In continuation to the tender for supply of Auxiliary Main Transformer for RRTS corridor, IRCON International Limited (IRCON) has now invited online bid in Two Packet system on prescribed forms from bonafide firms/companies having requisite experience and financial capacity for execution of the work detailed in the table given below.
- Tender Reference Number: NCRTC/DRY TYPE AT/01/OT/17
- Name of Work: Design, Manufacturing and Supply of Dry Type 33 kV/415V, Auxiliary Transformer including all accessories for the work of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC (Package-19 Lot 1 & Lot 2).
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 2.05 Crore
- Completion Period: 04 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 05-Mar-2021
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 24-Mar-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 19-Mar-2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 24-Mar-2021
- Bid Opening Date: 25-Mar-2021
Scope of Work:
The scope of work include Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Receiving Sub Stations including 25 kV AC Traction cum 33kV Auxiliary Main Sub Stations and EHV & HV Cabling, 25kV Overhead Equipment (FOCS/ROCS), ASS, Auxiliary Power Supply, from Sarai Kale Khan to Duhai (EPE), including Jangpura Stabling Yard and Duhai Depot and associated works of Viaduct & Tunnel and SCADA System for Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC for design speed of 180 Kmph.
- The scope of work includes but not limited to:
- The Contractor shall carry out Traction power simulation study, Load Flow & Short Circuit study for complete corridor i.e Lot-1 & Lot-2 (DelhiGhaziabad-Meerut) to ascertain the load requirement of the system to verify the sizes of the equipment and submit report for approval. Balance Power System Studies and Design Drawings specified in Clause 6.2.2 shall be done for LOT-1 only.
- The Contractor shall carry out a study to assess the work to be done to suppress the effect due to 25kV ac traction (EMI/EMC) on Civil Engineering RCC construction, power, telecom, control, ETS and Signaling circuits etc. for safety of public, personnel and equipment. These studies shall form part of detailed system design.
- Transfer of Technology related to design of FOCS, ROCS, MOCS, RSS etc. for 180 kmph RRTS.
- Transportation, storage, loading/unloading, insurance and safe custody till handing over of the facilities.
- Quality checking and quality management for all the works.
- Training to Employer’s personnel, operation and maintenance personnel
- Supply of spares, maintenance tools and operation & maintenance manuals as given in Appendix-H.
- Preparation of documents required to be submitted to EIG, CRS / CMRS, REPC, PTCC, RDSO, DTL, UPPTCL, BSES, PVVNL etc.
- The equipment required for the project shall feature all equipment and systems required to form part of 33kV or 11kV Auxiliary power supply, 25 kV traction supply, Overhead Equipment, Power Supply SCADA, control and monitoring system.
- The scope of work includes the design of an Electrical Work Permits plan, procedure order and the management of the Electrical Work Permits on site, including:
- Organizing meeting on a weekly basis with other contractors to list the needs of electrical work permits issuance.
- Issuing and collecting back electrical works permits from contractors.
- De-energizing and locking out of the power supply and OHE contractor’s equipment and fixing of discharge rod on the catenaries where required in accordance to the local safety rules and to the electrical work permits.
- Keeping a record of all the work permits and providing a copy to SHE manager of the Engineer as per Employer’s requirement on Safety, Health and Environment (SHE).
- This scope of work starts with the sections to be energized (Sahibabad to Duhai including Duhai Depot and Sarai Kale Khan to Sahibabad including Jangpura Stabling Yards) and ends after start of revenue train services for the complete section from Sarai Kale Khan to Duhai.
- Two kinds of electrical permit shall be issued by the contractor:
- Electrical Work Permit ensuring that works are allowed and that all equipment have been de-energized and no electrical hazard can be introduced.
- Testing, Troubleshooting and Voltage Measuring (TTVM) Electrical Work Permit for works that needs to be done with the system energized.
Website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app may be referred for detailed terms and conditions of the bidding documents, which is available on line.
Source: IRCON-Tender
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