Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Repairing, refixing/replacement & maintenance of signalling and telecommunication gears/equipment and other related work including manpower and maintenance vehicles between New Rewari to New Dadri section (including its connecting lines with IR & ICD/Dadri) of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor in the jurisdiction of CGM/Noida unit (for 2 Years).
- Tender Reference Number: CGM/DFCCIL/NOIDA UNIT/S&T MAINTENANCE/2022/05
- Name of Work: Repairing, refixing/replacement & maintenance of signalling and telecommunication gears/equipment and other related work including manpower and maintenance vehicles between New Rewari to New Dadri section (including its connecting lines with IR & ICD/Dadri) of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor in the jurisdiction of CGM/Noida unit (for 2 Years).
- Tender Value: INR 5,71,78,195 Crore
- EMD: INR 4,35,900 Lakh
- Completion Period: 24 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 03rd November, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 05th December, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 03rd November, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 05th December, 2022
- Tender Opening Date: 05th December, 2022
Scope of Work:
- Following yards are included in the scope of work:
Description of Maintenance Work in the Station Yards |
All the Signalling and Telecom Works at New Dharuhera Crossing Station |
All the Signalling and Telecom Works at New Tauru (New Mewat) Crossing Station |
All the Signalling and Telecom Works at New Prithala Junction Station Yard including IR Asawati Connection |
All the Signalling and Telecom Works at New Faridabad Crossing Station |
All the Signalling and Telecom Works at New Dadri Yard including IR connecting line, EDFC connecting line and ICD connecting line |
Maintenance of all the Signalling and Telecom Works in the mid-section between above Stations including IBH in New Rewari-New Dadri Section |
- The S&T Maintenance Work has to be carried out in the Electrified Section with 2×25 KV Electrified Electric Traction. The Contractor should carry out the S&T Maintenance Work in consultation with the TRD Department of DFCCIL.
- To carry out the work on “as & when required basis” for Items at Sr. No. 4 to 52 of Schedule-B, detailed in Form No. 4 “Schedule of Approximate Quantities & Rate” of this Tender document.
- The work shall be executed at 05 WDFC Stations including 05 Ghumties, 05 Block Sections (including IBH), Telecom Equipment Rooms & IR Connecting Lines and ICD/IMSD in a total stretch of approximately 128 Km under the Jurisdiction of CGM/Noida as per requirement/instruction of DFCCIL site-incharge.
- Tentative Locations where the work needs to be executed on “as & when required basis” is tabulated below:
Sr. No. | WDFC Station (Station Type) | Block Section | Connecting Line |
1 | New Dharuhera (Crossing Station) | New Rewari-New Dharuhera | – |
2 | New Mewat (Crossing Station) | New Dharuhera-New Mewat (IBS03) | – |
3 | New Prithala (Junction Station) | New Mewat-New Prithala (IBS02) | New Prithala-IR Asaoti Station |
4 | New Faridabad (Crossing Station) | New Prithala-New Faridabad (IBS01) | – |
5 | New Dadri (Junction Station) | New Faridabad-New Dadri | New Dadri-IR Dadri & New Dadri-Boraki EDFC Station |
- The work shall be done as per instruction issued by DFCCIL site-incharge. DFCCILs SSOD (Standard Schedule of Dimensions) shall be followed to avoid any infringement during execution of work at the site.
- The Contractor shall ensure the safety of existing assets like cables etc. during the activities like trenching, cable laying etc. and if any of the existing cables gets damaged during the work, the repairing /replacement of the same shall be done by the Contractor at his own cost.
- The Contractor shall ensure to take all safety measures during the execution of the work.
- The Contractor shall arrange the space for storage & inspection of the material at his own cost or will request DFCCIL to allot the space at any of the WDFC Stations/IMSD given in Para 1.2.3 above.
- However, responsibility regarding safety & security of the stored material shall vest with the Contractor only.
- Equipment/material in the schedule where RDSO/IS Specification has not been stipulated, shall be procured from manufacturers of repute/their authorized dealers/approved source.
- All the materials to be supplied by the Contractor need to be supplied at the nominated work sites as required and instructed by DFCCIL site in-charge. The loading, unloading and transportation of these materials to the site of work will have to be done by the Contractor at its own cost.
- The security of the material brought to the site of work will remain with the Contractor till the material taken over are duly erected and accepted by the DFCCIL.
- All the material and workmanship to be used in this work shall be of extremely good quality, reputed make and shall have appropriate class in every respect and is expected to give trouble free service.
- DFCCIL shall have full power to reject any material that it may consider to be defective or inferior in quality, workmanship or otherwise not in accordance with the Specification and the DFCCIL’s decision shall be final, even though they might have been inspected by RDSO/RITES. The Contractor shall remove forthwith any such material rejected and replace them promptly at his own cost.
- Approved Design/Drawings shall be made available to the successful tenderer on request, to identify the location of existing S&T cables and other equipment, wherever required, during the execution of work like trenching/laying/connection of Power Cables and earthing through BEC etc., at the site as per requirement, so as to ensure that no damage is done to healthy cables and other S&T gears/equipment. DFC representatives shall assist the successful tenderer to interpret the drawings and specifications.
- After the issue of the Acceptance Letter, the successful tenderer shall inform the concerned Dy.PM/APM/S&T of DFCCIL as per their respective jurisdiction, prior to start any execution of work at any location.
- Before carrying out the digging, trenching or any other earth related works, the Contractor shall ensure to locate & safeguard the known and unknown underground utilities by using a pre-approved scanning Equipment. The Equipment to be used for scanning shall be approved from DFCCIL.
- DFCCIL officials shall be the Jurisdiction wise site in-charge of work for inspection of material, certification of execution of work. Filling of the measurement book issued by DFCCIL shall be the responsibility of Executive/Sr. Executive/S&T nominated by the DFCCIL officers, which further has to be certified by the concerned JPM/APM/Dy.PM/S&T.
- The Tenderer must have successfully completed any one of the following categories of work(s) during last 07 (Seven) Years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited:
- Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of tender, or
- Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of tender, or
- One similar work each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of tender.
- Similar Work means to carry out the work related to Repairing/ Refixing/ Replacement/ Construction/ Maintenance of Signalling Assets in Indian Railways or in Railway PSUs like RVNL, IRCON, RITES, DFCCIL etc. or in any other reputed Govt. organisation.
The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com
Source: DFCCIL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL
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