HMRTC invites tender for Detail Design Consultant for civil architectural, E&M works of elevated section and depot for Gurgaon Metro project

HMRTC invites E-Tenders for Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for civil architectural and E&M works of elevated section (28.5 km) having 27 stations (Main Corridor from HUDA City Centre to Cyber City, Gurgaon (26.65 Km) and Spur from Basai Village to Dwarka Expressway (1.85 Km) of Gurgaon Metro Project and also inclusive of Depot connection.

  • Tender Reference Number: HMRTC/PRO/2023/GGNCCDD-15(R1)
  • Name of Work: Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for civil architectural and E&M works of elevated section (28.5 km) having 27 stations (Main Corridor from HUDA City Centre to Cyber City, Gurgaon (26.65 Km) and Spur from Basai Village to Dwarka Expressway (1.85 Km) of Gurgaon Metro Project and also inclusive of Depot connection.
  • Approx. Cost of Work: INR 17.68 Crores
  • EMD: INR 11.92 Lakh
  • Period of Work: 48 Months
  • Document Download Start Date: 16th March, 2023
  • Document Download End Date: 17th April, 2023
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 28th March, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 28th March, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 17th April, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 17th April, 2023

Scope of Work:

  • The DDC shall perform the Services set out in this Agreement.
  • The DDC shall deliver sufficient designs and documents as per Schedule given in Reference Documents (Volume-4), to enable HMRTC to float tender for construction work for each package.

These Services generally include, but are not limited to:

  • Conceptual Layout planning of all 27 Elevated stations.
  • Detailed architectural planning including type of finishes for all elevated stations including track structure within the stations and issue of GFC drawings which will include Bar Bending Schedules also.
  • Cost effective detailed structural design of all required components of viaduct including special span wherever required and all elevated stations including track supporting structure within stations.
  • Detailed design of all building services like illumination, E&M, fire suppression and fire detection, plumbing, drainage, water supply, lifts, escalators, power supply and public telephones.
  • Detailed architectural and structural design of Property Development area at HUDA City Centre, Cyber City stations and other stations as identified by HMRTC, on the land as per enclosed plans at these stations including design of Building Services (E&M, fire Detection & suppression, Air Conditioning, main water supply, sewerage and plumbing etc. (upto outside the structure and embedded elements).
  • Property development can be integrated with stations or stand alone. External architectural finishing of Property development area is also included in the Scope but internal finishes are not included.
  • Detailed designs of intermodal transfer facilities for road and pedestrian traffic, landscaping, traffic management plan including design of street furniture required for smooth traffic movement on completion of the project.
  • Review detailed design of horizontal and vertical alignment over and above the Pier Pegging done and drawing provided by HMRTC. Review of the alignment proposed including span arrangement and special spans, finalisation thereof with the approval of HMRTC.

Review of launching schemes proposed by Civil contractors:

  • Preparation of Combined Services Drawing (CSD), Structural Opening Drawings (SOD), Structural-Electrical-Mechanical (SEM) drawings including review of all these drawings and updating them during construction.
  • Prepare BOQs, special specifications, construction cost estimates for the associated construction contract for tendering by HMRTC and modify the cost estimate as necessary before the contract is awarded.
  • The BOQs, special specifications, construction cost estimate is to be prepared separately for stations and for viaduct in a number of packages as decided by HMRTC so as to facilitate HMRTC to call construct only tenders in different contract packages.
  • Incorporate and co-ordinate changes in its design due to system-wide interfacing with other DDC/ Contractors/ HMRTC which will be provided as per agreed schedule.
  • Incorporate changes in design resulting from HMRTC design reviews which will be provided to DDC as per agreed schedule.
  • Prepare necessary technical documentation presentation and assist HMRTC to obtain necessary planning and other required approvals for the Station designs, Station layouts including PD area, track supporting structures including E&M facilities and fire detection/ suppression system and drawings for property development when integral to the station building, from the relevant approving authority; like Fire Service, Traffic Police etc.
  • Plan, design, detail control, co-ordinate and execute the design phase of the Works for production of drawings, documents and reports to meet the key schedule dates included in the Agreement and as directed by the HMRTC.
  • Design the signages for all the stations.
  • Prepare and submit a Design Quality Control plan to the HMRTC for approval.
  • Maintain a Quality Control activity and an effective internal procedure for checking the accuracy of Work and assuring compliance with contract requirements.
  • Attend meetings during the design stage connected with the Work whenever required.
  • Site visits for design implementation during construction when required specifically by HMRTC (These shall be paid for separately).
  • Proof checking the designs done by Design and Build contractor, suggest any modifications if necessary.
  • To review as-built drawings submitted by the contractors with respect to GFC and highlight changes including analysis to assess if there is any adverse impact of such changes.
  • Submission of procedure and frequencies of different types of testing required during construction and also review of the results.
  • Design of furniture required for Station Control Room, TOM etc. in stations including other locations in stations.
  • To assist the HMRTC’s site supervision staff in clarification of queries resulting from the design.
  • All above designs shall be performed following the criteria laid down in Vol. ‘4’ (Reference Document). Also DDC will take into account acoustic and ergonomic considerations as per best practices in their design, but will not be required to furnish any detailed studies, calculations, etc. in this regard.
  • Supervise the geotechnical work and get the investigation done as required for design foundation for viaduct, metro stations.
  • Check and certify the launching scheme and methodology of the construct contractor.

