N.F. Railway has been taking several initiatives to improve the freight transportation and provide better customer interface.
More details:
- Among such initiatives, few more stations have been opened for handling of both outward & inward goods traffic while round the clock working system in two more goods sheds has been introduced during the month of February, 2022. Moreover, Parcel Management System has been installed at few stations over N. F. Railway for the first time to make parcel business more customers-friendly.
- To improve customer interface and further augment freight transportation, Belonia station under Lumding division has been opened for handling of inward coal traffic while Bhojo station under Tinsukia division has been opened for handling of outward coal traffic also. Earlier, both the stations were opened for handling of both outward and inward all goods traffic except coal, POL, live stock, explosive & crane consignment. Barahu station under Lumding division has been opened for handling of both outward and inward all goods traffic including coal, except POL, live stock, explosive & crane consignment.
- Moreover, round the clock working system has been introduced in Surjakamal and Jalalgarh goods terminals under Katihar division for better turn round of wagons. With this, facilities of 24×7 working hours are now available in 30 freight terminals over N. F. Railway till February, 2022. Round the clock working system in the goods sheds helps in reduction of turnaround time, thereby improving the mobility of the wagons; and also ensures availability of essential items in local market. It also helps in avoiding hoarding of goods and boosting the local economy by generating employment for the local labourers engaged in loading/unloading works at those locations.
- N. F. Railway is gearing up to modernize its parcel management system to enhance a user-friendly interface for parcel booking.Parcel Management System has been installed for the first time over N. F. Railway during the month of February, 2022 at the parcel offices of Agartala, Katihar, Guwahati, Kishanganj, New Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar Junction, Dibrugarh and New Alipurduar.
- Under the improved system, booking of parcels is being done at parcel offices through computerized system. Traders and businessmen now can avail these services for transportation of their merchandise in a fast, reliable and eco-friendly manner. They can also track their consignments.
Source: North East Frontier Railway- Press Release | Image Credit (representational): Northeast Frontier Railway
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