IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Ballastless track linking over viaduct sections on main line & loop lines including setting up of Track Construction Base (TCB) on viaduct at various locations (TCB I to IV) along the alignment including flash butt welding of rails in connection with construction of High Speed standard gauge double line ballast less railway track between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat Border (MAHSR Km. 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR Km. 393.700) in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (Package-MAHSR-T2) under NHSRCL.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/3026/MAHSR/T2/Track Linking-BLT-TL-I
- Name of Work: Ballastless track linking over viaduct sections on main line & loop lines including setting up of Track Construction Base (TCB) on viaduct at various locations (TCB I to IV) along the alignment including flash butt welding of rails in connection with construction of High Speed standard gauge double line ballast less railway track between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat Border (MAHSR Km. 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR Km. 393.700) in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (Package-MAHSR-T2) under NHSRCL.
- Estimated Cost: INR 44,81,52,008 Crore
- EMD: INR 28,41,000 Lakh
- Period Of Work: 35 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 07th November, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 29th November, 2022
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 18th November, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 24th November, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 29th November, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 30th November, 2022
Scope of Work:
- The Contractor shall work out the requirement of manpower and machineries coping with the scope of work to be completed within the targeted period and accordingly ensure deployment of those manpower and machineries.
- Total 04 Nos of Track Construction Base (TCB) are planned to complete the work under this contract. However, Ircon shall have the right to create further additional TCBs by splitting and redistributing the jurisdiction of these 4 TCBs to achieve the milestones, and the contractor shall accordingly mobilize additional resources.
- The Contractor(s) is expected to use the latest technology and machinery and achieve the most efficient and best quality finished construction.
Various elements involved in this work are broadly indicated below for guidance:
- Setting up of Track Construction Base (TCB) on Viaduct at various locations as indicated along the alignment as per the approved Drawings and Specifications including sheds/canopies, Toilets, Temporary Stairs, Drinking Water facility, Lighting arrangements for Night Work etc., complete. TCB’s on Ground shall be provided by IRCON.
- Fabrication and Erection of 16 numbers 1.5T Capacity Movable Gantries having Chain Pulley & Sling arrangement with provision of motorized and synchronized movement/operation at each TCB. Generally, 04 Gantries are used for Rail Welding and 12 Gantries for Stacking of Welded Panels of 200m length. Loading/Unloading, Transportation and Lifting of Gantries on Viaduct and Mounting of Gantries on Temporary Track fixed on concrete pedestal/wooden blocks. Laying of temporary Rail Track fixed on concrete pedestal/wooden blocks for mounting and subsequent movement/operation of Gantries.
- Loading of all Materials & Machinery on Viaduct Viz., Rails, Turnouts, Crossovers, Expansion Joints, IJ’s , Synthetic Sleepers, Fastenings, FBW Machine, Track Motor Car, Rail feeder Car, Wagons, Trolleys etc., with necessary Cranes, Trailers, Tools & Equipment’s, Manpower etc., complete as per work requirement.
- Flash Butt Welding (FBW) of JIS 60 Grade, 25 m Rails on Viaduct using FBW Machine provided by IRCON or arranged by Contractor. Lifting & Shifting of FBW machines at various TCB locations on Viaduct.
- Grinding and Preparing of Rails prior to welding and Grinding of Welded Rail joints in 04 Stages (Rough & Final) as per approved Methodology & Specifications with all Grinders, Stones, Tools & Equipment’s etc., complete.
- Providing and installation of Conveyor Roller arrangement for movement of Rails and Welded panels of 25 m and 200 m length.
- Installation of Temporary Turnout/Crossover for Construction with temporary support set up and providing Hand Levers and operation of Switches on either sides of TCB’s and dismantling the same after work completion (Turnout shall be issued by IRCON at Ground TCB/Store).
- IRCON’s Surveyor shall provide center line marking of Temporary track to be laid on RC Bed. However, the Track Contractor shall maintain and fix the track alignment based on the center line provided.
- Laying of 1435 mm Gauge Temporary Track with 200 m jointed/welded panels using Rail Feeder Car and Wagons provided by IRCON, lifting them on Viaduct, fixing Rails with temporary spacers, clamps and gauge fixers etc., duly drilling, giving wooden packing and fixing with RC Concrete bed and maintaining the track till end of works.
