In continuation to the tender for civil works in connection with construction of new Broad Gauge railway line, the IRCON International Limited has now invited online bids in two packet system for & on behalf of Rail Land Development Authority (Ministry of Railways) on prescribed forms bonafide firms/companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work detailed in the table given below.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/2051/SnT/JBNRL/EITENDER/BIRATNAGAR
- Name of Work: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Electronics Interlocking based Signalling system at Biratnagar Station of Nepal Railway and provision of 6-Quad + OFC communication system between Biratnagar to Nepal custom yard station of NF/Nepal Railway.
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 9.41 Crore approx
- Completion Period: 12 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 08-Apr-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 28-Apr-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 22-Apr-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 28-Apr-2021
- Bid Opening Date: 29-Apr-2021
Scope of Work:
- Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Electronics Interlocking based Signalling system at Biratnagar Station of Nepal Railway and provision of 6- Quad + OFC communication system between Biratnagar to Nepal custom yard station of NF/Nepal Railway.
- It includes Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Indoor work for EI system including design and drawing, IPS, DG sets, Data loggers, CT rack, Relay rack, Relays, UFSBI, ELD, Fire alarm system etc. for commissioning of single line working as per enclosed yard layout given in Drawing section. It also includes outdoor work like Trenching, Cable laying, termination of cables, earthings, Track circuits, Points and Point machines, Signals, Location boxes, LC gates, DAC etc.
- System design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of STM-1, ADM systems, VHF system and trenching, laying, splicing/ jointing, backfilling, terminating, testing and commissioning of 24 fiber underground armoured OFC with 6 Quad / PIJF cable, provision of Emergency Socket, Headquarter/ Way Side Control Equipment and communication over Nepal Custom Yard to India Custom Yard section & Biratnagar station. Major activities are given as under:
- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Indoor work for EI system including design and drawing, IPS, DG sets, Data loggers, CT rack , Relay rack, Relays, USFBI, ELD, Fire alarm system etc. at various stations .
- Supply of SSI equipment complete (Hot standby configuration) conforming to RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/192/2005, Ver.1 with the latest amendment & directive issued by Railway Board & RDSO and technical recommendations of RDSO as applicable on the date of supply/installation of the SSI (EI) equipment. Complete interface equipment between SSI & outdoor gears and SSI and dual VDU.
- The operations of all field gears are to be done from dual Video terminals of industrial grade as per latest RDSO specification with latest guidelines provided at a central place at the station. The SSI system should be able to interface to dual VDU. The complete interlocking system shall work signalling gears from dual VDU in accordance with the Selection table in a failsafe manner.
- All the Indoor equipment like EI, IPS, BPAC, Indoor relays etc. shall be supplied to suit RE area requirements.
- Any other material/equipment/accessories required for installation & commissioning of the complete SSI system to function efficiently, including supply of protocol converter, if required, for interfacing of external Data Logger with EI System.
- Excavation of Trench, cable laying & backfilling, Testing and Termination of underground Signalling, OFC and Quad Cables including termination, testing & all protective works. It also includes Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Track circuits, Points and Point machines, Signals, Location boxes, LC gates, DAC, UFSBI etc.
- Design & drawings and preparation of cable route plan, cable core plan, SWR, Interface design, Applications logic, FAT, SAT, Bell testing, bonding plan, cable termination plan, wiring diagram of various circuits etc. for all stations .
- Wherever and whenever required alteration in the yard, existing circuit , indoor and other associated works to open engineering siding to facilitate movement of ballast rakes for new rail lines.
- Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Maintenance Free Earthing, & Normal Earthing as per schedule.
- Coordination during laying of Glued/insulation joints, Insulation joints, for Track circuit,
- Point and Crossings, Track linking, execution of drilling and holes etc.
- Extension of Power from Power supply room/ DG room and various S&T equipment‘s etc. and provision of suitable power cable for the same.
- Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Microprocessor based Digital Axle Counter (DAC) system with DUAL track sensor, UFSBI etc.
- Shifting/Dismantling of existing Signal and Telecom gears that infringe the path of the new rail line along with its transportation to store depot.
- The work is to be carried out in accordance with Interlocking Plans for the station issued by the Railways. Any alteration in the Interlocking Plan to be done during the course of execution of this work shall be carried out by the Contractor expeditiously without any extra cost wherever additional equipment is not required. In case of increase/change in quantity of equipment, design & circuit alteration shall be done without extra cost whereas additional equipment beyond the EI system with 10 % increase in field input quantities may be paid.
- Supply of all manuals, as planned & completion drawing etc.
- Cleaning, painting and lettering of various gears as advised by the engineer.
- Temporary work, if required, for Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the S&T gears at Biratnagar Station along with associated sections as the single line with absolute system of working.
- All transportation, handling, stacking materials, watching protection of the listed material from the manufacturer‘s works to the sites of use. This also includes transportation of Signaling and Quad from Store depot at Nepal Custom yard or any other suitable location in the section to site of use.
- Any other work required for completion of the work under this contract as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
- Training for operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of EI, other S&T equipment‘s etc.
- Preparation and planning of NI, Pre-NI, Post NI work, arrangement for the same to complete the complete work.
- Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of VHF Systems.
- Linking/integration of STM at Biratnagar Station with Nepal custom yard and other side Terminal Stations. All the material required for interlinking/interfacing shall be provided by the contractor. For seamless communication & management from existing NMS, integration shall be ensured by the contractor (Existing STM is of Loop Telecom make at Nepal Custom yard). All the materials for achieving such provision shall be supplied by the contractor. Necessary programming & integration shall also be done by the contractor.
- The scope is not exhaustive. For full details refer to the BOQ, Special Conditions of Contract, General Conditions of Contract & Technical Specifications.
- Safety is the responsibility of the Contractor and his staff / employees/ workmen engaged/ deployed for execution of work under the Contract, individually and collectively. For this purpose, the Contractor staff means and includes all his associates and sub-contractors / vendors/ sub-vendors and their staff/ employees/ workmen deployed for execution of the work covered under the contract. The Contractor shall ensure that his workmen participate in the safety awareness, health care and safety training programs whenever such programs are organized by the employer or the Contractor.
- Contractor shall design the complete system including indoor and outdoor circuits like Interface circuits, Application logic Equivalent circuits, cable route, cable core Plan, Bonding plan, axle counter system, location plans, block working, station working rule, station working diagram and shall submit for approval.
- All the work shall be carried out only after approval of plans/circuits by IRCON/NFR and as per latest specification and guidelines issued by RDSO/Railway and conforming to Signal Engineering Manuals, tender conditions i.e. approved plans, technical specifications, general conditions of contract, special conditions of contract and installation practices of NFR.
- The Contractor‘s scope of work shall include, but not limited to execution of work/ contract, adequate safety arrangements for men machinery etc. engaged during the execution of the Contract.
- Wherever specifications are not indicated the work will be carried out as per standard practice of NF Railways and Instruction of Engineer In charge.
The complete Bid Document can be viewed / downloaded from the e-Procurement portal i.e. https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app free of cost.
What is an Electronic Interlocking System?
- Electronic Interlocking, an advanced signalling system used worldwide has been introduced on Indian Railways.
- Electronic Interlocking (EI) system is a microprocessor based interlocking equipment to read the yard and panel inputs; process them in a fail-safe manner as per selection table and generate required output.
- This system is the alternative to the conventional Relay Interlocking system (PI & RRI).
- Electronic Interlocking system has several advantages over Electro-Mechanical or Conventional Panel Interlocking, such as reduced space requirements, self-diagnostic features, safety and reliability etc.
Source: IRCON-Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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