Indian Railways upgrades 1,206 railway stations under ‘Adarsh Station Scheme’

Development/modernisation of railway stations is presently taken up under Adarsh Station Scheme. The expenditure on development of stations under Adarsh Station Scheme is generally funded under Plan Head-53 ‘Passenger Amenities’. 

  • Station-wise details of funds allocated/spent are not maintained. 
  • However, zone-wise allocation of funds (excluding EBR(P)) under Plan Head-53 ‘Passenger Amenities’, during the last three years and in the current financial year are as under:-
Zonal Railway 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Allocation (RE) Allocation (RE) Allocation (RE) Allocation (BE)
Central            280.67 235.96 288.77    230.58
Eastern 90.97 112.84     182.13 178.71   
East Central 138.80 137.43 166.87 171.66
East Coast 86.95  96.14 103.16 113.71    
Northern 179.92 150.77 268.37    291.17
North Central 108.84            65.30 182.94 176.63 
North Eastern 95.50        78.59 100.18 134.92  
Northeast Frontier 95.54 107.24            106.12 165.60
North Western 134.29 120.22   159.59 146.58
Southern 108.47      111.55 213.11            224.57
South Central 132.96 151.39 199.37 199.49   
South Eastern 81.11 76.67 109.89 173.37
South East Central 66.43 53.82            107.14 88.51
South Western 61.22 82.66 114.80            153.42           
Western 316.47            254.45 252.01 261.02
West Central            35.31 37.39 50.95            72.28
Metro 9.31            17.29 9.88 17.75
Total 2022.75 1889.71 2615.30 2800.00
  • 1253 railway stations have been identified for development under Adarsh Station Scheme. 
  • Out of these, 1206 railway stations have been developed and the remaining stations are planned to be developed in Financial Year 2021-22.

Zero Passenger Fatalities in last two years:

The number of passenger fatalities in the consequential train accidents over Indian Railways during the last two years i.e. 2019-20 and 2020-21 is zero.

  • During the last five years i.e. 2016-17 to 2020-21, the number of consequential train accidents has shown a continuously decreasing trend and the number of accidents has decreased from 104 in the year 2016-17 to 22 in the year 2020-21. 
  • The details of number of consequential train accidents and number of passenger fatalities therein, during the last five years, are given below:   
Year    Number of Consequential train accident Number of passenger fatalities
2016-17  104 195
2017-18 73            28
2018-19 59            16
2019-20  55 0
2020-21 22 0
  • Indian Railways has eliminated all unmanned level crossings on Broad Gauge on 31.01.2019.
  • Safety is accorded the highest priority by Indian Railways and all possible steps are undertaken on a continuous basis to prevent accidents and to enhance safety of passengers.

Following steps/measures have been taken by Government to improve passenger safety:-

  • Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK) has been introduced in 2017-18 for replacement/renewal/upgradation of critical safety assets, with a corpus of   Rs.1 lakh crore for five years, having annual outlay of Rs. 20,000 crore.
  • Electrical/Electronic Interlocking Systems with centralized operation of points and signals have been provided at 6218 stations upto 30.06.2021 to eliminate accidents due to human failure.
  • Block Proving Axle Counter (BPAC) to ensure complete arrival of trains without manual intervention before granting line clearance to the next train have been provided on 5,829 block sections up to 30.06.2021.
  • Automatic Train Protection (ATP) System to prevent Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD) have been provided at 595 Route Km.
  • Interlocking of Level Crossing (LC) Gates has been provided at 11723 level Crossing Gates up to 30.06.2021 for enhancing safety at LC gates.
  • All electric locomotives are equipped with Vigilance Control Devices (VCD) to ensure alertness of Loco Pilots.
  • Provision of Retro-reflective sigma boards is done on the mast which is located two OHE masts prior to the signals in electrified territories to warn the crew about signals ahead when visibility is low due to foggy weather.
  • Provision of a GPS based Fog Pass device has been made for locomotive pilots in fog affected areas which enables loco pilots to know the exact distance of the approaching landmarks like signals, level crossing gates etc.
  • Modern track structure consisting of 60kg, 90 Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) rails, Prestressed Concrete Sleeper (PSC) Normal/Wide base sleepers with elastic fastening, fan shaped layout turnout on PSC sleepers, Steel Channel/H-beam Sleepers on girder bridges is used, while carrying out primary track renewals.
  • Patrolling of railway tracks is done to look out for weld/rail fractures.
  • Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (USFD) testing of rails is done to detect flaws and timely remove defective rails.
  • GPS trackers are provided to keyman and patrolmen to monitor their movement and to report any unsafe condition noticed by them instantaneously.
  • Preventive maintenance of the railway assets (Coaches & Wagons) is undertaken to ensure safe train operations and to keep a check on Rail Accidents across the country.
  • Indian Railways has already adopted the Technological upgradation in Safety aspects of coaches and wagons by way of introducing Modified Centre Buffer Couplers, Bogie Mounted Air Brake System (BMBS), improved suspension design and provision of Automatic Fire & smoke detection systems in coaches.
  • Replacement of conventional ICF design coaches with LHB design coaches.

This information was given by the Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronic & Information Technology, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on 30th July 21.

Source: PIB-Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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