- Supplying and fixing of temporary ‘Gauge Supports’ consisting of Anchors, Fastening Brackets and Gauge Tie Plate as per the approved Drawings and Specifications and fixing with Fastening Brackets, Anchors with wooden blocks etc. complete @ 2.5m c/c and providing Gauge Tie strips @ 5m c/c for fixing and laying of temporary track.
- Handling/Loading/Unloading and Transportation of 200 m Rail panels using Gantries on Rail Feeder Car by operating Rail Feeder Car.
- Taking delivery of Track Fastenings and Rail Turnover Prevention Device from IRCON’s Store near Depot/TCB on Ground and assembling them at TCB on Ground, (Fixing of Base Plates/Tie Plates on the Track Slabs shall be done in Co-Ordination/Interface with the Slab Track laying Contractor), fixing of remaining Track fastenings & Rail Turnover Prevention device on Track slab over Viaduct duly lifting & transportation on Viaduct using trolleys etc., and fixing as per Drawings & Specifications, after placing the Slabs on RC Bed by Track Slab laying Contractor.
- Dismantling of 3m wide Temporary Track placed by the Track Slab laying Contractor and Lifting of 200m long Rail Panels placed on the Viaduct, and lifting it over the Track Slabs fixed on RC Bed and fixing Rail Panels with all Fastenings, Rail Turnover Prevention Device, making it a continuous Track aligning the Rails to required Gauge and Cantt & Profile etc., as per Drawing & Specifications, Bolt tightening for Fastenings & Rail Prevention device using the Bolt Tightening Machine provided by IRCON but with Contractors own Lifting Frames/Gantries, Chain Pulley, equipment’s, Wedges, Rollers, Tools etc., Complete.
- Handling & Lifting, local transport on Viaduct of Turnouts, Crossovers with Synthetic Sleepers, Expansion Joints, Insulated Joints and Loose Synthetic Sleepers and fixing at the Specific Locations of Turnouts, Crossovers with Synthetic Sleepers, Expansion Joints, Insulated Joints and Loose Synthetic Sleepers as per requirement with drilling & grouting using Synthetic Resin & Bags provided by IRCON.
- Secondary Welding of Rail joints to form Continuously Welded Rails (CWR), using the Flash Butt Welding Machine & RRV issued by IRCON, Lifting the above Machinery on Viaduct and Operation of Machineries, loosening of 200m Rail Panels and preparing them for the Welding, carrying out Secondary welding of joints as per required Technical Specifications, grinding (Rough Grindings & Final Grindings in 04 Stages) the joints to the required Profile.
- Facilitating Testing of FBW Joints as per frequency by forming test joints and arranging sending them to the approved laboratory. Cost of testing shall be borne by IRCON.
- Carrying out de-stressing of Track at distressing temperature, using Rail Tensors, duly loosening the Rails, Turnouts, Crossovers, Expansion joints etc., by keeping them on rollers, moving the Rails & gently tapping with wooden hammers, cutting the extra length of Rails, grinding the sides and making them ready for Electric Arc Welding to be carried out by IRCON, fixing the Track with all Fastenings, greasing of joints etc., complete and aligning the Track to required Final Profile
- Dismantling of TCBs including Gantry arrangements, Conveyor Systems, Temporary Turnouts, Rails Bed etc. at one location of TCB and Lowering of dismantled/released materials for further loading/unloading/transportation to another TCB location and lifting the same on viaduct for setting up the TCB.
- Marking of Rail Weld Joints with approved methodology and Specifications fixing using strips.
- Carrying out USFD Testing of Welded Joints as per approved Methodology & Specifications and submitting the Reports
- All defective and rejected joints shall be cut out, replaced with a Rail not less than 6 m in length, and joints re-welded including USFD Testing at Contractor’s expense. No payment shall be made for the extra joint and for the extra Rail. Moreover, the cost of extra Rail used shall be recovered in such cases @ 4 times procurement cost.
- Maintaining Joint Inventory with IRCON for all Track materials issued to contractor & consumed at work site (i.e., Rails, TO/CO/EJ/IJ, Sleepers, Track Fittings etc.).
- Operation of Temporary Turnouts/Crossovers for movement of Track Machinery
- Rail Loading to be done daily & as per work requirements from Ground TCB to Viaduct TCB using Spreader Beam, Cranes & Trailers etc,.
- Any other work required for completion of the work under this contract as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The details of works are indicated elsewhere in the tender documents/drawings. The scope described here is only indicative in nature and shall be deemed as inclusive of all items to be executed for its completion as per Specifications and Drawings.