Duties and Responsibilities of the DDC:

  • The DDC shall initiate in consultation with HMRTC, and actively pursue and involve itself in all investigations and enquiries, consultations, studies, collection and compliance with pertinent information and data, convening of and attendance at meetings, and in any other activities as are or may be necessary for producing the detailed design, drawings and documents to the specified requirements.
  • The DDC shall carry out the Services in accordance with its own methods, in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement. Any and all changes necessary to ensure that the DDC’s design, drawings and documents conform to the intent and purpose set out in the Agreement, shall be made at the DDC’s own expense.
  • The DDC represents that it is a professional and experienced consultant providing full  consultancy services, and hereby agrees to bear full responsibility for the correctness and technical merit of the services performed.
  • The DDC shall assist HMRTC in obtaining the necessary design and regulatory approvals from the appropriate authorities for the stations, station areas, viaduct and any associated joint developments.
  • Since the time schedule is tight, the approval will be given expeditiously if the DDC  submittals are complete and in confirmation with conditions laid down in the Agreement.

Basis of Detailed Design:

  • The detailed design, drawings and documents shall be developed by the DDC from the appropriate conceptual, preliminary and standard drawings, design criteria, outline specifications and other information to be issued to or gathered by the DDC.
  • The DDC shall comply in producing its detailed design and drawings in accordance with the  checking requirements specified in Section 7 of this document.
  • In order to ensure uniformity of all Design Contracts, conceptual drawings, design criteria, outline specifications, standard pro-formas, and documentation will be issued to the DDC  before the actual designs are taken up and compliance with the requirements specified  therein shall be mandatory unless prior agreement in writing for any changes has been  obtained from the HMRTC.
  • However if this information is not provided to the DDC in good time, the DDC shall be given appropriate additional time to incorporate changes due to information provided late by HMRTC as per GCC/SCC.
  • The DDC shall thoroughly study the information contained in the Design Criteria, specifications, standard pro-formas and documentation issued to it. If there are any points of  disagreement or inconsistency, the DDC shall immediately refer these, giving reasons for the  disagreement, in writing to the HMRTC for a ruling.

Implementation of BIM System for DDC services:

  • DDC shall implement BIM – Revit system for executing and delivering the services set out in  this Agreement.
  • Building information modeling (BIM) uses commuting power and systems to create 3D  models of all kinds of buildings and infrastructure, with information about its design, operation and current condition.
  • At the planning and design stage, it enables designers, owners and users to work together to produce the best possible designs and to test them virtually before they are constructed.
  • During construction, it enables HMRTC’s contractors and suppliers to integrate all components, cutting out waste and reducing the risk of errors. In operation, it provides users with real-time information about available services and facility managers with accurate assessments of the condition of assets.
  • All station designs (including architectural design, structure design, E&M services design,  interior fit outs, plumbing design, etc.) as well as tunnels and viaduct designs/proof checking  shall be done using BIM modelling.
  • DDC shall implement the necessary hardware, software and human resources towards this end. 3D coordination between all disciplines shall be achieved by incorporating them in a single model.
  • DDC shall be required to produce, update and present to HMRTC on a fortnightly basis, an  integrated 3D BIM model incorporating rail track, topography, architecture, structure, plumbing and all other building services and system wide requirements in design review meetings.
  • These models shall be 3D rendered and shall help in design visualization and clash detection of elements as well as finalization of design.
  • In addition, DDC shall also provide following individual models:
    • Station Architecture Modelling
    • Station Mechanical Modelling
    • Station Electrical Modelling
    • Station Plumbing Modelling
    • Station HVAC Modelling
    • Rail Track Modelling
    • Terrain Modelling
    • Clash Detection
    • Quantity takeoff of team BIM Model
    • Visualization and Animated Walkthroughs
  • Final coordinated GFC drawings of all disciplines shall only be generated from the BIM model. Detailed cost estimates shall also be prepared only on the basis of an approved 3D BIM model.

