DFCCIL invites EOI for consultancy services for detailed project report including ROB for the projects of Indian Railways

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Expression of interest (EOI) for the empanelment of eligible consultants/firms for undertaking consultancy services for Detailed Project Report (DPR)/Detailed Design Consultancy (DDC) including ROB for the projects of Indian Railways.

  • Tender Reference Number: HQ/EN/WC/EDAM(EOI)/1/2022/9
  • Name of Work: Expression of interest (EOI) for the empanelment of eligible consultants/firms for undertaking consultancy services for Detailed Project Report (DPR)/Detailed Design Consultancy (DDC) including ROB for the projects of Indian Railways.
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 10th August, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 12th September, 2022
  • Pre Bid Meeting: 17th August, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 10th August, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 12th September, 2022


  • The JV may be incorporated or unincorporated. Consultant shall submit duly notarized JV agreement, executed on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, showing, specifically, the composition of JV and Percentage (not to be less than 25%) participation of each Constituent member.
  • The JV shall be made between Consultancy Finns which are registered in India.
  • The minimum Participation of a constituent Consultancy Firm, in a JV & so reflected (in a visible manner), in a properly executed & notarised JV agreement (to be submitted by the said JV), shall not be less than (minimum) 25%.
  • The submission of properly executed and a valid JV agreement. executed and notarised in India. shall be a Pre-condition for the Consultants submitting MI applications as JV. Any E01 Application, with EOI Applicant being a JV, submitted without a JV agreement shall be rejected.
  • In case of an Indian subsidiary, 100% owned by the foreign Based company, requiring accreditation of Parent Company’s (also registered in India) credentials or vice versa, that Indian Subsidiary and its foreign Based (But also registered in India) Parent company can participate in the EOI, as IV, subject to the submission of a properly executed and a valid JV agreement, executed and notarised in India.
  • In case, the Work experience, claimed by the individual constituent Members of the JV (participating in the E0I), pertained to the Works, in which it [individual Constituent member] participated as JV/Consortium Member, the accreditation of such Work experience shall, only, be to the extent of that individual constituent’s participation (expressed, clearly in percentage terms) in that respective JV/Consortium.
  • The experience of a JV, submitting E01 application for the empanelment, shall be the aggregate/ sum of the respective Individual experiences of the Constituent Firms of that JV, after being accorded the weightage, equivalent to the respective Percentage participation of the said Constituent Consultancy Firms in the referred N(Applicant Consultant).
  • Any Change, post empanelment of the 1V, in the constitution of the J V, unless subject to prior approval of the Indian Railway’s Competent Authority, shall cause annulment of the aforesaid IV empanelment.
  • If, the aforesaid Consultancy Firms, registered in India, claim an experience of a Consultancy project, successfully completed/successfully ongoing, as on date of E01 Notification, in a Country outside India, that experience; substantiated by a valid Employer certification, which has been duly apostilled by that origin Country, in which the aforesaid Work, claimed, as work experience, was executed; shall be accredited, subject to all the applicable provisions, stipulated in this E01 Documents and as revised in subsequent Addendum, being, satisfactorily, met, to that Claiming Consultancy Finns.
  • In case of such Work experience, as mentioned in preceding ‘Note-viii’ above, the Contract Price or Paid (to the Claiming Consultant) portion thereof, expressed (in the duly apostilled ,accompanying ‘Experience certificate’) in a Currency other than the INR, shall require to be convened to INR, based on the Reference rates, as published by Financial BenchMarks India Pvt. Ltd (FBIL), corresponding to the date expressed as the ‘date of successful completion or the ‘date of experience cenificate'(in case of successfully ongoing Works, as on date of E01 Notification), as mentioned in the Experience certificate issued by the original Contract Awarding entities/Employer.”
  • Interested Consultants should provide the information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
  • Empanelment will be subject to the consultants, satisfactorily, meeting the Empanelment criteria, attached as Annexure- I to this E01 Notification, to prove their ability to perform the Consulting Services.


  • Successfully Completed Works – shall mean those Consultancy Works in which 100% of the Contract Price has been released, as on the WI Notification Date of 10-08-2022, to the Consultant (now the claiming Consultancy Finn).
  • The experience claimed under” Successfully Completed Works” shall require to be substantiated, as mentioned under with sub section 2.3 by the (i) Self-Attested Copies of the Completion Certificates (also mentioning, in case of executing Agency being JV/Consortium, the Infra 1)/ Member percentage Participation i.e. in % terms) issued by the original Contract Awarding entities like Railways, NHAI or relevant Metro organization or any Central/State Government Department/PSU of India or Autonomous Body of Central/State Government of India.
  • “Successfully ongoing Works” means that as on date of E01 Notification, the concerned Work must have been awarded, Contract Agreement Signed between the Parties, and implementation work must be in full swing without any dispute e.g. DAB & Arbitration and Payment released /made to the Contractor (Claiming entity submitting their E01 Application under this E01 Notification), under that contract, must not be “Nil”.


  • The Indian Railways’ quadrilateral linking the four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Howrah, commonly known as the Golden Quadrilateral.
  • And its two diagonals (Delhi-Chennai and Mumbai-Howrah), adding up to a total route length of 10,122 km comprising 16% of the route carried more than 52% of the passenger traffic and 58% of revenue earning freight traffic of IR. 
  • The existing trunk routes of Howrah-Delhi on the Eastern Corridor and Mumbai-Delhi on the Western Corridor were highly saturated, line capacity utilization varying between 115% to 150%.
  • Railways lost the share in freight traffic from 83% in 1950-51 to 35% in 2011-12.
  • The growth of the Indian economy has created demand for additional capacity of rail freight transportation, and this is likely to grow further in the future. 
  • This burgeoning demand led to the conception of the dedicated freight corridors along the Eastern and Western Routes. 
  • Minister for Railways, made this historic announcement on the floor of the House in the Parliament while presenting the Railway Budget for 2005-06.
  • This led to the establishment of “Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCC)”, to undertake planning & development, mobilization of financial resources and construction, maintenance and operation of the dedicated freight corridors. 
  • DFCC was incorporated as a company under the Companies Act 1956 on 30th October 2006.

The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com

Source: DFCCIL -Tender | Image Credit (representational): IRCEP

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