Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Maintenance of double line BG track including DFCCIL Yards, formation, major & minor bridges, retaining structures, staff quarters , civil works like buildings (i.e. stations, IMSDs/RH/GSMR/TER/IBH/Gumti/SP/SSP /TSS/ASS & other allied buildings) between New Rewari to New Dadri section (including its connecting lines with IR & ICD/Dadri) of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor in the jurisdiction of CGM/Noida (for 2 years).
- Tender Reference Number: CGM/DFCCIL/NOIDA UNIT/ Civil Structure-Track Maintenance/04
- Name of Work: Maintenance of double line BG track including DFCCIL Yards, formation, major & minor bridges, retaining structures, staff quarters , civil works like buildings (i.e. stations, IMSDs/RH/GSMR/TER/IBH/Gumti/SP/SSP /TSS/ASS & other allied buildings) between New Rewari to New Dadri section (including its connecting lines with IR & ICD/Dadri) of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor in the jurisdiction of CGM/Noida (for 2 years).
- Cost of Work: INR 15,62,24,265 Crore
- EMD: INR 9,31,200 Lakh
- Completion Period: 24 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 03rd October, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 03rd November, 2022
- Pre-Bid meeting: 18th October, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 20th October, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 03rd November, 2022
- Opening of Tender: 03rd November, 2022
Scope of Work:
- The stated work is proposed to be executed in the jurisdiction of CGM/Noida between New Rewari to New Dadri stations of DFCCIL, it consists of Track length of 312 Tkm & also includes maintenance of station Building/Service Buildings/Residential Quarters/Machine shed, overhead and underground water tanks, septic tank, soak pits, Bridges, RFO, RUB, ROB, FOB, Aqueduct, Syphon, Viaducts, Tunnel & all other allied structures.
Following yards are included in the scope of work:
- Description of Maintenance work in station yards;
- New Dharuhera Yard including all Civil structures in the Yard
- New Taoru Yard including all Civil structures in the Yard
- New Prithala Yard including IR Asawati Connection & including all Civil structures in the Yard
- New Faridabad Yard including all Civil structures in the Yard
- New Dadri Yard including IR connecting line,EDFC connection line and ICD connecting line & including all Civil structures in the Yard
- Maintenance of all Buildings such as SP/SSP/TSS/IBH/Gumti in the mid section between above stations in Rewari-Dadri section
- In addition to the routine maintenance of Buildings, the scope of work also includes Housekeeping work in Station and service Buildings.
- The track maintenance activity also includes cleaning of waterways, Toe drains and catch water drains,rain cut repairs on High Embankments & Deep cut(having height/depth up to 30 mtr from GL), removal of caracas of run over cattles,and humans from the track.
- Presently the tenderer has to start the track maintenance activity from Km 15.5 to Km 56/700 between New Rewari station (excluding) to New Mewat Station(Including) and from Km 89/900 to 143/000 between New Prithala Station(including) to New Dadri station(including Dadri Yard, ICD,IR & EDFC connection).
- The section for track maintenance between Km 56/700 to 89/900 shall be handed over after some time.
- If at the direction of DFCCIL, any item given in the scope of work is executed partially, the rate for the same shall be reduced proportionally.
- The track maintenance work has to be carried out in an electrified section with 2x25KV electrified electric traction. The contractor should carry out the track maintenance work in consultation with the TRD department of DFCCIL.
Track work:
- Removing rail of all types & length from track, laid on any type & density of sleeper by removing fish plates, fastenings & fish bolts and other materials along with keeping released rail and all materials safely on cess, as directed by Engineer in-charge. (Cutting & drilling of rail shall be paid separately and work to be done under traffic block & Railway’s supervision) BG track- For Causal/Scattered Renewal work.
- Insertion of rails of all types & length in track, laid on any type & density of sleeper to the specified gauge rates include fastening of rail with sleepers with standard set of fastenings and fixing of fish plates and bolts or, if required, providing gap for welding. (Drilling and cutting of rail to be paid separately) BG track- For Causal/Scattered Renewal work.
- Replacement of sleepers in track with sleepers, lying on cess for casual renewal at isolated locations with all fittings complete to specified gauge & cross level with contractor’s tools including packing and dressing of ballast, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Released materials shall be neatly stacked and handed over.
