In continuation to the tender for Data Collection and Associated Survey Work for DPR of various High Speed Rail corridors, the National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) has invited online open tender for the work “Carrying Out Ridership Study (Traffic Study) For Various HSR Corridors (About 2365 Kms Long)”.
- Tender Security: INR 2,85,000/-
- Completion period of the Work: 06 Months
- Pre-bid Meeting: 17.12.2020
- Tender submission start date: 25.12.2020
- Tender submission end date: 04.01.2021
- Date of Opening of Technical Bid online: 05.01.2021
Scope of work:
Contractor should use suitable technology like Lidar based system/Camera based system for Vehicle count and other related activities defined in Employers requirement section. Contractor should submit necessary proof and output of above used system in addition to the list of deliverables given in Employers requirement section. Contractor to also submit documentary proof of conducting WTP Survey, as defined in Employers Requirement.
The scope of work of the Study has been divided into 2 stages, applicable separately for each corridor of para 1.4 above:
Stage-1: Secondary Data Collection:
The available demographic, socio-economic and traffic / travel data for influence area of the corridor will be collected. This will include:
- Demographic data such as overall population, population density, urban population of the Areas in the Influence of the proposed HSR Route for the current year and projections for the horizon of the study. The data is required for entire country, states and the districts through which the HSR corridor passes.
- Economic indicators such as GDP (country), State GDP and District Domestic Products for previous years since 2011-12.
- Per capita Income, employment opportunity and work force participation growth etc in project influence area.
- Traffic data for at-least last 5 years from the Toll Plaza operating on the National Highways, Expressways running along the proposed HSR Route.
- Traffic data for rail travel, and air travel for at least last 5 years for the area under HSR corridor.
- Data of Bus Operators (Government / Private) – Routes operating on the road network running along the proposed HSR Route.
- Fare Structure of different modes and their variation over a period of times (5 years)
- Vehicle Registration Data for past 5 years.
- Development Plans, Master Plans or Site Plans for any upcoming major Landuse/ activity proposed in the hinterland of the proposed HSR Route.
- Analysis of Previous studies conducted for the corridor.
Stage-2: Primary Data Collection:
A number of traffic surveys will be carried out within the influence area of the Corridor for assessing the present traffic characteristics. The survey locations and survey pro- forma will be finalized in consultation with NHSRCL. The primary and secondary survey data collected from previous studies carried out in the cities and locations in the influence of the proposed HSR Route will be utilized suitably.
The Following traffic surveys will be carried out:
- Classified Traffic Count Survey: The survey should be carried out along the major arterial network in the Study Area, mainly comprising National Highways and Expressways. Classified volume should be carried out for all the vehicle categories of Passenger carriage. Duration of survey at each point should be 2 days (1 weekday and 1 weekend). Both the days should be fair weather day. Traffic count data will have to be recorded every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day in both the directions.
- O-D Interview Survey along with the Opinion Surveys: The survey should be carried out to estimate present vehicle O-D matrix for car (including taxi) passengers. The methodology for the survey will be preformat based road side interviews (for Car/Taxi) and sampling rate of 20% needs to be achieved.
- Willingness to Pay (WTP) Survey at Bus, Rail and Air Terminals: To estimate the expected shift from the existing modes to High Speed Rail and the key factors responsible for the shift, Willingness of the Passengers travelling in Car, Rail, Bus, Train and Airways needs to be obtained from the survey. At least 6000 valid samples should be collected in this survey. Samples shall be collected at the following locations:
- Long Distance Upper-Class Trains: At least 1600 valid samples frompassengers occupying 1AC, 2AC, 3AC, CC and EC, relevant to the all-important places on the route of the corridor.
- Airport: At least 2000 valid samples from passengers of each HSR route.
- Bus Terminal: At least 1200 valid samples from passengers riding AC buses on each route.
- Car/Taxi at Toll Plaza: At least 1200 valid samples from Car/Taxi passengers at the rest along the each proposed HSR route.
- The data on O-D analysis should be plotted graphically as well as in the matrix form.
- Service level and fare level of Air, Bus, Train should be brought out.
- ‘Willingness to Pay’ should be plotted for Air, Train, Car, Bus passenger for different fare options. These different fare options will be provided by NHSRCL.
- Tender documents may be downloaded from CPPP site https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app.
Source: NHSRCL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): NHSRCL
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