DFCCIL invites tender for engagement of consultant to provide General Consultancy for the construction of Sonnagar – Andal section of EDFC

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Engagement of consultant to provide general consultancy & related services involving all activities, as necessary/required, for the selection of contractors of contract packages, from the stage of preparation of the bid document to the stage of award of contract and signing of contract agreement (by the Parties), for the construction of the Sonnagar – Andal section (approx. 375 RKM) of EDFC.

  • Tender Reference Number: 2023/HQ/EN/GC/EC/Sonnagar-Andal
  • Name of Work: Engagement of consultant to provide general consultancy & related services involving all activities, as necessary/required, for the selection of contractors of contract packages, from the stage of preparation of the bid document to the stage of award of contract and signing of contract agreement (by the Parties), for the construction of the Sonnagar – Andal section (approx. 375 RKM) of EDFC.
  • EMD: INR 7,39,200 Lakh
  • Period of Contract: 251 Days
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 26th May, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 26th June, 2023
  • Pre-Bid Conference Date: 07th June, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 12th June, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 26th June, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 26th June, 2023

Introduction & Background:

  • The Eastern Corridor spans from Ludhivana to Dankuini. The Eastern Corridor has a route length of 1875 km. On the Eastern Corridor, DDU — Khurja — Ludhiana section is funded through World Bank loan and equity from MoR, whereas Sonnagar —DDU is funded by equity from MoR.
  • The proposed alignment of Sonnagar (New Chiraila Pauthu)-New Andal section is a part of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor and passes through Aurangabad and Gaya District of Bihar, Koderma, Hazaribagh, Giridih and Dhanbad district of Jharkhand and Paschim Bardhaman district of West Bengal.
  • Pursuant to requisite Cabinet approval, DFCCIL has decided to implement the project Sonnanagr to Andal (a section of approx.375 RKM) through Engineering, Procurement, Construction (”EPC”) mode. The Project shall be funded through equity provided by Indian Railway.
  • Sonnagar (New Chiraila Pauthu)-New Andal stretch of DFC starts from New Chiraila Pauthu station of EDFC and passes through New Koderma Junction, New Gomoh, New Pradhankanta of East Central Railway and meets at New Andal Junction on the Eastern Railway. The route length of this section is approx. 375 Fans. Total 10 Stations including 6 Junction Stations and 4 Crossing stations have been planned. In addition to this, one cabin at New Katipahari is also planned in this section.
  • The project shall be undertaken under the jurisdiction of CGM/Kolkata.
  • PETS survey has been carried out. Detailed project report (DPR) for the Sonnagar-Andal Section (374.534 Km) Jan 2023 has been prepared and accepted by the competent Authority.

Scope of Work:


  • Most of the proposed alignment of Sonnagar (New Chiraila Pauthu)-New Andal section is parallel to existing Indian Railways lines wherever feasible to utilize available Railway lands to the extent possible.
  • Wherever alignment parallel to IR is not possible, detours are proposed. Two detours are planned in the proposed section, the first detour is taken in Gaya to avoid heavily built- up and densely populated Gaya town.
  • Another detour is planned after Paharpur station. Paharpur- Koderma- Gurpa section traverses the hilly and forest terrain of Chota Nagpur Plateau range and having gradient of 1 in 100. To maintain the DFC’s standard ruling gradient of 1 in 200, a second detour is planned.



Package-1- Integrated Contract Package of Civil, Building and Track Works, Electrical and Signalling & Telecommunication Works from Sonnagar- Koderma (including Koderma detour)



169.49 RKM (including Koderma detour of length 63 KM)


Package-2- Integrated Contract Package of Civil, Building and Track Works, Electrical and Signalling & Telecommunication Works from Koderma (excluding Koderma detour) — Andal



205.044 RKM

  • It is envisaged to adopt following Contract packages including 2×25 KV Traction Power Supply System, Traction Sub-Stations, Auxiliary Stations, Switching Stations, Auto Transformer Stations and Scada System and non traction Power supply and distribution (as required) System.
  • Consultant is required to verify the details and viability of Contract Packaging and incorporate the result of their deliberations in their inception report. 