Detailed Design:

  • The DDC shall prepare detailed designs based on the requirements provided in the drawings and documents issued to it. If the DDC disagrees with the design requirements of the specified works, it shall propose alternative designs for approval.
  • Upon approval, the DDC shall completely design and detail the Works, provide Tender and Contract Drawings and other documents for the construction contract and be fully responsible for such design and detailing.
  • The detailed design of the specified works and the incorporation of all system wide requirements are the responsibility of the DDC. The design shall be developed from outline specifications and design criteria prepared and issued to the DDC by the  HMRTC.
  • Any critical difficulty identified shall be immediately drawn to the attention of HMRTC, but notwithstanding that, the DDC shall remain totally committed to the overall integrity of the design, if necessary actively seeking advice, information and clarification so as to avoid abortive work.Design criteria provided by HMRTC will be gone through and change suggested if any as per the latest standards. It will be approved by DDC from HMRTC.
  • The DDC shall incorporate in its design, the relevant seismic criteria and earthquake design, as required by the design criteria.
  • The DDC’s design shall take into account the installation requirements of the system wide information listed in Section 3.6 of this Document, which will involve the provision of openings, conduits, fixings, bases, plinths and loadings.
  • Provision of earth electrodes, earthing bonds to steel reinforcement to be catered for. The DDC shall make provision in its design programme for the inclusion of these requirements  at a later date as they cannot be finally determined until after the award of the system wide contracts.
  • The DDC shall incorporate the requirements of the system wide contractors into its design as appropriate and as they become available As far as possible these requirements are provided to the DDC before the start of the corresponding tasks in the DDC design programme.
  • The design of Lifts and Escalators will be carried out by others under a separate system wide contract.

Civil and Structural Design:

  • The DDC shall perform all civil and structural design within the contract limits, including, the preparation of calculations, drawings, specifications, cost estimates and other documents, as required but not limited to:
    • General arrangement drawings;
    • Station and viaduct structures
    • Foot over bridge under-bridges, culverts
    • Detailed and typical sections;
    • Earthwork cross sections;
    • Line side and security fencing;
    • Escalators and Lifts
    • Fire Fighting Arrangements
    • Station and track drainage plans;
    • Ancillary buildings such as: pump house; sub-stations; and police post; etc.
    • Surface drainage plans; roads, parking lots, and bus bays in station traffic integration area
    • Administrative Office Building at Moulsari Avenue Road
    • Traffic management plans and reports.
  • The DDC shall co-ordinate its design with the relevant agencies and interfacing DDC’s and  contractors which have to achieve their drawings according to the DDC’s interfaces  requirements.
  • The vertical and horizontal alignment of the entire stretch inclusive of its geometrics and pier  locations will be provided by HMRTC in hard and soft copies and will be reviewed by the DDC and changes along with revised plans will be suggested by DDC. The final approval of  alignment and pier locations will be given by HMRTC.

