Indian Railways has launched a completely digitized online Human Resource Management System (HRMS). Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a high thrust project for Indian Railways to leverage improved productivity & employee satisfaction. It is a move to improve efficiency and productivity of the Railway system and a step towards realizing the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. HRMS is expected to create a big impact on the functioning of all the employees and will make them more tech savvy.
- Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav, Chairman & CEO, Railway Board has launched following modules of HRMS & User depot useful for railway employees and pensioners on 26.11.2020 via video conferencing.
- Employee Self Service (ESS) module enables railway employees to interact with various modules of HRMS including communication regarding change of data.
- Provident Fund (PF) Advance module enables Railway employees to check their PF balance and apply for PF advance online.
- Advance processing will be online and employees will also be able to see the status of their PF application online.
- Settlement module digitizes the entire settlement process of retiring employees. Employees can fill their settlement / pension booklet online.
- Service details are fetched online and pension is processed online completely.
- This will eliminate use of paper and it also facilitates monitoring for timely processing of settlement dues of retiring employees.
- Prior to these modules, Indian Railways has already launched other modules of HRMS like:
- Employee Master module which stores all basic information details of Railway employees.
- Electronic Service Record module replacing physical Service Records storing service records of employees in digital format.
- Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) module digitizing the complete process of writing annual performance Appraisal of all 12 lakh non gazetted Railway employees.
- Electronic Pass module replacing the physical paper pass.
- Office Order Module meant both for the issue of office Orders and updation of data on joining of new employees, promotion, transfer of employees and retirement of employees in HRMS database.
Recent Achievement:
Meanwhile, Indian Railways with the objective of bringing hospital management on a single architecture to prevent pilferage and making operations seamless has entrusted RailTel Corporation of India Limited (“RailTel”) with implementation of Hospital Management Information System (“HMIS”) an integrated clinical information system for its 125 health facilities and 650 polyclinics across India for improved hospital administration and patient healthcare.
- The features of the software extend from customizing clinical data according to the departments and laboratories, multi hospital feature that provide cross consultation, seamless interface with medical and other equipments and the patients will have the benefit of accessing all their medical records on their mobile device.
- RailTel and the Ministry of Railways have signed an MOU with regard to the modalities for execution of the work.
- The open source HMIS software is to be deployed over the cloud.
- RailTel offers a diversified portfolio of ICT services and solutions such as MPLS-VPN, Leased line services, TPaaS, E-Office & Data Centre Services, large network hardware system integration, software and digital services.
Source: PIB-Press Release
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