- Mobilization & Demobilization of all required Machinery, Equipment’s, Resources and Manpower etc., shall be as per Work requirements and as per actual handing over of TCB’s by Client/NHSRCL.
- Site Clearance, Disposal of all Materials, Waste etc., from the Viaduct/Work Space shall be carried out frequently and the Viaduct shall be kept Clean during execution
- Local Transport & Laying of 01 Crossover Set and 01 Expansion joint Set over RC Bed Concrete at Vadodara Training Institute
- Payable items are provided in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and any other enabling / temporary works required to be carried out for the eventful completion of the proposed High Speed Track are deemed to have been included in the rates quoted for the payable items in the BOQ. No claims of whatever nature shall be entertained for any item of enabling / temporary works including supply of necessary materials, tools & plants not specifically covered in this scope of work and in the bill of quantities.
- Safety bands, Ribbons and other gadgets for Construction site & workmen shall be maintained as per scheme approved by the engineer. Safety board’s duly written with desired LOGO & safety slogans shall be displayed for information of workers so that they do not enter restricted premises. The quoted rates are deemed to include the cost of all such bands, ribbons, gadgets etc. and nothing extra shall be paid for such items.
- The Contractor shall organise, conduct & maintain required Proper quality control test and records for day-to-day work on a regular basis. The contractor shall ensure that the work is executed conforming to the approved design, drawings and specifications. For execution of work the contractor has to follow Safety, Health & Environment Manual of IRCON and the approved quality Assurance program.
- The Engineers/Supervisors/ staff to be deployed by the Contractor shall work under the direction of the Engineer/Employer. They shall be bound to carry out all duties related with the work assigned by the Engineer or his representative. All facilities & equipments required for proper construction & quality control during execution of entire work such as survey instruments including Auto Level and Total Station, testing equipments, if required, laboratory facilities etc. shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
- The contractor shall submit free of cost all “As built drawings and Parameter registers if any(in Hard copies and soft copies)” in appropriate size & sufficient number of copies, as directed by the Engineer.
- Vertical & Horizontal Clearance shall be maintained for corresponding construction/components of subject work, within/outside Railway/Construction limits for maintaining desired safety/construction requirements.
- Track Contractor shall Interface with Survey agencies engaged by IRCON and Other Civil/System Contractors while working on Viaduct/Tunnel and work shall be executed under close Co-Ordination. A suitable Interface Manager shall be appointed by the Contractor.
- Track Contractor shall maintain approach to site along the ROW wherever required and as per work requirements
- Record maintenance and measurement of Track parameters shall be done as per Specifications and Contract requirements.
- The bidder should possess the experience of having successfully completed similar works during the last 7-years (ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited) which should be any one of the following:
- Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of the estimated cost, or
- Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost, or
- One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the estimated cost.
- Similar works shall mean the execution of Track work for Railway/Metro/High Speed/Semi High Speed Projects in India or Abroad (Ballasted / Ballast Less Tracks. Only 100% Completed Works shall be considered for evaluation.
- Experience in Key Activities/Specified Component: The Bidder should have completed following Key Activities/Specified Component during last 7 years in one contract or multiple contracts,
- Minimum length of 25 Track Km of Track Laying/Renewals, either in Ballasted or Ballast Less Track.
- Minimum of 5000 Nos. of Joints of Flash Butt Welding (FBW) of 60Kg/52Kg Rails in Depot/On Track.
- The average annual financial turnover during the last 3-years should be at least 30% of the advertised tender value.
About MAHSR Project:
- Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) Project is 508 Km long first High- Speed Rail (HSR) network planned to be constructed in India.
- Out of 508Km, 352 Km lies in the State of Gujarat (348 Km) and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (4Km) and the balance 156 Km lies in the State of Maharashtra.
- The Construction Work is in progress in both Gujarat and Dadra & Nagar Haveli where 98% and 100% land has been acquired respectively.
- In Gujarat, High Speed Rail alignment passes through eight districts i.e. Valsad, Navsari, Surat, Bharuch, Vadodara, Anand, Kheda and Ahmedabad and work is in progress in all the eight districts.
- In Maharashtra land acquisition done so far is 40%.
- The project will entail an investment of 72,000 Crs in the state of Gujarat in both Land & construction.
- So far an expenditure of 14,200 Crs has been done.
- The project will generate direct & indirect employment of 60,000 in Gujarat state.
The complete documents can be downloaded from https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: IRCON- Tender | Image Credit (representational): NHSRCL
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