The DFCCIL (Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd), a Govt. of India Enterprise under Ministry of Railways has invited Tenders, in ‘Single Stage One Packet System’ on prescribed Forms from Firms/companies/Joint ventures/consortiums meeting the requisite qualifying criteria, for Development of Private Freight Terminal (Multimodal Logistics Parks / Freight Terminals / Parcel Terminals) on private land along with its connectivity to DFC station on EDFC/WDFC, for which License will be granted to the successful bidder (TMC) to be selected through this RFP.
The Terminal will be developed through investment by the TMC as per the terms & conditions set in this document.
- Name of Work: Development of Logistic Parks/ Freight Terminals/ Parcel Terminals and their connectivity with DFC stations through private investment.
- Proposal Validity 90 Days from Proposal submission deadline: 18/04/2021
- Bid Security: INR 10 lakhs
- Last Date and time of Submission of Proposal: 18/01/2021
- Pre–Bid meeting date, Time and Place: On 18/12/2020 at 15:00 Hrs at Conference Hall, 4th floor, DFCCIL Corporate Office, Supreme Court Metro Station Building Complex, New Delhi-110001
- Uploading Date of Document: 30/11/2020
- Date and time of opening (bid): 18/01/2021
Scope of work:
Background and General Information:
- The Indian Railways (IR) network spreads over 68000 route km and handles more than 1200 million tonnes of freight traffic annually. The volume of freight is growing over a period owing to rise in industrial production, agricultural produce and GDP. Railway freight service is delivered by Zonal Railways through its Divisions, which are the main functional units of Railways.
- Railway lines connecting the four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata are termed as “golden quadrilateral & its diagonal” (GQD), which comprise only 16% of route length, but move more than 58% of total freight traffic carried over IR. In 2006, Government of India (GOI) established the Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL) under the Companies Act of 1956, as a Special Purpose Vehicle, wholly owned by the Ministry of Railways (MOR), with mandate to build and operate Dedicated Freight Corridors (Eastern and Western Corridors). The DFC will offer upgraded freight services by running higher axle load freight trains with speed upto 100 kmph on an efficient system. The DFCs will provide a quantum jump in rail transport capacity in line with the rapidly growing demand and help increase the Railway’s modal share of Freight traffic.
- Two dedicated freight corridors are presently under construction namely Eastern Corridor (EDFC) from Sahnewal to Sonnagar, and Western Corridor (WDFC) from Dadri to Jawaharlal Nehru Port Terminals (Mumbai) with route Kms of more than 2800 kms and likely to be fully commissioned by 2022-23. Eastern Corridor is planned to be further extended upto Dankuni (540 kms) and the construction of the same will be undertaken through PPP mode.
Objective & proposed locations of New Terminals:
- Most of the traffic passing over the DFC network in future will be shifted from IR network and will continue to originate and/or terminate at stations located on the IR network (termed as DFC feeder routes). DFCCIL intends to boost this traffic as well as attract additional/incremental traffic through the proposed new Terminals on DFC Network, to be developed through private investment by the TMC through this RFP. These terminals are intended to serve as entry and exit points for carriage of various cargo and will act as front business interface of DFC with the freight market in its catchment area, besides carrying the traffic to & from Indian Railway.
- To achieve above objective, DFCCIL has envisaged to establish new Privately owned & managed Logistics Parks / Freight Terminals / Parcel Terminals along the DFC corridors with direct connectivity to DFC stations, which will provide state of the art infrastructure and facilities to attract & efficiently handle various categories of cargo which can come to DFCs, in a customer friendly manner.
- DFCCIL, through this RFP, invites proposals from capable and interested business entities (Firms/JV/Consortium) for awarding license to develop Logistics Parks / Freight Terminals / Parcel Terminals (hereinafter called “Terminal”) over land either owned by them or planned to be acquired by them in the vicinity of DFC stations including providing connectivity with respective DFC stations. The list of DFC stations where connectivity is being offered for Terminals is at Enclosure – 4 and schematic maps of the same are at enclosure – 4/1 & 4/2. (The stations from Sonnagar(excluding) to Dankuni section are not being offered in the present RFP as the construction of this section may take some time). The bidders are to note that each terminal will be governed by an independent and separate agreement. Target Dates of commissioning of different sections of DFC are as below:
- New Khurja to New Bhaupur – December 2020
- New Rewari to New Palanpur – March 2021
- Entire DFC network – 2022-23
- Minimum facilities to be developed at the Terminal by the selected Licensee (TMC) have been stipulated in the “Obligations of the Licensee (TMC)” in Section-6.
- Station Exclusivity :- License for Connectivity with a particular station of DFC , will be awarded to only one Private Freight Terminal for ten years from the date of commissioning (COD) of a Terminal. After the completion of this period, any additional license to any other person may be awarded for this particular DFC station.
- Procuring/arranging the Land for the Terminal and its connectivity to DFC shall be the sole responsibility of the Licensee (TMC). However, wherever considered feasible by DFCCIL, the IR/DFCCIL’s land falling in the alignment of linear connectivity of proposed PFT, may be licensed to the Licensee (TMC) as per extant Policy/Instructions, Terms & Conditions issued vide MoR’s letter No. 2016/Infra/6/12 dated 05.10.2016 (Enclosure – 3) through a Licensing Agreement.
- In addition to above, wherever feasible, the Land required for last mile connectivity (linear portion between DFC connection point and TMC entry point) may also be acquired by DFCCIL under Railways Act 1989 on behalf of TMC and at the cost of TMC as per terms and conditions of Railway Board Letter no.2020/Infra/6/5, dated 05/10/2020 (Enclosure-1).
- To the extent possible, level crossings shall be avoided in connectivity portion (RUB requirement shall be mentioned in DPR). However, in exceptional cases, manned Level Crossings (LCs) may be permitted with approval of MD/DFCCIL.
- Providing/Arranging proper Road Connectivity of Terminal up to nearest motorable existing road as well as arranging water/electricity/sewer/other connections including all associated costs, will be the sole responsibility of TMC. However, necessary assistance wherever required, may be provided by DFCCIL in this regard including liaising with the state government.
The RFP Documents can be downloaded from and
Source: DFCCIL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL
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