IRCON International Limited has invited online bids in Two Packet System (Open) on prescribed forms from bonafide firms/companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work detailed in the given below.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/3018/DFCCTP12/eTender/AT Welding/8-406
- Name of Work: Manufacturing, Supply of Alumino Thermic (AT) Welding portions with accessories suitable for 60 Kg E1 Head hardened (HH) 1080 grade rails and execution of AT welding works of Turnout Joints in DFC crossing stations and SEJ joints on Steel Girder bridge approaches with latest RDSO approved technology, in connection with construction of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor phase-II (CTP-12) Project (Sachin to Vaitarna)”.
- Estimated Cost: INR 93.71 Lakh
- Completion Period: 06 Months
- Bid Opening Date: 23-Nov-2021
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 01-Nov-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 22-Nov-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 13-Nov-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 22-Nov-2021
Scope of Work:
The scope of work is broadly described as to Manufacturing, Supply of Alumino Thermic (AT) Welding portions with accessories suitable for 60 Kg E1Head hardened (HH) 1080 grade rails and execution of AT welding works of Turnout Joints in DFC crossing stations and SEJ joints on Steel Girder bridge approaches with latest RDSO approved technology, in connection with construction of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor phase-II (CTP-12) Project (Sachin to Vaitarna).
Scope of works is as indicated below but not limited to:
The scope includes Supply of Welding portion approved by RDSO for 60 Kg E-1 HH Rail grade 1080 with complete accessories as per IRS -T19/2020 with up to date correction slips with single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Thimble technology and 3 piece mold(zircon washed), mainly following items-
- Alumino Thermic Welding portion approved for 60 Kg UIC 1080 grade E-1 Head
- Hardened( HH) Rails as per IRS T-19/2020. The manufactures should have ISO 9001- 2015 certification.
- Three piece prefabricated dry mould suitable for 60 Kg E-1 grade 1080 HH Rails.
- Luting Sand.
- Ignition match.
- Single shot/conventional method crucible fitted with Auto Tapping Thimble
- Mould shoes (1 set for 50 portions) suitable for 60 Kg E-1 grade 1080 HH Rails
- Except Mould shoes all item (ii) to item (v) are to be supplied 10% extra
- Any other items required to complete the finished weld joints as per IRS T- 19/2020.
- The portions are to be supplied at IRCON’s stores at New Ancheli, Gujarat (726 set) & New Palghar, Maharashtra (410 set). During the time of dispatched the actual quantity of requirements will be informed.
- Cost of complying site safety, safety and Health gears for all personnel engaged for execution of work (No personal will be permitted to work without safety gears and identity card), health, social welfare and environmental requirements or any other requirements/ compliance specified in the tender documents.
- The contractor is responsible for ensuring Covid -19 protocol from time to time issued by the local authorities.
- The welding is to be executed on Turnout joints on DFC crossing stations mentioned above and on SEJ joints at Bridge approaches of Br. No 19 (Over Damanganga river near Vapi station & Br. No 60 over PAR river near Pardi station of W. Rly. 3 Crossing stations namely New Ancheli, New Pardi and New Gholvad and Br.No 19 & 60 (estimated at 726 welds) is in Gujarat state and Crossing station New Palghar & New Saphale is in Maharashtra state estimated at 410 welds). The scope of work includes the following-
- The welding is to be executed as per specification IRS T-19/2020 with latest correction slips and amendments. The acceptance tolerances shall be as per above specification
- Transportation of welding portions from IRCON’s store at New Ancheli to Crossing station up to New Gholvad and 2 bridge approaches and IRCON’s store from New Palghar to Crossing station New Saphale.
- All the consumables, equipments for the welding and finishing of welds including application of Anti- corrosive paints and marking of weld joints.
- Competent Welder and other skilled and un skilled workers for the execution of welds, finishing of the welds as per specified tolerances, anti-corrosive painting, marking of welds
- Removing track fittings and re-fixing the same for the gap adjustment and shifting of sleepers if required to execute the welds and fixing back the sleepers. Rail cutting for the gap is payable in relevant BOQ item. Rail cut piece are to be handed over to IRCON’s stores.
