab on a selectable basis.
  • The contractor shall provide all required hardware such as bolts, nuts, washer and other fasteners as required for installation of CCTV system components as per the requirements specified in ISO 3269.
  • The CCTV system shall fully meet the requirement of EMI/EMC for Railway application as per EN 50155.
  • The contractor shall be responsible to support against breakdown/failure of any of the CCTV system’s components during Defect Liability Period of two years from the date of handing over of respective train with fully commissioned system.
  • The list of warranty spares to be maintained by the contractor at site to provide support during warranty period shall have to be furnished by the contractor in his technical offer.
  • Train for activity of installation commissioning will be given to contractor when contractor confirms the availability of all the required material and only after all the materials is ready for installation at depot itself.
  • When the train is offered for installation of the CCTV system, the contractor has to complete the work within a month period from the date of offering the train for the subject work.

The contractor shall have to submit following documents as a part of his offer Description:

  • The Description of CCTV system as a whole with required drawings.
  • The certificates from respective OEMs of CCTV system components, on their letter heads about compliance of specified specifications.
  • Testing and Commissioning plan
  • Operation and Maintenance manual and circuit diagram of respective OEM for all the CCTV system components.
  • The contractor shall provide required training for operation and maintenance of CCTV system as well as on extension of train from 4 car to 6 car to DMRC staff at the site.

Design Responsibility:

The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of the CCTV system, which shall include but not be limited to the following-

  • The development of the design shall be carried out in conjunction with the information contained in this Specification.
  • The Contractor shall be responsible for the development and completion of the design of any other item/s of the Work as needed during the execution of the Contract.
  • The Contractor shall inspect, examine and verify the DMRC’s requirement as described in the specification on the RS-3 Trains of Line-5 before adopting in the design of the equipment.
  • The Contractor shall ensure that the information contained in his submissions has been well co-ordinate with the overall requirements of the Work.
  • The Contractor himself shall solely be responsible for installation, commissioning and testing of the CCTV system and shall depute his engineers during installation, commissioning & testing. No outsourcing of the work as a whole or in part will be permissible.
  • The circuit design, hardware & interfaces proposed/agreed during design will be subjected to review and updation/rectification/modification etc. during DLP based on the operational, maintenance reliability or safety requirements and in accordance with the contractor’s proposals. 
  • In specific cases, the Engineer may issue specific instructions in writing for undertaking the modifications to meet the above requirements. In such cases, the Engineer’s instructions shall be implements as instructed. The contractor shall abide by the Engineer’s instructions without any additional cost.
  • The contractor shall take prior approval/permission from DMRC Engineer in-charge, in case of any change in configuration/Make as mentioned in technical specifications.

Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC

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