Gujarat Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (G-RIDE) has invited tenders for Construction of Rail Flyover with approaches near Gothangam Railway Station including 25 KV Electrification and Telecommunication works in connection with Hazira Rail Connectivity in Vadodara Division of Western Railway.
- Name of Work: Construction of Rail Flyover with approaches near Gothangam Railway Station including 25 KV Electrification and Telecommunication works in connection with Hazira Rail Connectivity in Vadodara Division of Western Railway.
- EMD: INR 1,84,50,00,000
- Period of completion: 4 years
- Opening Date: 15-11-2021
- Closing Date: 12-11-2021
- Opening Date for Download: 12-10-2021
Standards and Detailed Cost:
New Line shall be as per latest Railway Standards of DFC Track and Bridge Structures are proposed with 32.5 MT of Axle Load. The Detailed Cost of the project is taken on the basis of latest RVNL rates.
The total Cost of the project is as under:
Sr. No. | Description | Rs. In Crores |
1 | Civil | 533.77 |
2 | Land | 786.44 |
3 | Gen. Elect (incl. Overhead crossings) | 44.04 |
4 | OHE | 50.98 |
5 | S&T | 31.86 |
6 | Mechanical Works | 0.39 |
Basic Cost including Land | 1447.48 | |
Interest During Construction (IDC) | 26.06 | |
Project Cost including Land as per EPC | 1600.00 |
About the Project:
- The purpose of the new rail line is to provide DFC-standard rail connectivity to Hazira port area and nearby industries, such as KRIBHCO, ONGC, IOC, Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel and Larsen & Toubro.
- This line will serve the industry and port and evacuate rail bound traffic via direct connectivity to Western DFC.
- The proposed Alignment is for connecting New Gothangam DFC Yard to Hazira for dedicated transit of freight.
- The Alignment will provide arterial connectivity to Hazira at New Gothangam DFC Rail Yard by avoiding surface crossing over Western Railway.
- This alignment facilitates transfer of freight traffic to/ from DFC without surface crossing, thereby avoiding loss of sectional capacity and congestion.
- The line will have high rise OHE, thereby giving advantage of double stack containers running for destinations in western and northern India.
- As shown in the schematic diagram (Annexure 7), the project alignment runs parallel to KRIBHCO line up to Variyav and from Variyav side an 2 X 45 m Rail Flyover long bridge is proposed to cross over the WR main line to connect at New Gothangam junction of DFC.
- As per the current alignment of DFC, there is no transfer point to DFC at Surat. Hence the existing connection with WR main line at Kosad can continue to serve freight traffic from Hazira area destined towards Mumbai and central India/southern India.
- The project line will start from Battery Limits of Hazira port and terminate at Gothangam DFC junction.
- The project length of the proposed rail line from Gothangam DFC Junction to Hazira is 36.6 km. The following stations are envisaged on the project line.
Sr. No. | Station | Chainage | Inter Station Distance in Km | Remarks |
1 | New Gothangam | 0.00 | 0.00 | DFC Yard |
2 | Variyav Station | 8.25 | 8.25 | B-Class station at Y-Junction (New Station) |
3 | Okkha Station | 16.50 | 8.25 | B-Class station (New Station) |
4 | Kavas Station | 26.84 | 10.34 | B-Class station (New Station) |
5 | Hazira Port Station | 33.00 | 6.16 | B-Class station (New Station) |
Object of Project and Need for new line:
- The proposed rail line will provide DFC rail connectivity to the Hazira area for movement of traffic to Northern India and Central India (NCR, Indore, Gwalior etc.). This project is specifically designed to facilitate transfer of freight traffic to/ from DFC without surface crossing, thereby avoiding loss of sectional capacity and congestion.
- The line will have high rise OHE, thereby giving advantage of double stack container running for destinations in western and northern India.
- Hazira is an all-weather, direct-berthing port located on the west side of Hazira peninsula in South Gujarat. Currently Hazira port’s rail bound cargo is dispatched via KRIBHCO (KRIL) siding, located-13km from the port. Current route of rail dispatch-via KRIL-GTX-PAO operates 120% utilization and handles more than 84 passenger trains per day each way. Stoppage of passenger trains at 4 intermediate stations between GTX-PAO, further impedes the freight movement.
- Proposed line will provide direct DFC connectivity to Hazira port at New Gothangam DFC junction and nearby industries without surface crossing, thereby avoiding loss of sectional capacity and congestion.
- This will also provide the flexibility of transferring Hazira traffic to Western Railway through existing Y-connectivity.
About Project & GRIDE:
- The Government of Gujarat has formed a new JV company, named ‘Gujarat Rail Infrastructure Development Ltd (G-RIDE)’ with equity contribution of 51% and 49% from Government of Gujarat (GOG) and Ministry of Railway(MOR) respectively.
- G-RIDE has a mission to develop and augment critical Railway Development projects, enhance capacity of High-Density Network and provide last mile railway connectivity with main railway line of the State with high standards of safety and efficiency by adopting the best technological practices, sound financial strategy and optimum utilization of resources through implementing large capacity creation programs.
- Gujarat Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (G-RIDE) has been entrusted with the assignment of Project Management Consultancy including preparation of Detailed Project Report of proposed Rail, Connectivity from New Gothangam (DFC Crossing Station) to Hazira Port (36.680 km) in State of Gujarat.
Source: G-RIDE-Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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