- Removing the joint clamps and fish plates for the execution of weld joints. The released fish plates and clamps are to be accounted and returned to IRCON’s store at New Ancheli/ New Palghar.
- Execution of Welds on Turnout joints 60kg 1080 grade HH rails with latest approved methodology.
- Post weld Air Quenching treatment of A.T weld joints of 60 Kg 1080 grade HH rails as per approved methodology, with contractor’s own Air quenching gadget/ equipment.
- Execution of test welds as per specification, its testing at Engineer approved laboratory including cost of testing. Submission of test reports. Test weld joint is payable as per relevant BOQ item.
- Finishing of Weld joints as per applicable tolerances specified in IRS T- 19/2020 with profile grinding machine.
- The welds are jointly measured for the specified tolerances with Engineer/Employer/IRCON. Corrections if any, required shall be done immediately and rechecking to be arranged.
- Submission of Tolerances in the prescribed format is in the scope of agency.
- Painting of Weld joints with approved anti-corrosive paint and marking of weld joints as per welding manual.
- Protection of track while working on turnouts – There will be movements of construction rolling stock and track machines.
- The welding is to be carried out very carefully to avoid any failures. The joints are in turnouts failure of weld joints may necessitate replacement of lead rails. If any such failure occurs the replacement weld is the responsibility of the contractor which includes the replacement of lead rail, if required.
- Cost of complying site safety, safety gears for all personnel engaged for execution of work (No personal will be permitted to work without safety gears and identity card), health, social welfare and environmental requirements or any other requirements/ compliance specified in the tender documents.
- The contractor is responsible for ensuring Covid -19 protocol from time to time issued by the local authorities.
- Rail joints welded by a firm shall be guaranteed against failure which includes failures in execution, acceptances & regular ultrasonic testing and during service up to 2 years from the date of handed over to the DFCC.
- The scope includes cost of Abrasive rail cutter with cutting disc, operator, manpower, fuel lubricants, tools, tackles personal safety gears for the manpower engaged, and any other resources required to complete for the work of Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections including wear resistant, head hardened rails up to 110 UTS.
- Rail cutting by abrasive rail cutter is required for insertion of the SEJ, and creating required gap in the rail joint for A.T welding. It is to be ensured that the cut shall be performed at an angle of 900 +/- 0.50 to the longitudinal axis.
- Cutting of all types of Rails/LWR/CWR rail panels, end cropping with agency’s own abrasive rail cutting machine including all consumables, operators and helpers etc., complete
- Cuts shall be truly square in both horizontal and vertical planes of rail. It is to be ensured that the cut shall be performed at an angle of 900 +/- 0.50 to the longitudinal axis.
- Marking of lengths, spreading/ positioning of rails wherever required with lead and lift.
- The cut pieces shall be deposited to nominated depot as directed by Engineer – in – charge.
- The agency shall maintain record of cuts in the register which shall be certified by Engineer – in charge for the measurement for payment.
- Cost of complying site safety, safety gears for all personnel engaged for execution of work
- (No personal will be permitted to work without safety gears and identity card), health, social welfare and environmental requirements or any other requirements/ compliance specified in the tender documents.
- The contractor is responsible for ensuring Covid -19 protocol from time to time issued by the local authorities.
- The scope of work including Competent RDSO/TPP, Lucknow/Thermite welding center (TWC) certified Engineer/ Operator, assistance manpower with RDSO approved USFD equipment for testing of AT welds and its complete accessories required for the USFD testing of A. T. Welds and consumables as per the RDSO specification Manual of USFD testing of Rails and Welds 2012 with up-to-date correction slips and amendments for USFD.
- USFD equipment and applicable accessories calibration certificate shall be valid and needs to be produced for the verification of the Engineer.
- RDSO/Rly certified Engineer/ operator shall be engaged for the testing. The testing shall be conformed to RDSO manual for USFD testing of Rails and Welds 2012 with up to date correction slips and amendments. The USFD testing is to be carried out jointly with Engineer
Website may be referred for detailed terms and conditions of the bidding documents, which is available online.
Source: IRCON-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL
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