In continuation to the tender for Consultancy services in Gevra to Pendra Road railway corridor, the IRCON International Limited for and on behalf of Chhattisgarh East West Railway Limited has now invited online bids in two packet systems on prescribed forms from bonafide firms/companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work given below.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/CEWRL/GevraPendra/Pkg3A
- Name of work: Civil works including Earthwork for Railway formation, Blanketing work, Minor Bridges, Major Bridges, ROBs, RUBs,Station building and other service buildings, Staff Quarters, Platform Works including general electrical works between Sendurgarh (67 Km) including to Bhadi (95 Km) Excluding Double line in connection with the construction of New BG Electrified Double Railway Line for Chhattisgarh East West Rail Corridor from Gevra Road (Km 0) to Pendra Road (Km 135) via Dipka, Kathghora, Sendurgarh and Pasan in the state of Chhattisgarh over South East Central Railway.
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 3,58,51,91,232.87
- Completion Period: 18 Months
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/CEWRL/GevraPendra/Pkg3B
- Name of the Work: Civil works including Earthwork for Railway formation, Blanketing work, Minor Bridges, Major Bridges, ROBs, RUBs,Station building and other service buildings, Staff Quarters, Platform Works including general electrical works between Bhadi (95 Km) (Including) to Pendra Road (135Km) Double line in connection with the construction of New BG Electrified Double Railway Line for Chhattisgarh East West Rail Corridor from Gevra Road (Km 0) to Pendra Road (Km 135) via Dipka, Kathghora, Sendurgarh and Pasanin the state of Chhattisgarh over South East Central Railway.
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 2,47,37,77,074.51
- Completion Period: 18 Months
Key Dates:
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2021
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 18-Apr-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 10-May-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 03-May-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 10-May-2021
- Bid Opening Date: 11-May-2021
About the project:
- IRCON is executing the construction works of new BG Electrified Double Railway line for East West Rail Corridor between Gevra Road to Pendra Road via Dipka, Katghora, Sendurgarh, Pasanwith approximate length 135Km. East West Corridor also includes single line between Urga to Kusmunda of 11.51 Km and connectivities of Approximate 35 Km length.
- IRCON intends to engage an experienced and resourceful agency who can carry out Civil works including Earthwork for Railway formation, Blanketing work, Minor Bridges, Major Bridges, ROBs, RUBs,Station building and other service buildings, Staff Quarters, PlatformWorks including general electrical works between Sendurgarh (67 Km) including to Bhadi (95 Km) excluding Double line in connection with the construction of New BG Electrified Double Railway Line for Chhattisgarh East West Rail Corridor from Gevra Road (Km 0) to Pendra Road (Km 135) via Dipka, Kathghora, Sendurgarh and Pasanin the state of Chhattisgarh over South East Central Railway.
- The subject tender envisages construction of Railway formation (compacting by mechanical means), Blanketing work, Minor Bridges, Major Bridges, ROBs, RUBs, Station building and other service buildings, Staff Quarters, Platform Works including general electrical works between Sendurgarh (67 Km) to Bhadi (95 Km) Double line in connection with the construction of New BG Electrified Double Railway Line for Chhattisgarh East West Rail Corridor from Gevra Road (Km 0) to Pendra Road (Km 135) via Dipka, Kathghora, Sendurgarh and Pasan in the state of Chhattisgarh over South East Central Railway. Contractor is supposed to complete all civil works & General electrical works between these sections.
Scope of Work:
The scope of the work shall comprise broadly of the following:
Earthwork in Formation, Blanketing & Bridge Work:
The scope described hereunder is only indicative in nature and shall be deemed inclusive of all items to be executed for its completion as per specifications and drawings. The contractor shall satisfy himself/herself regarding all aspects of site conditions and collect all site information necessary for the construction and completion of the works. No claim will be entertained by the employer on account of any error or insufficiency in site information given in tender documents. Site information provided is given in good faith by the employer.
- Earthwork in Formation (compaction by mechanical means), cutting, and Blanketing with suitable materials as per RDSO guidelines, technical specifications, drawings and as approved by the Engineer. Earthwork shall be executed with the contractor’s own Earth/Excavated earth as per the instructions of the Engineer.