Architectural Services:

  • The Architectural services shall include the detailed design of all Architectural and landscaping works, review the land requirement for stations, preparation of drawings, specifications, cost estimates and other documents, as required, in order to obtain tenders and to construct the Works, together with such other services as are set out and referred to in this General Scope of Services.
  • The works specifically include assisting HMRTC in obtaining the necessary approvals from concerned Civic Authorities.
  • The DDC shall prepare drawings with sufficient detail to fully describe the architectural design of the stations, ancillary facilities, and property development within station premises, including mechanical and electrical equipment and any structures visible to the public. These drawings shall address at a minimum such issues as:
    • Station and ancillary buildings architectural design with highest IGBC Green Mass Rapid Transport Rating (MRTS)
    • Site design, landscape design and urban design
    • Existing site characteristics which are to remain
    • Pedestrian paths and vehicular links
    • Hierarchies of public and private spaces
    • General concepts of building massing
  • Integration with existing and proposed property development of about 50,000 sq. mtr.
  • Floor and ceiling finishes have good light dispersing properties to enhance illumination.
  • The DDC shall prepare design solutions responding to requirements for public and private transportation facilities. The DDC shall prepare all the designs and drawings for property development within the station premises when Property Development is an integral part of the  station, keeping in view the prevailing building rules and he shall not be required to prepare   detailed drawings.
  • The DDC shall identify and incorporate public transport and traffic engineering design  requirements related to stations, ancillary facilities and property development.
  • The DDC shall analyse flood data provided by HMRTC and propose solutions for flood control at interfaces and thresholds between proposed grade levels and stations and ancillary facilities.
  • The DDC shall incorporate and co-ordinate its designs, and prepare drawings and documentation to be incorporated in the following system wide elements drawings which will  be used in all stations:
  • System wide architectural items to be included in the tender documents:

Finishes Schedules:

  • Floor Finishes; Wall and Column Finishes; Ceiling Systems and  Finishes
  • Railings, Barriers and Gates
  • Stair and Handrail Details:
  • Escalator Finish Details
  • Lift Finishes Details
  • Platform Details
  • Doors and Frames
  • Miscellaneous Public Area Details such as pump house, police post, sub-station etc.
  • Platform Edge Lighting
  • Public and Staff Toilet Room Details
  • Staff Room Details
  • Signs and Graphics Details as per signage manual of HMRTC
  • Landscaping and External Works
  • Plans, Sections, Elevations and Details of
  • Ticket Office
  • Ticket Hall Supervisor’s Office and Excess Fares Collection
  • Information and Enquiries
  • Station Control Room
  • Platform Supervisor’s Booth
  • Other Booth and Office Details
  • Door and Window Details
  • Countertop and Casework Details
  • Station Manager’s Room, Pump Houses, Auxiliary Substation
  • Handicapped facilities (including ramps, tactile tile layouts etc.)


Work Experience:

  • The tenderers will be qualified only if they satisfy the criteria as given in Para A.1 below (during last Ten years ending 16.03.2023):
  • Tenderer (either a single entity / JV / Consortium) should have done one work Structural, Architectural and E&M design of viaduct and elevated metro stations (both on pile foundations) of Metro/RRTS corridor with length of 18 kms. It should include at least 14 kms Viaduct design with pre-stressed (pre-tensioned)-Full Span or/and with pre-stressed (post tensioned)- Segmental. Tenderer should have also done one work of Structural, Architectural and E&M design for minimum 14 Elevated Metro/ Light Metro/RRTS stations either as part of above work or an independent work, or
  • Tenderer (either a single entity / JV / Consortium) should have done two works of Structural, Architectural and E&M design of viaduct and elevated metro stations (both on pile foundations) of Metro/RRTS corridor with length of 11 kms each or more. These should include at least 18 kms. Viaduct design with pre-stressed (pre tensioned)- Full Span and/or with pre-stressed post tensioned)- Segmental. Tenderer should have also done the work of Structural, Architectural and E&M design for minimum 18 Elevated Metro/ Light Metro/RRTS stations either as part of above two works or independent two works, or
  • Tenderer (either a single entity / JV / Consortium) should have done three works of Structural, Architectural and E&M design of viaduct and elevated metro stations (both on pile foundations) of Metro/RRTS corridor with a length of 9 km each or more. These should include at least 22 km. Viaduct design with pre-stressed (pre-tensioned) – Full Span and/or with pre-stressed (post tensioned)-Segmental. Tenderer should have also done the work of Structural, Architectural and E & M design for minimum 22 Elevated Metro/ Light Metro stations either as part of the above three works or independent three works.

For further details and e-tendering schedule visit website

Source: HMRTC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): Gurgaon Rapid Metro

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