IRCON International Limited has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to M/s Rahee-PRT Consortium for Design of broad gauge ballastless track between Sivok and Rangpo (approx. 39.05 km) in connection with Sivok – Rangpo New BG single line railway project.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/2046/SRRP/BLT-01
- Name of Work: Design of broad gauge ballastless track including supply, installation, testing and commissioning between Sivok and Rangpo (approx. 39.05 km) in connection with Sivok – Rangpo New BG single line railway project.
- Accepted Contract Amount: INR 244,21,20,672.39/-
- Completion Period: 18 Months
In June, 2023 the IRCON invited a tender for Tender Number: IRCON/2046/SRRP/BLT-01
Scope of Works:
Design of ballast less track with appropriate fastening system for 60Kg 1080 grade Head Hardened Class A Rails including arrangement for provision of derailment like slab/block, preparation of associated drawings & specifications, submission of construction methodology including QAP and maintenance manual for the ballast less track on freight/mixed (passenger and freight) traffic route for straight & curved track in tunnels, on Formation, on bridges, Yards and in transition portion from ballast less track to ballasted track with design criteria based on latest international standards/codes/proven practices and construction as per approved design of Ballast less track on the Section from Sivok to Rangpo (approx. 39.05 km) including additional approaches at tunnel faces in connection with Sivok – Rangpo New BG Single Line Railway Project (approx. 39.05 km).
The work shall also include design & laying of Ballast less track in Yards, Turnouts, SEJ, etc. Including the RSI (Rail Structure Interaction) Analysis and Design on the Bridges if required.
List of drawings of GAD of Tunnels having L-Section, X- Section are annexed as per Section-9 (Drawings).
List of structures are annexed as per Section-10, where BLT is to be done. Submission of detailed drawings, material specifications, technical parameters and characteristics, manufacturing tolerances, etc. of all the components of BLT (Ballast Less Track).
Construction of ballast less track including provision of derailment arrangement and transitions portion including cost of labour, tools & plants, consumables, fuels, all materials, taxes etc complete as per approved drawings including linking of track as per specifications., more particularly, and without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, the work in this Contract shall include the following:
- Survey including traverse & levelling, fixing of intermediate control points, picking up the as build coordinates of the tunnel, adjusting alignment if required, Setting-out final alignment, etc. Control Point List uploaded separate sheet.
- Construction of side drains wherever required and laying of Track slab.
- BLT shall be of reinforced cement concrete structure. Derailment slab/block inside the running track. Typical X-Section of BLT structure is shown in the Tender Document under Section -9:
- Drawings for BLT at Page No 1,1A, 1B, of 100.
- Complete track work such as linking, greasing, painting etc.
- Welding of UIC 60 IRS-T-12-2009, 880 grade rails and UIC 60, 1080 grade head hardened rails using the specified welding techniques.
- Provision of shear connector, wherever required, between 1st pour and 2nd pour reinforced concrete for ballast less track and also between Tunnel Invert Concrete and Track Slab.
- All other works incidental thereto for completion of the work.
- Testing of components and installation methods.
- Transportation of Rails & other fastenings from Sivok stockyard to work site.
- Laying, Testing & commissioning of Turnouts, SEJs, etc.
Welding of Track (Flash Butt Welding & AT welding) in stock yard & on track. The Contractor shall arrange his own mobile flash butt welding plant. QAP approval and standardisation of Welding parameters for individual machines to be used for welding by RDSO will be mandatory as per para 5.6 of RDSO flush butt welding manual – 2012 or latest.
Provision of ducts for electrical, signal & telecommunication etc. cables in longitudinal and transverse direction as required. Five sets of special gadgets / inspection equipment for measuring the toe load in service shall be provided. Design and drawings of BLT will have to be approved from a committee of officers nominated by the Railway Board. It shall not absolve the contractor from producing the Ballast less track of proper functional utility for which it is designed.
