In spite of COVID related restrictions hampering the overall production targets, the workers of Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), Patiala, a Production Unit of Indian Railways, manufactured 10 DETC (Diesel Electric Tower Car ), 06 WAP 9H & 02 WAP 7 Electric Locomotives in April & May ( with 30% staffin April & only 20% Staff in May ).
- DMW has achieved a landmark production in rolling out 17 Electric Locomotives/8W-DETC’s (02 Nos WAP7, 07 Nos WAG9HC & 08 Nos 8W-DETC) in the month of June, 2021.
- While working, DMW workers also ensured strict adherence to guidelines on COVD-19, including norms on social distancing at shop floor.
- Shri S. N.Dubey, Principal Chief Administrative Officer also said that in two years this production unit has shifted its production line from Alco locomotives to Electric Locomotives.
- The Staff & officers have risen to the challenge of re-skilling and re-organising the shop floors, machines and planning process for transition to electric locos.
- He further mentioned that DMW has many quality certifications in and which clearly indicate its efforts in the field of quality.
- Shri Dubey congratulated the Production team of DMW to see their dedications towards their work during this pandemic.
Recent achievement:
Meanwhile, in April, DMW achieved the highest ever production of new Electric Locomotives and Diesel Electric Tower Cars (DETCs). Despite pandemic restrictions, DMW produced are cord number of 53 WAP-7 passenger locos, 3 WAG-9HC freight Locos, 77 DETCs (Diesel Electric Tower Cars) and one WAG-10 converted Electric Loco (Total 134 vehicles) during 2020-21 against 129 vehicles produced last year.
- Besides this, DMW also supplied 144 Motorized Bogies and 122 Motorized Wheel sets to Zonal Railways for their maintenance requirements,achieving a total production output of Rs.1735.20 Crs. during 2020-21.
- Attuning Itself to the Indian Railways’ goal of complete electrification, DMW started manufacturing of new 3-Phase IGBT based WAP7 locomotives and 8-Wheeler Diesel Electric Tower Cars (DETC) in the month of February and December 2018 respectively.
- Till March’21, DMW has manufactured 194 WAP-7 passenger locomotives and 127 Diesel Electric Tower Cars, which are self propelled vehicles used for electrification and maintenance activities of railways.
- Diversifying it’s product-mix, DMW has also started series production of WAG-9HC freight locomotives and the 1st WAG-9HC locomotive has been turned out in Mar’2021.
- The first prototype WAG 10 electric loco, which is converted from diesel locos, has also been turned out in March 2021.
Source: DMW-Press Release | Image credit: MoR
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