IRCON invites bids for Railway Electrification works at Shalimar Railway Station under Shalimar Station Development Project

IRCON International Limited on behalf of South Eastern Railway-Kolkata has invited online bids in two packet systems on prescribed forms from bona-fide firms/companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work detailed in the given below.

  • Tender Reference Number: IRCON/2053/TN/SHM/OHE/2021/80
  • Name of Work: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 25 kV, AC, 50 Hz, Single Phase Railway Electrification works at Shalimar Railway Station under Shalimar Station Development Project of South Eastern Railway.
  • Estimated Cost of Work: INR 346.70 Lakhs
  • Completion Period: 4 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 27-Nov-2021 
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 11-Dec-2021
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 05-Dec-2021 
  • Bid Submission End Date: 11-Dec-2021 
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 01-Dec-2021 
  • Bid Opening Date: 13-Dec-2021

Scope of Work:

  • IRCON International Limited has been entrusted to execute the Shalimar Station Yard Electrification work in Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. Presently, the Shalimar yard is being developed as Coaching terminal in order to facilitate to start more trains from Shalimar/Santragachi Stations.
  • The scope of work is given below for reference purpose only. However, the contractor is fully responsible for carrying out all required activities for successful completion of the contract. All works shall be carried out as per RDSO/CORE/Railway specification and standards enclosed at Section-VI (Specification and standards) of the tender document.

Design & Drawing works:

  • Carrying out foot by foot survey for collection of details of all existing fixed as sets such as cabins, cable Huts, station buildings, LC gates and its classification, Bridges, column of FOB & ROB, Electrical poles, Trees, Signal Posts, Drains, Junction boxes and other type of existing structure on both side of centre line of track up to a distance of 6.0 meter from the centre line of the outermost track, collection of details for EHT/HT/LT Line, crossing over the railway track and running parallel to track up to a distance of 6.0 mtrs, identification and collection of details of polluted area. Work out of infringements to work as per latest SOD, IE rule other instructions and guidelines required for 25 KV Overhead Traction systems and submit detailed reports in two sets of hard copy in the book shape and one in soft copy.
  • Preparation, submission and getting approval from Project Consultant/ IRCON/Railway authority of OHE layout plans incorporating location No, chainage, length of span, degree of curvature, gradients, type of foundations, type of masts/portals, Brackets, Guy rods, wiring, ATD, stagger, section insulators, isolators, Auxiliary Transformers, neutral sections, location of cut- in-insulators, signal locations and all above information mentioned above in Para.
  • It also includes making minor modifications as per site requirement and as desired by the Employer/Engineer to the layout plan, if necessary.
  • For design of foundations of traction structures carrying overhead equipment, the contractor shall determine the type and allowable bearing pressure of soil at suitable intervals and adopt the type & size of foundation, suitable for particular locations with the help of the approved employment schedule. Soil bearing pressure using SPT (falling weight equipment) should be determined generally by every 5 KM interval or less wherever change of soil is encountered. 
  • In general IS code of practice (IS 6403:1981) should be followed. In addition, at every 250 meter, the soil bearing pressure should be determined by dial gauge type penetrometers. Dial Gauge type penetrometers shall also be made available by the contractor at each foundation site so as to facilitate cross check at each individual location.
  • Preparation, submission & getting approval from Project Consultant/ IRCON/Railway authority of Cross Section Drawings (CSD) of each location shown in the layout plan.
  • Fabrication & fixing of foundation marker at foundation location as per final layout plan. Marking of the chainage of the locations of OHE and anchor foundations in yellow paint on the flange of the rail.
  • Preparation, submission and getting approval from Project Consultant/ IRCON/Railway authority of structure erection drawings (SED) for each location along with the structures to be installed on bridges piers, showing all dimensions of cantilever tubes, insulator make and year, catenary and contact height, stagger etc.
  • Preparation, submission & getting approval from Project Consultant/ IRCON/Railway authority of the profile drawings of overhead equipment at foot over bridges, road over bridges etc. for maintaining the specified height of contact wire and requisite clearances. This shall also include detailed study of over line structure & 33 kV and above EHT power line crossings over the track.
  • Preparation, submission and getting approval from Project Consultant/IRCON/Railway authority of other designs and drawings including drawings of small parts steel work (other than RDSO standard drawings) and detailed design for installation of LT. Supply Transformer, etc.
  • Preparation, submission & getting approval from Project Consultant/IRCON/Railway authority of sectioning diagram of the section, Bracket tube allocation schedule, Dropper schedule etc.
  • Preparation, submission and getting approval from Project Consultant/IRCON/Railway authority of bonding plan showing all structure bonds, longitudinal, cross bond, Transverse bond etc.
  • Preparation, submission and fixing of Sectioning/Schematic/SWR diagram and making of laminated Board as per RDSO/CORE specification for stations/ Cabins/ RCC and including supply & fixing of shock treatment chart etc.
  • Preparation, submission and getting approval of “As built” / “As erected” drawings (LOP, SED, profile etc.) as per final installation of OHE.
  • Supply of requisite number of hard copies of all drawings, including completion/as erected drawings of OHE as per RDSO/CORE guidelines including soft copy (Auto Cad).