All necessary software/specification and other documents required for evaluation of design and drawings will have to be arranged by the tenderer. A competent engineer shall be available for regular interaction with the Railways committee in this regard for approval of design/drawings. All enabling works for safe and satisfactory execution of the work.
- The BLT system proposed by the agency should fulfil the technical requirements specified hereunder & elsewhere in the tender document.
- The design & working methodology submitted by the agency will be proof checked and the agency will be responsible for providing the details and drawing to the proof check consultant and providing all assistance for the design will be in the scope of the agency.
- The work front will be provided in stages and not in one go. The work may have to be carried out in parallel to other works going on in the same area/ tunnel by different agencies.
- For construction works Contractor has to submit the Sequence of Works considering all such restraints duly interfacing with civil & system contractors. No claim on this account will be entertained.
- The construction period proposed in the document is considering the phased manner of handing over of site.
The Contractor has to submit the performance guarantee for a value of 5% (Five percent) of contract Value, for the performance of design of BLT and fastening system in service valid for the period of 5 years after the defect liability period. Please note that this performance guarantee is separate over and above the performance guarantee submitted for faithful execution of works. This Guarantee will have to be provided after completion of work but before release of Security Deposit.
The agency will have to supply 5% of the fastening components and other replacement items which are likely to be worn out / damaged at their quoted rates. No additional cost will be paid for these spares. Organising 5-days training covering design aspects, construction, maintenance, technological advancements in BLT, etc, in the country of origin with their own experts in respective fields. The quoted price will be inclusive of training cost for maximum 10 officials of Railways/IRCON. Transport, lodging & boarding will be arranged by IRCON/Railways on its own.
There are varying provisions kept in different tunnels for adjusting BLT Track slabs. Track concrete layer (TCL) for BLT, i.e. Track slab will have to cover the entire width between pathways/drains on both sides (i.e. approx. 3500 mm) including Derailment Block/ Derailment Guard and depth up to 527mm from Rail Top (Except Cant if any) & at curve location the depth shall be measure from top of inner rail, which the bidder has to consider while quoting rates.
The rates quoted by the bidder for laying of track slab for plain track transitions will cover reinforcement and concrete of designed grade for approximate width of 3500 mm and depth of 527mm from Rail Top, including derailing block. Any additional depth/width of filler concrete will be paid under the respective item of BOQ.
- Some of the tunnels or parts of some of the tunnels are not provided with internal drainage systems, where track side drains will be constructed.
- The size of drain will be standard and will not involve any hydraulic design, except for the design of drain walls & bottom slab, which will be in the scope of the agency at their quoted rates.
- The concreting & reinforcement will be paid as a separate item under respective items of BOQ.
- It will be the responsibility of the BLT Designer to engage adequate experience and quality staff.
- Contractor will prepare his design basis report containing design criteria and get it approved from IRCON, and then proceed with the detailed design.
- The scope of work will also include getting approval of design and drawing from IRCON/NEFR by deputing concerned design Engineer.
Contractor will carry out the design and submit the same to IRCON or proof consultant for checking without any loss of time. They will also be prompt in clarifying the objections/doubts of the IRCON/Proof Consultant. At no stage, work at site should suffer on account of design.
Arranging the final approval for all design & drawing will be the responsibility of the contractor. IRCON/Railway will get the proof check done of the design submitted by the contractor by an independent design agency whose credentials shall not be less than mentioned in clause.
- The ballastless track system proposed for construction on Sivok – Rangpo New BG Railway Line (SRRP) Project should be proven and be used in worldwide railways successfully.
- The proven design may require some modifications to suit the Indian Railways conditions.
- This present tender is being invited for such proven design of ballastless track worldwide from the bidders which is suitable for construction for Indian Railways conditions.
This ambitious venture by IRCON aligns with the broader vision of enhancing railway connectivity and safety across India. The completion of the Sivok – Rangpo New BG single line railway project is poised to significantly bolster the transportation network, connecting the Hinjewadi IT hub to the central district of Shivajinagar, fostering economic development and efficient passenger transit.
Source: IRCON- Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): SCR
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