IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Construction of Road Over Bridge (ROB) of span 64.09 M Bow string steel girder with four nos. ramps and construction of one limited height subway (LHS) at LC No. 3 at Shalimar station & Yard area including service road & drains in connection with Shalimar Station Development Project under South Eastern Railway.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/2053/TN//SHM/ROB & LHS/2022
- Name of Work: Construction of Road Over Bridge (ROB) of span 64.09 M Bow string steel girder with four nos. ramps and construction of one limited height subway (LHS) at LC No. 3 at Shalimar station & Yard area including service road & drains in connection with Shalimar Station Development Project under South Eastern Railway.
- Estimated Cost: INR 107,84,91,722 Crore
- EMD: INR 59,92,500 Lakh
- Period Of Work: 15 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 07th September, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 30th September, 2022
- Pre‐bid Meeting: 20th September, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 25th September, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 30th September, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 03rd October, 2022
Scope of Work:
- Road Over Bridge (ROB): Construction of one Road Over Bridge (ROB) of span 64.09 m Bow string Steel Girder with four nos. Ramps.
- Construction of Bored cast-in-situ RCC Pile, Composite Girders, RCC Slab, RE Wall etc.
- Fabrication and Erection of open Web Girder structure for Bow String type construction in ROB.
- Fabrication and Erection of Plate Girder structure for construction of Composite girder in approach ramp.
- Providing and fixing Steel barricades at the work sites to be maintained till completion of activities.
- Construction of Reinforced Earth Wall.
- Coordination with Railway authorities and other Local bodies as may be required for execution of the work.
- For erection of girder over railway track, the design details of the Girder including GA drawing, sequence and methodology for Erection should be submitted by the contractor for approval of PCE of Railway. The contractor shall be responsible for providing all the required data & technical support to obtain the PCE’s approval. No work over existing Rly. Track shall be permitted until PCE’s approval to undertake the work is obtained. No additional payment and time shall be allowed by IRCON on this account.
- Contractor shall make plans accordingly.
- Detection of underground Utilities and submission of reports to IRCON/Consultant and removal or relocation of the same as per the direction of the Engineer. Necessary payment for this shall be made as per contract condition.
- Shifting & relocation of existing utilities of S.E. Rly’s or state govt. falling on the alignment Also, felling of trees falling on the alignment with approval of forest officials. Bidders are advised to make detailed surveys before quoting and take necessary note of the existing utilities & structures required to be shifted.
- Making pumping or any other arrangements necessary for preventing ingress of sub soil water during the execution of works. For this no additional payment shall be made.
- Other associated Civil Works.
Limited Height Subway:
- Limited Height Subway (LHS): Construction of one Vehicular Subway (LHS) at LC No. 3 at Shalimar station & Yard area including service road & drains.
- Installation of H-piles with M.S. Sheets lagging or sheet piles as protection work.
- Design and construction of RCC Thrust bed for castingof RCC Boxes
- Shifting of RCC box forthe jacking purpose as necessary.
- Construction and Jacking of precast RCC boxes, below railway tracks to form desired opening and length including installation and operation of hydraulic jacks with requisite fittings and fixtures.
- Making provision of suitable shoring arrangements as per the site conditions to avoid collapse of side slopes.
- Construction of side drain and sump for disposal of seepage, rain water etc from the underpass and suitable connection to the nearest drainage system.
- Making pumping or any other arrangements necessary for preventing ingress of sub soil water during construction of RCC Thrust bed and casting & jacking of RCC Boxes in a place. For this no additional payment shall be made.
- Disposal of excavated soil upto a lead of 1.50 Km.
- Any Stabilization of Soil by pressure Grouting with Cement/Lime.
- Fabrication, fixing of Drag Sheet Anchor Frame and Drag Sheets to facilitate the jacking.
- Sealing of joints as per the approved scheme & specifications.
- Making adequate Safety arrangements in the area as required as per Rly norms for the track and for smooth operation of trains.
- For day to day supervision, liaisoning, monitoring of work, one vehicle with 4,000 Kms/month run with driver, maintenance, garage, driver’s overtime, arrangement of replacement of vehicle in case of breakdown, will be provided by the Contractor. The type vehicle will be Scorpio/ Bolerowith make not later than 2021 with the responsibility to bear all the necessary applicable taxes by the contractor.
- Other associated civil works.
Method of Transportation of Fabricated Bridge Girders from supplier’s/contractor’s factory in India to site in Shalimar:
- All members (serially numbered) complete of each span shall be sent in one consignment. The bridge girders shall be transported in assembled form (if feasible). In Case, it may not be feasible to transport the longer girders in assembled form, such girders shall be transported and shipped in the form of components.
- In such cases each and every component of the bridge/span shall be serially numbered and packed in order to identify them easily at the time of erection. These components shall be packed in containers of appropriate dimensions for shipment/ transportation by road/ river/ sea/ ocean/ air. Smaller components of bridge girders shall be neatly packed in sea worthy packing and then loaded into containers.
- It shall be ensured that no damage is caused to the various components during shipment/ transportation and delivery. The tenderer is required to submit a methodology for the transportation of various sizes of bridge girders from his factory to the bridge site in India.
- Tenders shall be submitted as per “Instructions to Tenderers” forming a part of the tender document.
- Any tender received without original Earnest Money in the form as specified in tender documents shall not be considered and shall be summarily rejected. Original Earnest Money Deposit is to be submitted in a tender box kept at Ground Floor, Corporate office, Ircon International limited, C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110 017 on or before closing time of bid submission.
- IRCON reserves the right to cancel the tenders before submission/opening of tenders, postpone the tender submission/opening date and to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. IRCON’s assessment of suitability as per eligibility criteria shall be final and binding.
- Tenderers may note that they are liable to be disqualified at any time during tendering process in case any of the information furnished by them is not found to be true, EMD of such tenderer shall be forfeited.
- IRCON reserves the right to pre-qualify the bidder(s) provisionally based on the documents submitted by them and open financial bid(s), subject to their final verification. In the event of any document being found false, the provisional qualification shall stand withdrawn, and the next lower bidder shall automatically come to the position of such disqualified bidder. Action against such disqualified tenderers shall be taken as per above clause no.: 15.0 of Notice Inviting Tender.
- The validity of the offer shall be for the period indicated in “Appendix to Tender “after the date of opening (Technical Bid) of the tender.
The complete documents can be downloaded from https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: IRCON -Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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