- BG Track (PSC to PSC sleepers), Cutting / cropping of rail of 60Kg – 90 UTS, manually and perfectly vertical with contractor’s labour, hacksaw blade and tools & plants.
- Manual cutting should be used only in emergencies with prior permission of sectional APM/DPM/PM/DCPM where machine cutting can not be arranged in time.
- Cutting of Rails with blade and forcing to part by using other means to break the rails is prohibited.
- Rails should be cut right through hacksaw blades only, Earthwork for repairing to cess by cutting or raising of existing cess upto 4metre from centre of track with Railway’s earth including cutting of earth,leading, benching, filling, dressing including cutting of grass / shrubs / trees etc.;
- Watering, compaction by ramming and levelling of earth for required longitudinal & cross sectional profile, as directed Note: [Rate also includes repairs of trolley refuges including pulling ballast backup to formation level to avoid impounding of ballast and there after putting the pulled ballast back after cess repairs etc.]
- Picking up of slacks in track, as directed by Engineer in-charge without damaging sleepers & fittings, duly opening up ballast, gauging, alignment, correcting longitudinal & cross levels, packing, boxing of ballast and dressing the same under traffic conditions (as per Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual Para-606),
- Improving track drainage by Shallow Screening of existing ballast under traffic as per Para 227 {2 (a) to (f)} of IRPWM and Para 6.2-IV of LWR Manual, including removing the crib ballast in 50mm to 75mm depth below bottom of sleeper and complete shoulder ballast without breaking core under the bottom of sleeper, to recover clean ballast by screening on wire mesh and disposing off the muck including throwing & levelling, if required beyond minimum 5m from the edge of cutting which are upto 3m deep or alternatively carting it upto 50m for disposing it off beyond cutting or platforms away from the track, as directed by Engineer in-charge including cutting & making up the cess and ensuring proper drainage slope and then reinserting cleaned ballast into track and compaction of shoulder and crib ballast by wooden mallet and dressing / profiling ballast as per railway specifications.
- Maintenance of track on main line & loops, Points & crossings etc. including special attention to section for carrying out various maintenance works listed in Indian Railways P.Way Manual / Bridge Manual / LWR Manual for safe running of goods and passenger trains with contractor’s tools / labours etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
- Contractor shall arrange one gang at any point of time consisting of minimum 20 labourers with sufficient experience in P.Way working and one P.Way Supervisor. In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour / Supervisor, payment will be deducted @ 10% of the accepted rate per person.
- Removal of all types of muck / malba and garbage which includes waste material, animal carcass, cow dung, debris, sweepings etc. from track and dumping / throwing, as directed by engineer in-charge following all rules / regulations of State / Central Govt. and Authorised Bodies:
- Trimming of tree branches coming within 4m of centre line of track & those obstructing views of LCs / Signal / Indicator at locations in section & station yard, as specified by Engineer in- charge including disposal of branches, bushes outside cess/yard (Note : Girth of more than 30 cm will only be considered as tree).
- Carrying out Through USFD testing of running rails & welds (excluding flange testing) including the full head width portion of SEJ, lead portion of points & crossings of all types of rails using 0° (4 MHz) and 70° (2 MHz) central forward & backward, 70° (2 MHz) gauge face corner forward & backward and 70° (2 MHz) field forward & backward probes by NBC (Need Based Concept) method under traffic conditions as per provisions of IR’s “Manual & Specifications for Ultrasonic Testing of Rails and Welds” & related instructions, duly marking defects, submission of daily reports and storing back-up data, as specified & directed. The rates are inclusive of contractor’s men, materials & machines complete unless otherwise specified and as directed,
- Clearing water way of Major/Minor Bridges by removing weeds/Shrubs/bushes, removing silt deposits, filling scours, if any up to 10 metres from centre of Bridge on either side including disposing waste and silt away from Waterway (Rates are for single line and per meter of Br span),
- Grouting of masonry/Concrete by injection process duly sealing of cracks, through nipples complete as per technical specification & procedure given in IRBM Para No 209 including necessary admixture. (Cement will be paid extra).
The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com
Source: DFCCIL -Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL
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