HSR update: Tenders invited for survey work for Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar High Speed Rail corridor

The National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) has invited tenders for the work “Survey, Identification of Overhead, Overground, Underground Utilities and Identification of power sourcing options for substations along the proposed Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar High Speed Rail Corridor (about 465 kms. long).”

  • Contract No.: NHSRCL/ST/DAM/04/DLI-CHD -AMR HSRTend./79/.2
  • Name of work: “Survey, Identification of Overhead, Overground, Underground Utilities and Identification of power sourcing options for substations along the proposed Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar High Speed Rail Corridor.”
  • Tender Security: INR 1,69,900/-
  • Completion period of the work: 14 weeks
  • Tender Submission Start Date: 03.11.2020
  • Tender Submission End Date: 09.11.2020
  • Pre bid meeting: 28.10.2020
  • Date of Opening of Tender: 10.11.2020

Scope of work:

The complete scope of work for this tender is divided into two parts:

  1. Survey & identification of overhead, over ground and underground utilities along the proposed route of Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar High Speed Rail.
  • The proposed Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar High Speed Rail Corridor is planned along major expressways/ national highways, greenfield areas and may be passing through arterial roads of the intermediate city road network for high speed rail connectivity between different cities along the corridor.
  • Large number of overhead, surface and sub-surface utility services viz. electrical transmission lines, electric distribution lines/poles, traffic signals, telephone cables, sewers, water mains, storm water drains, gas/oil pipelines etc. are anticipated to be existing along the proposed alignment.
  • The utility services may have to be planned for shifting, modification to enable construction of HSR structures and/or to ensure safety & adequate clearance as per HSR requirements.
  • As such, these utilities may critically affect the construction works and project implementation time schedule and costs, for which necessary planning / action needs to be initiated in advance. In view of above intent, the contractor/agency shall plan, execute and perform following activities, as a minimum:

1.1. Survey, identification of infringing a) electrical lines of different voltage class namely LT, HT, EHT etc. belonging to Central/State Govt. authorities or their undertakings, Private entities, including electrical connections for bore well/ tube well for agriculture purpose or otherwise b) Railway OHE installations, c) Telecom Towers/Lines, Telephone Poles, S&T Installations etc. This survey would be both for above such utilities on the ground or above ground; either crossing or running parallel to the proposed corridor width defined in following paras.

  • Utility services on the Ground or above Ground: The details of existing utility services on the ground or above ground shall be picked up through total station/DGPS and visual inspections. All identified utilities shall be surveyed for accuracy by DGPS/DGPS control points to be fixed by the agency. All identified utilities shall be marked on proper UTM co-ordinates.
    • Following details would be collected and included in the report for identified electrical lines/crossing(s) & other identified utility services in the relevant format as per Format-1 attached along with TOR & also good quality photographs of identified infringing utility services properly indexed (along with soft copies). Details would include voltage class, ground clearance, span length, coordinates of tower/pole at entry & exit of HSR RoW, crossing (feeder/line) particulars, village/tehsil/district in which the electrical line/crossing falls, Utility owner particulars amongst others.
  • Underground utility services: Includes but not limited to electrical/power cables, OFC, Sewerage, Pipelines (Water, Gas, Petroleum etc.) & other utility services amongst others. All identified utilities shall be surveyed for accuracy by DGPS/DGPS control points to be fixed by the agency. All identified utilities shall be marked on proper UTM co-ordinates.
    • Entire Route & other selected stations, Depots, OCC locations: Detailed drawings of existing underground utility services for the entire route & other selected stations, Depots, OCC locations shall be collected from the concerned departments/various stakeholders and the same shall be identified/ picked up by total station/DGPS at site through tell-tale signs and verified with drawings collected from concerned departments/organization.
    • For the entire route & selected locations for underground utilities: Following details would be collected and included in the report for identified underground utility services in the relevant format as per Format-2 attached along with TOR & also good quality photographs of identified infringing utility services properly indexed (along with soft copies). Details inter alia would include type of utility, depth, material, co-ordinates at entry & exit of HSR ROW, crossing particulars, village/tehsil/district in which the crossing falls, Utility owner particulars amongst others.
  • The existing utility services shall be identified within the proposed Right of Way/Land boundary. The route length, width of right of way and area of stations, sub-stations and other infrastructure planned for the corridor is provided with this tender. Further details of proposed alignment shall be provided by NHSRCL to the successful bidder at the time of contract agreement.
  • The agency is required to establish its own ground control points through differential GPS using a base and a rover for the purpose of survey of identified Utilities Services on the corridor. The interval for GPS Control to be suitably selected by the contractor with minimum interval of at least 10 km and more, if required, to meet the employer’s requirement. Contractor has to do the levelling, however for traversing- GPS observations within the prescribed limits shall be acceptable. The agency will superimpose the coordinates of Utilities services surveyed/identified on corridor, with respect to Ground Control Points (GCP) established later at site by other Contractor of Employer, in case they are made available before the completion of contract. The agency to submit the final report after making good the shortcomings, if any, in comparison with GCPs of other contractor of Employer. The permissible limit of error shall be 100 mm in horizontal control and 12 √k mm in Vertical Control. The Horizontal Northing & Easting by GPS shall be acceptable.
  • The contractor shall establish the Control markers with paint (circle with nail in center) preferably on already existing permanent structures. Alternatively, the contractor shall establish control markers on pillars, pegs as per site conditions to ensure compliance of the employer’s requirement to meet the project timelines.
  1. Identification of Power Sourcing options (suitable Grid Substations, shortest optimal Transmission line/HV cable route & length) for Traction Substations (TSS) & Distributions Substations (DSS) along the proposed route of  Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar High Speed Rail Corridor by interaction with power utility companies & through preliminary survey.
  • Traction Substations (TSS) are located along the route of HSR corridor which would feed traction power to high speed trains. Distribution Substations (DSS) are located at or near every HSR stations, Depots, OCC which would feed power to non-traction loads.
  • Locations, Loads & Number of TSS & DSS: The tentative number of TSS would be 11 nos & the tentative number of DSS would be 15 nos The locations of TSS & DSS and other related information such as loads etc. would be provided by NHSRCL to the successful bidder at the time of signing contract agreement.
  • Works required to be carried out: The objective of the survey is to recommend the most suitable, reliable and economic project solution for power sourcing based on interaction with utilities and preliminary survey of routes for Transmission Line/cable:
    • Grid Substations or Transmission Lines of power utility (State or Central) nearest to TSS & DSS
    • Availability of space, Transformer Capacity and augmentation possibility in Grid Substation (GSS) of power utility or possibilities of Line in Line out (LILO) connection with Transmission Line.
    • Optimal Route, length of transmission line/HV cable from GSS to TSS/DSS keeping in mind minimum project execution time & cost.
    • Identifying Technical suitability of land for TSS & DSS based on following criteria:
      • Access of approach road
      • Land profile
      • With no overhead & underground utility
      • With no water bodies in the vicinity of proposed land
      • Any statutory approval required from stakeholders such as Forest Department & other bodies

It may be noted that preferred voltage level for TSS shall be 110 kV/132 kV or above & preferred voltage level for DSS shall be 33 kV or above. The contractor would be required to co-ordinate with employer & concerned utilities for above works. The above information would be obtained through interaction with utilities, attending necessary meetings and preliminary survey of route.

Tender documents may be downloaded from from CPPP Site https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app.

Source: NHSRCL-Tender

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