- The top width of the proposed new alignment for embankment/cutting shall normally be 7.85m in straight and 8.0m on curves with 2 (H): 1 (V) side slopes.
- Hard rock : 1⁄4 (H): 1(V)
- Soft rock: 1/4(H): 1(V)
- Moorum / Hard soil / Ordinary soil: 1 (H): 1 (V)
Note: However, the cutting slope shall be governed by Indian Railway’s Guideline for Cutting in Railway Formations Guidelines-2 (latest version).
- Formation in embankment shall be provided with side slopes of 2 (H): 1(V) or flatter as required. Side slopes and berm shall be turfed. Bank of height more than 6 Mts shall be designed for slope stability and the slope shall be adopted accordingly. Earthwork shall be provided with the contractor’s own earth / excavated earth as per instruction of the engineer.
- The blanketing work will be done as per the technical Specification based on RDSO Guidelines and Specifications for Design of Formation for Heavy Axle Load- Nov 2009 for 25 T Axle Load & as modified vide RDSO’s Specification no. RDSO/2018/GE: IRS- 0004 (D) Part-IV, July 2019, (Rationalization of Formation layer thickness on Indian Railway Track) or as per the latest specifications and guidelines in-force by RDSO.
- Checking approved General Arrangement Drawing (GAD) & all other relevant drawings for subject formation/bridges and informing the Engineer for necessary correction for incorporation, if required. In case of any modification in drawings, the contractor shall incorporate the changes in the drawings and always keep a corrected copy of drawings to follow at the site. Planning & executing the construction of all activities relevant to the completion of formation, blanket layers and bridges duly complying with all requirements of Indian Railway Standard Codes and Manuals issued by Ministry of Railways (RDSO & Railway Board), IRC, MORTH, IS and BIS specifications as applicable & as directed by Engineer.
- It is expected that the contractor selected based on the previous experience of executing the similar work/s is well acquainted with the extent of enabling/ temporary works required but not specifically indicated in the scope above and not covered for payment in the bill of quantities.
- Safety bands, ribbons and other gadgets for construction site & workmen shall be maintained as per scheme approved by the Engineer. Safety sign boards duly written with desired logo & safety slogans shall be displayed for information of workers so that they do not enter restricted premises. The quoted rates are deemed to include the cost of all such bands, ribbons, gadgets etc. and nothing extra shall be paid for such items.
- Construction of temporary approach roads/diversions may be required for transportation of machineries, materials etc. to the site(s) of work. The same has to be constructed and maintained by the contractor at his own cost without any extra financial implication.
- Based on the approved drawings & design, the contractor will organize surveys and shall prepare detailed layout plans showing approach of railway line, piers, abutments, walls & approaches of bridges etc. and execute the work based on detailed engineering drawings for all items of works. The working drawings shall be prepared by the contractor on computer in standard CAD formats. The contractor has to carry out accurate survey with modern instruments to establish co-ordinate, layout and proper verification system of provided data at site.
- The contractor shall submit quantities with calculations for any item mandatory for execution, but not covered in subject contract, along with its justification, analysis of rates (AOR) and detailed specifications for any/all such items for finalizing rates & obtain instructions from the Engineer for its execution. Awaiting approval of rates for any such item, the work will not be stopped at site. The AOR is to be prepared based on SECR SOR (latest) and/or MORTH standard codes or practice, MORTH Standard Data Book and/or as per contract conditions.
- The contractor shall submit a detailed construction delivery program for completion of proposed work along with schedule of matching resources deployment proposed within 7 days from issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
- The contractor shall carry out construction of all components of formation and bridges based upon approved drawings, design & approved methodology, following codal provisions and requirements etc. for safe & sound completion of the formation, foundation, substructure and superstructure of the bridge by providing his own manpower, machineries, and materials etc. complete.
- The contractor shall provide complete design for any/all load test e.g. Plate load test, Pile load test, Bridge load test etc. for the required numbers & desired location(s) during construction stage including all temporary works & arrangements etc. for the same, as per specifications and as desired by the Engineer, without claiming any extra cost. Load tests shall be payable as per relevant items of BoQ.
