Exclusive Interview with Mr. Sanjay Risbood, CEO, Getzner India Pvt. Ltd

Interview Insights

Rail Analysis: Please brief us more about the Getzner’s Mass-Spring System (MSS) and how can this technology ensure comfortable and safe operations for the Metro operators?

Mr. Sanjay Risbood: Mass-spring systems are adopted in the railway track superstructure (slab track) when the surrounding establishments need to be protected against vibration and structure-borne noise. Mass Spring systems are adopted on any type of railway operations from tram, Light metro, Main line to high speed. Our bearings for mass-spring systems are highly efficient in helping to protect residents living in the vicinity of railway lines from the effects of noise and vibrations.

The effective isolation of vibrations also has a positive effect on the price of properties affected by vibrations. We offer three types of bearings for mass-spring systems – full surface, stripe and discrete bearings. The type of solution used, depends on the economic and technical considerations.

The lowest natural frequency which has been achieved is approximately 5 Hz in mass-spring systems constructed for local and intercity railway lines. Mass-spring systems using our bearings have been installed in over 40 cities, on high-speed lines and on various standard gauge lines worldwide.

A full-surface type Mass Spring system is primarily used in rapid transit networks. With this type of construction, the entire track structure is isolated from the surroundings using base and side mats. The simple, effective and low- cost approach adopted by us has proven its value around the world and is used in many cities.



Rail Analysis: What are the complete range of products you are manufacturing & supplying to the railway industry?

Mr. Sanjay Risbood: Getzner Sylomer ® and Sylodyn ® solutions reduce vibrations and structure-borne noise generated by railways effectively and improve the quality of living and working conditions. These materials introduce more elasticity into the railway superstructure for less wear on the track components such as rails, sleepers and ballast.

Installation in Metro system in India

Our elastic components ranging from Under Sleeper Pads, Under Ballast Mats, Mass-spring Systems, Rail Pads, Baseplate Pads, Insertion Pads for Sleeper Boots, Rail Groove Fillers and Continuous Rail Bearings. Getzner basically delivers every elasticity needed for the railway superstructure. All these products have been proven to extend the service life of the track superstructure and help to reduce Life Cycle Costs.



Rail Analysis: What are the current Railway & Metro projects Getzner is executing in India and can you please share the updated footprint of Getzner in the worldwide railway market?

Mr. Sanjay Risbood: Our reference on mass-springs system in Asia:

  • Nagoya Station (JP)
  • Riyadh Metro (SA)
  • Dhaka Metro Line 6 (Bangladesh)
  • Delhi Metro (IN)
  • Chengdu Metro (CN)
  • Chongqing Metro (CN)
  • Bangalore Metro (IN)
  • Dongguan Metro (CN)
  • Fuzhou Metro (CN)
  • Nanjing Metro (CN)
  • Lucknow Metro (IN)
  • Seoul Metro (KOR)
  • Hanam Line (KOR)
  • Jaipur Metro (IN)
  • Suin Line (KOR)
  • Ahmedabad Metro
  • Mumbai Metro

Alongside its locations in Buyers and in Germany, Getzner also has offices in China, France, India, Japan, Jordan and the USA. Its tightly-knit distribution network in Europe is complemented by its distribution partners in the USA, South America, Australia and the Far East. Partners in a total of 40 countries around the world distribute Getzner Werkstoffe products to every location.



Rail Analysis: Now, the Indian Railways is aiming to become a future ready railway system by 2030 and giving special emphasis on development of Rail Tracks for high speed train operations. How can Getzner engage their expertise in these projects?

Mr. Sanjay Risbood: Getzner is the partner for railway operators. Because of over 50 years of experience and as a partner of the biggest railway companies Getzner has built a comprehensive know-how in all the years.

We have developed dedicated solutions for the railway, construction and industry sectors, which we use to serve markets around the world. We are also able to develop customer-specific materials and products.

Various experts of the specialized departments will be involved in a project. Every day specialists in the fields of physics, the building and construction industry, machine engineering, acoustics, chemistry, and production and process engineering work to implement individual customer solutions.

Delhi Metro

We work closely with a global network of partners, which includes engineering consultancies, construction companies, testing institutes and universities, to offer a wide range of services. These services include baseline surveys, development of solutions, calculations and simulation, efficiency forecasts and proofs and vibration measurements, as well as material tests and testing which we carry out our own test rigs. On the construction site, we are heavily involved in planning and construction meetings as well as in briefings, installation and acceptance.


  • Calculation and efficiency forecasts
  • Material and system testing
  • Customer-specific solutions
  • Designing installation plans
  • Briefings on the construction site
  • Installation supervision on the construction site
  • Acceptance at the construction site
  • Comparative measurements
  • Partner network
  • Additional services (life cycle costs analysis, after sales services, global customer support/presence, training for customers and sales partners)

Installation of Mass-Spring Systems



Rail Analysis: Any additional insights you would like to share with us?

Mr. Sanjay Risbood: Service is our passion:

  • Our strength lies in developing individual solutions for vibration engineering challenges. One of the main problems associated with railway traffic is the vibrations that are transferred from the track superstructure to the surrounding area. Humans perceive these vibrations in the form of a trembling in the ground or structure-borne noise. Another concern is the cost of the maintenance work that has to be carried out on the railways as a result of the wear and tear caused by insufficient elasticity within the track. We develop highly-elastic products and systems to attenuate this type of vibration, successfully reducing the cost of the maintenance work required due to the wearing of superstructure components and rolling stock.

These products were developed by our own researchers and have been designed to cope with all axle loads and speeds. They are used all over the world and are leading products in the railway sector. The economic solutions provide highly effective vibration protection for all areas:

  • Standard gauge
  • High speed
  • Urban transport (light railways, trams and underground lines)
  • Heavy freight
  • Local transit

Our railway solutions have been designed to cope with all axle loads and speeds. A certified environmental management system at Getzner ensures that the concept of environmental awareness is put into practice in all areas of the company.

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