Supply & Erection of Overhead Equipment (OHE):

  • The scope of work includes supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 25 KV, 50 Hz, single phase, AC Overhead equipment inside Shalimar Station yard for yard remodeling work.
  • The scope of work described hereunder is only indicative in nature and shall be deemed inclusive of all items to be executed for its completion as per RDSO/CORE specifications & standards of this tender, explanatory notes and approved Drawings.

This work shall be inclusive of the following:

  • Casting of OHE foundations and anchor foundations as per approved CSD
    • RDSO guide line shall be followed for grade of concrete, type of founda- tions etc. Generally concrete for foundation shall be nominal mix of grade M-10 and for grouting, muffing & embedding of structure in foundation concrete of M-15 grade as per latest RDSO guidelines shall be used.
    • In soft/hard rock, foundation in contact/buried under Non-aggressive soil/ground water: Foundation concrete shall be of M-15 grade and core concrete shall be of M-20 grade.
  • Supply of all types of OHE mast, portals with all components i.e. up-rights, end pieces, central pieces, knee bracing, cover angles etc. and required fasteners for boom erection.
  • Erection of OHE masts and uprights of portals with portal components as per approved SED and grouting of structures as per RDSO specification and approved drawings.
  • Supply & erection of small parts steel other than mast, Brackets, Guy rods, Anti creep wire, all ancillary items, structure bonds, IR bonds, Transverse & special bonds, supply & installation of Protective screens on FOB and under the overhead structure and all other pre wiring activity complete in all respect.
  • Supply of catenary & contact wire as per RDSO specification & drawing.
  • Stringing of catenary wire, contact wire, feeder wire and supply & erection of ATD with counter weight, droppering & Clipping, provision of section insulators, Isolators, AT, jumpers, Providing contact wire in place of catenary wire under FOB and overhead structures etc. 
  • This shall also include adjustment of Cantilevers, height & stagger of contact and catenary wire, SED checking, Tower wagon checking, provision of antitheft charging on the wired section with 2.2 kV in the night hours till commissioning of the OHE with 25 kV supply. Provision of required number of DG sets with operator (at least at 3 locations in the section) for antitheft charging of wired section in case of non-availability of normal supply and deployment of security personnel for security of wired section.
  • Supply & Erection of all types of caution, warning, instruction and protection boards at required locations. Supply & installation of Traction Station Working Rule along with sectioning diagram at required locations viz. All Railway stations in the section, TPC, Traffic control, OHE Depot, AEE office etc. Provision of safety items i.e. key box, First aid box, shock treatment chart etc. at required locations. It also includes preparation of all necessary documentation for EIG sanction and CRS Inspection, attending Breakdown till CRS inspection, testing, commissioning and handing over of the completed section to Railway.
  • Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of short neutral section (PTFE) as per RDSO specification and drawings.

The complete Bid Document can be viewed / downloaded from the e-Procurement portal i.e. free of cost.

Source: IRCON-Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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