  • Topographical survey and soil investigation, for the entire route from Sonnangar-Andal has been carried out taking out of alignment- Horizontal controls were established using Total Station by running a traverse along the proposed line.
  • A number of Traverse Stations are there on the nearby permanent structures to facilitate the staking out operation. Pillars will be fixed at land boundary location at 150 m interval as well as change point of land boundary.
  • While preparing the Bid Documents (for the selection of the Contractor for the Contract Packages), stipulated under the scope of Consultancy services, as contained in this document, the Consultant shall make sure that the Bid Document provisions are in conformity with the relevant Provisions of all the applicable codal & Manual provisions. 

Objective of General Consultancy Services:

  • The objective of engaging the ‘General Consultant’ is to provide complete ‘start to end’ support to DFCCIL in all the stages, as necessary, of the successful tendering process, for the selection of contractors for the construction of Sonnagar —Andal section (approx. 375 RKM) of EDFC’, till award of the Contracts and signing of the Contract Agreements by the parties.
  • GC shall collect the Detailed Project Report (DPR), any amendments to DPR, and any other relevant material/reports/etc. The GC shall study in detail the project holistically as well as each of the project components with respect to the following aspects but not be limited to:
    • Project Design and Optimization, Design criteria, System Integration
    • Standards and Specifications
    • Technology and Best Practices
    • Layouts/Drawings
    • Reports
    • Constructability
    • Interoperability and Scalability
    • Interface Management and Project timelines
    • Cost Estimate and Controls
    • Maintenance planning
    • Overall project integrity, durability and adequacy 
  • The GC shall review and wherever necessary supplement the details, design criteria, specifications, drawings, reports etc., with the object of deciding on the parameters/details to be included in the tender documents. 
    • Review Previous feasibility studies
    • Review Previous Topographic survey and mapping
    • Review Previous Geo-technical survey
    • Review Previous Utility investigation
    • Review Previous Investigation of the existing and future buildings, structures, land use
    • Review Previous Investigation of records and documents on the buildings and the constructions along the routes. 
    • Review of Alignment design drawing, vertical and horizontal alignment. Alignment design optimization which shall include limitation of Bank Height and depth of cutting, easing out of curves, & gradient to the extent possible. 
    • Review & validate Physical Locations of all Structures, stations and detailing of route alignment.
    • Review and validate Track Detailing
    • Review and validate Power supply scheme of traction and non-traction system
    • Review and validate the SCADA system.
    • Review and validate 2 x 25 KV OHE system with conventional height. 
    • Review and validate Signaling & telecommunication with particular emphasis on interoperability/ interface ivith rest of DFCCIL 
    • Review, validate the functional requirements, Architectural and Engineering design of all the Buildings -Residential and Non Residential, Station buildings & Service buildings- optimize design based on Functional requirements-
    • Review the requirements of land and make plans for Land acquisitions, if any additional land is required. 
    • Prepare Right of way plans on topographical and cadastral maps. 
  • Assessment of Safety, health and environment (SHE) requirements in accordance with all relevant Indian environmental and social laws, standards, codes and regulations.
  • Preparation of a detailed Maintenance plan for three years beyond 02 Years of defect notification period (total five Years after taking over). Review and Validation of Cost estimate with a view to optimise.
  • Selection of method of implementation/construction and proposing construction methodology for Project implementation outline functional requirements for the structures. 

Design & Specification:

  • GC shall recommend the designs for adoption as tender designs covering all aspects relevant to the implementation of the project and in the degree of detail as required in tender documents for such projects. Tender Design review/preparation/validation will include but not limited to:
  • The recommended design criteria, specifications, standards and codes of practice will be in accordance with the relevant Indian codes of practice/ specifications. Where the standards and specifications are not available in the Indian Codes of practice/specifications, International codes of practice/ specifications will be adopted with the approval/consultation with the client. The recommended criteria, specifications, etc. will become part of tender design, on acceptance by the DFCCIL.
  • The Consultant shall conduct design study on electrical works consisting of Over Head Line Equipment, Traction Power Supply Arrangement including transmission and distribution lines as per requirement, SCADA and General Power Supply Arrangement including electrification and air-conditioning of service / office buildings. Based on the study results of traction power load flow simulation study undertaken earlier, the Consultant shall prepare drawings and configurations of basic design and tender documents on the basis of Design-Build Contract, and submit to DFCC for approval.
  • The Consultant shall conduct Basic Signalling Design which will include but not be limited to Architecture/configuration of the signalling arrangements, based upon the latest technology in tandem with signalling system of rest of EDFC, for block working, LC Gates and stations, schematic line scheme at the stations and in sections, Schematic layout of the power supply, Train Management System, optimum layouts of operations and signalling equipment rooms. The basic telecommunication design, based upon the latest technology in tandem with telecommunication system of rest of EDFC, will include but not be limited to system design and schematic plan of Equipment, System requirements for safety related communication for signalling, Configuration/ Architecture of NMS, Operational and other Requirements for communication systems.
  • In addition to other standard provisions, the employer’s requirement in the bid document will include detailed functional and performance specifications for systems/sub-systems/equipments, detailed standards for hardware/software checks/certification/validation, RAMS based performance parameters, spares and special tools & test equipment requirement, maintenance guarantees and training for operational/technical staff.
  • The recommended specifications, and design criteria will also cover the methods of construction, design of temporary works and disposal of excavated materials, as also the external environment under which the work would be required to be executed. The specifications will also prescribe the tests and acceptance standards for various components of works.
  • It is to be ensured that the designs and specifications will meet the project requirement at reasonable cost, without imposing any limitations regarding competitive bidding. The DFCCIL intends to go green and would be harnessing solar energy at station, Depot, viaduct etc. Design approach should take into account this. 


  • Based upon the review and exercise in validation & required optimisation of project estimate, as incorporated in the DPR and developed further based upon the finalised Design, Employer requirement, specification, as incorporated in the Bid Document,
    • The GC shall prepare the detailed estimate of Civil works,
    • The Consultant shall also prepare the estimated cost of Electrical works, and
  • The consultant will prepare the detailed estimated cost for signalling and telecommunication work based on the basic design, technical /performance specifications and scope of work in the bid document 

Bid Process Management:

  • The GC shall conduct entire bid process management till signing of contract for selection of Contractors/Suppliers/DDCs/ Others on behalf of DFCCIL. However, the public face for Bid process management will remain with DFCCIL. The activities to be rendered by the GC in this regard shall include, but not be limited to the following:
  • The GC shall prepare the complete Bid document to invite the bids through the designated procurement portal which will be uploaded by the designated official (s) of DFCCIL. GC shall follow the rules and regulations of the designated procurement portal in their bid process management.
  • There shall be no prequalification. The GC shall ensure that the Bid Documents incorporate provisions in eligibility criteria Chapter. so that Bidder’s compliance with PQ Criteria is assessed.
  • GC shall organize pre-bid conferences/meetings, prepare responses to the queries of the bidders and prepare the associated addendum/corrigendum to tender documents) which will be issued by DFCCIL. The GC shall make presentation(s), if required.
  • GC shall assist DFCCIL in making appropriate arrangements for receiving bids and opening of the same at the scheduled dates. GC shall prepare issues seeking clarification from the bidders after bid submission.
  • GC shall evaluate the tender proposals and furnish recommendations for the selection of the contractors etc. for all bid packages including ranking of the bidders. For this, GC shall prepare a confidential evaluation report with detailed analysis and justification and prepare presentation materials as per the requirement of DFCCIL.
  • This report/presentation should contain a concise set of basis and justification for ranking of the bids. GC shall be required to make a presentation pertaining to the recommendations to a committee constituted by DFCCIL.
  • The GC shall Assist in negotiations with Bidders (i) Prepare information and data to be used in the negotiations/clarifications (ii) Co-ordinate and assist DFCCIL in negotiations/clarifications with the selected bidder(s) and record minutes of all meetings.
  • The GC shall prepare any other relevant details, as deemed necessary. GC shall prepare and submit draft Letter of acceptance for acceptance by the client. he GC shall assist DFCCIL in preparing and finalization of Contract agreements
  • The GC shall recommend and assist DFCCIL in implementing appropriate strategy/mechanism to deal with bid disqualifications, negotiation and fall back options.
  • The GC shall ensure proactive monitoring and management of approved procurement schedules, highlight triggers for ongoing/next set of activities to be initiated on a rolling basis. The GC shall highlight any nonconformity or deviations from the approved procurement schedule and need for amendments, if any.

The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com 

Source: DFCCIL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): SCR

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