- Preparation and submission of detailed fabrication drawings based upon the approved drawings issued by IRCON, Preparation of Methods Statements for the complete work and submission of the same to Consultant/IRCON/ Railway (SECR) for approval. Work has to be done as per the approved erection/launching scheme.
- Submission of Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for the inspection of girders and obtaining approval for the same from Employer.
- Submission of assembly drawing including field bolting/riveting and welding and launching scheme with programme of girders at site including all plant and equipment, tools and tackles, approach gantry and cantilever crane, safety plan and equipment and obtaining approval for the same from the Engineer.
- Procurement of all types of nuts, bolts, rivets, welding, fixtures, paints etc. as per the technical specifications from approved manufacturers required for the fabrication of girder as per the drawings provided by Employer.
- Fabrication of girders as per the approved design/drawings in supplier’s/contractor’s factory (RDSO approved) with cost of all materials including riveting, welding and bolting (joining members in workshop as well as at site during erection), labour, tools, tackles, machinery, jigs, fixtures etc. all complete.
- Providing anti-corrosive treatment to all the components of bridge girders as per Indian Railway Specifications (latest amendments and corrections slips), painting of all components of bridge girders and as directed/approved by the engineer with contractor’s own, material, labour, equipment etc. required to complete work.
- Getting the girders inspected as per the approved QAP, from the inspecting agency appointed by Employer including providing all facilities to the above agency (only for carrying out inspection) including provision of various gauges, instruments etc. for the same as desired by the Engineer without claiming any extra cost on this account. The contractor will have to bear the inspection charges of the inspecting agency (RDSO/RITES/any other agency) as nominated by the Employer/Engineer
- Preparation and submission of detailed girder/ bridge launching/erection scheme along with complete methodology at site including all equipment, tools and plants, approach gantry and cantilever crane, safety equipment & safety nets etc. The work will be allowed to be carried out only as per methodology approved by the Engineer/ Employer and /or the Railway / authorities.
- To organize, conduct & maintain required & proper quality control test and records for day to day work on a regular basis. The contractor shall ensure that the work is executed conforming to the approved design, drawings and specifications. For the period for execution of proposed work, the contractor has to follow the quality Assurance, Safety, Health & Environment Manual/Specification (Sub-contracts) of IRCON. The Engineers to be deployed by the Contractor shall work under the direction of the Engineer-in- charge. They shall be bound to carry out all duties related with the work assigned by the Engineer-in-charge or his representative. All facilities & equipment required for proper construction & quality control during execution of entire work such as survey instruments including Total Station, testing equipment, laboratory facilities etc. shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
- Vertical & Horizontal Clearances shall be maintained for corresponding construction/components of formation and bridges, within/outside Railway/Construction limits for maintaining desired safety/construction requirements.
- The girders may be of RCC precast, R.C.C cast-in-situ, steel girders, composite girders, Bow string girder or open web girder depending upon the designs approved.
- The approaches of the bridges will be compacted earthwork, reinforced earthwork or/and viaduct depending upon the site conditions and requirements of the approved design & drawings. The decision of the Engineer shall be final in this regard.
- Construction of side drain, drainage scheme & spouts, footpath, smooth transition to and from the bridge approaches, removal & clearing of all left-over material & Debris within/from formation/bridge limits, completion of approaches & adjoining service roads etc., all activities essential for completion of formation and bridges.
The complete Bid Document can be viewed / downloaded from the e-Procurement portal i.e.https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app free of cost.
About IRCON International Limited (IRCON):
IRCON International Limited (IRCON), a Schedule “A” & Mini Ratna – I Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU), incorporated by the Ministry of Railways, Central government, under the Companies Act, 1956 on 28th April 1976 originally under the name Indian Railway Construction Company Limited. IRCON is an integrated engineering and construction company in India operating since last 44 years with specialization in major turnkey infrastructure projects, including Railways, Roads, Highways, Bridges, Flyovers, Tunnels, Aircraft maintenance hangars, Runways, EHV sub-stations, Metro & MRT, and others.
Source: IRCON-Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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