IRCON invites bids for Construction of Melli Yard works of Sivok – Rangpo New BG Railway Line Project

In continuation to the tender for commissioning of Electronic Interlocking based Signalling system at Biratnagar Station of Nepal Railway, the IRCON International Limited has now  invited online bids in two packet systems for & on behalf of Northeast Frontier Railway on prescribed forms from bonafide firms/companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work given below. 

  • Tender No.: IRCON/CC/BR/SR-2046/Melli
  • Name of work: Construction of Melli Yard works including earthwork in cutting, filling, development of drainage system, slope stabilization, retaining structures, Reinforced Soil wall system, Construction of Bridge No. 10 on pile foundation, Bridge No. 11 and other ancillary works between Km. 26.570 to Km. 27.540 in connection with construction of Sivok – Rangpo New BG Railway Line Project.”
  • Estimated Cost: INR 1,82,02,47,857.41
  • Completion period: 30 Months
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2021
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 13-Apr-2021
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 03-May-2021
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 27-Apr-2021
  • Bid Submission End Date: 03-May-2021
  • Bid Opening Date: 04-May-2021

Scope of Work:

The scope of work includes “Construction of Melli Yard works including earthwork in cutting, filling, development of drainage system, slope stabilization, retaining structures, Reinforced Soil wall system, Construction of Bridge No. 10 on pile foundation, Bridge No. 11 and other ancillary works between Km. 26.570 to Km. 27.540 in connection with construction of Sivok – Rangpo New BG Railway Line Project.”

The salient features of the Bridges are as follows:

  • Construction of foundations for piers and abutments including return wall, approach slab, dirt wall etc. complete. The type and depth of the foundation indicated in the GAD is tentative and may change as per the site conditions.
  • Construction of hollow/solid piers including pier cap, of different size shape and type using Slip form shuttering with necessary facilities for inspection/maintenance as per the drawing and/or instructions of the Engineer in Charge.
  • Construction of abutments of different size shape and type with necessary facilities for inspection/maintenance as per the drawing and/or instructions of the Engineer in Charge.
  • Construction of protection works to foundations, piers and abutments of the bridge etc. as per approved drawings and the specifications and requirements.
  • Fabrication, supply and installation of bearings; transverse and longitudinal stoppers over abutments and piers; supply and installation spring dampeners; provision of back anchors behind Abutments if required for any bridges.
  • Supply, fabrication, assembling, testing and launching of steel girders as per approved drawing. Design, fabrication, supply & installation of bridge expansion joints.
  • Construction of Sub structure of Bridge which includes construction of RCC approach slabs, RCC Slabs, abutment, piers, bored cast-in-situ pile foundations, provisional or permanent works such as cutting and embankment works, provisional or permanent shafts or any other temporary structure/work to reach the foundation levels and facilitate construction activity, construction or provision of any kind of auxiliary structures, road approach works to reach the different levels, auxiliary platforms, diversion of river/provision of caisson for construction of foundation and pier located in waterway and all kind of supports, drainage and protection for cuttings.
  • Construction of Superstructure of Bridge which includes shop Fabrication, transportation to site, storing at site, Erection and Launching of Welded Steel Through Trusses by incremental and / or cantilever method for various spans corresponding to 25T loading, inclusive of testing of Superstructure as specified.
  • Procurement, testing and placement of bearings, including the construction of seismic stopper and restrainer.
  • IROCN shall Provide Approved Construction Design & Drawing for Execution & Construction of Bridge and contractor shall submit the completion and as built drawing once construction is completed including all modification done during construction phases.
  • Any other incidental / ancillary Works required in connection with completion of the above as directed by IRCON in Consultation with Consultant.
  • Construction of all foundation and substructure concrete works including approach slab in both ends. Provision of plaques as per Railway drawings for the bridge nomenclature and direction of flow is also included.
  • Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for all the reinforced cement concrete and plain cement concrete components as per schedule in Volume III of this tender document.
  • Supply and making of reinforcement for all the reinforced cement concrete in bridge site.Load testing of piles as per schedule in volume III of tender document.
  • Extra for chiseling in addition to boring of piles, if chiseling is resorted to in hard rock or big stone boulders larger than 30 cm depth, by any means i.e. by chisel or manual chisel and hammer method.
  • Supply, fabrication, transportation, assembly, erection/slewing and launching of steel superstructure including surface preparation, sand blasting, painting and metalizing etc. with all lead/lift.
  • Providing, cutting, fabricating, treating, fixing & painting structural steel in access ladders, inspection platforms, Trolley refuge, railing, and temporary structure required during construction. Fabrication, supply and fixing of steel chequered plate of specified thickness.
  • Providing, fabricating and installing of casing pipe for bored piles for all diameters with specified thickness. Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete for foundation items.
  • Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level bearings. Providing boulder backing behind wing wall, return wall, retaining wall.
  • The Survey work shall involve taking over of sight, contouring of yard and nearby area, with centre line pegs, checking and verification of bench marks and protection of the same, taking & recording cross sections of natural ground levels.
  • Contractor shall do pre-condition survey of existing structure i.e. building, houses, bridges etc. at his own cost before starting of work and submit the data to IRCON.
  • Earth work in excavation in all kind of soils including ordinary rock (not req. blasting) & hard rock (blasting prohibited) etc. by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means at hill slopes up to any height, making required slope for applying shotcrete & rock bolts as required & making of temporary access road as the method of construction is top to down, making of berms, surface drains complete job as per the specifications and approved drawings and disposal of muck as instructed by Engineers. Selected and approved cut muck/spoils after crushing and screening required to use in filling work.
  • Earthwork in filling above the Lower portion using collected earth spoils from cutting, laid in layer and compacted bring it to required profile as per approved drawings and specification as a complete job and as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.
  • Earthwork in filling in Railway formation with the contractor’s own earth and cut muck/spoils coming out from cutting.
  • Maintenance of existing access road, construction of any other internal road and structures or any other road which will be required to be constructed /developed by the contractor to complete the work in all respect.
  • Supply, drilling, installation and grouting of permanent anchors SN type rock bolts with double corrosion protection of the specified length, Self-drilling bolts of the specified length & installing pre stressed permanent grouted anchor of required design capacity as per approved drawings & specifications or as directed by Engineer.
  • Construction of Melli yard including excavation and using of cut spoils for specific use of Reinforced soil filling as per the required gradation and size of material obtained after crushing and screening to achieve high friction, Construction of RCC box culvert, RCC Trough, Cladding walls, Wing wall, Return walls, toe wall, curtain and drop walls side drains, catchwater drains etc. for permanent nalla diversion, retaining structures, slope protection, development of drainage area, support installation, concrete or shotcrete and other concrete works, providing and laying of stone pitching and all other ancillary works required for construction of yard as approved by the ENGINEER and as per approved drawings.
  • Providing and installation of perforated pipe wrapped with geotextile, drainage hole, of various length and diameter horizontal/sub horizontal, Geo textile membrane as per approved drawings & specifications.
  • Providing & fixing of instrumentation for 3D monitoring, Inclinometer, Piezometer, Optical Targets with accessories as per approved drawing and specification as directed by Engineer.

The complete Bid Document can be viewed / downloaded from the e-Procurement portal i.e. free of cost.

About Sivok-Rangpo railway Project:

  • Total length of the complete railway project is 44.96 kms of which 41.55 kms falls in West Bengal and 3.41 kms falls in Sikkim.
  • The anticipated project cost will be around Rs. 8,900 crores.
  • For this project, the budget allotment for 2020-21 is Rs. 607 Crores.
  • IRCON International Ltd on behalf of NFR is carrying out the construction work of the project.
  • There will be 14 tunnels, 5 stations (Sivoke, Riyang, Teesta Bazar, Melli and Rangpo) and 13 bridges in the section.
  • The entire section is being constructed by using the latest technology so that trains can run at a speed of 100 kilometres per hour.
  • There will be 38,555 mts of tunneling work involved in the entire project.
  • This is more than 92% of the entire project length.
  • Work is already in progress in various sections.
  • The likely date of completion of the Sivok-Rangpo railway project is December, 2022.

Source: IRCON-Tender | Image Credit: Northeast Frontier Railway

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