IRCON invites tender for design and supply of 33kV Cables for the work of Delhi–Ghaziabad–Meerut RRTS Corridor

IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Design, manufacturing and supply of 33kV Cables for the work of Delhi–Ghaziabad–Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC (Package-19 Lot-1 & Lot-2).

  • Tender Reference Number: IRCON/ELECT/5037-5038/NCRTC/33KV CABLES/OT/88
  • Name of Work: Design, manufacturing and supply of 33kV Cables for the work of Delhi–Ghaziabad–Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC (Package-19 Lot-1 & Lot-2).
  • Estimated Cost of Work: INR 37,25,46,935 Crore
  • EMD: INR 26,70,000/-
  • Period Of Work: 3 to 6 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 07th March, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 21st March, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 16th March, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 21st March, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 22nd March, 2023

Scope of Work:

  • Manufacture in line with technical specification, GTP, type test, inspection and delivery of 33kV Cables as per requirement specified and in accordance with the international  standards.
  • All the material and accessories offered shall be in full Technical conformity with  the brief Particular Specifications enclosed at Annexure-A.
  • Factory Inspection of all Material before dispatch.
  • Supervision at site during Installation, Testing & Commissioning.
  • Training to authorized personnel of NCRTC.

Inspection & Testing of Material:

  • First Article Inspection (FAI) shall be performed jointly by the representative of NCRTC/IRCON or both or by any authorized representative (which may include our client representatives or any independent inspection agency) and the Contractor on all major equipment items or sub-systems identified by the Employer’s Engineer without any extra cost to IRCON to ensure that the offered materials confirm to the specifications.
  • Inspecting agencies shall be provided with all necessary facilities to carry out inspection or witness tests without any additional charges. If IRCON/Client or any other nominated agency requires type test/part of type test or other test to be carried out by supplier.
  • Equipment shall be shipped from the point of manufacture only after a FAI has been completed or the requirement waived in writing by the Employer’s Engineer.
  • The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 7 working days’ notice to the Employer’s Engineer/Client before any FAI. Other than the FAI, the Contractor shall give the Employer’s Engineer notice of all Quality Control Points and Quality Hold Points involving inspections and/or tests by the Contractor.
  • At least 15 days prior to each FAI, the latest drawings, inspection and test procedures, specifications and quality documentation required for adequate inspection of the equipment under inspection shall be submitted to the Employer’s Engineer. The drawings shall be complete to the lowest level replaceable unit.
  • The Contractor shall ensure that he and his subcontractors are prepared for all FAIs. The Contractor shall not schedule more than one FAI on the same day without prior notice of No Objection by the Employer’s Engineer.
  • Before shipment all manufactured items or systems shall undergo (Factory Acceptance Test) FAT performed jointly by the representative of NCRTC/IRCON or both or by any authorized  representative (which may include our client representatives or any independent inspection agency) in accordance with the requirements of the Particular Specification (PS).
  • The Contractor shall correct all faults found during testing, and shall arrange for the relevant tests to be repeated. The relevant tests shall only be repeated when the fault has been remedied and the equipment demonstrated to function correctly.
  • Where remedial measures involve significant modifications that might, in the Employer’s Engineer’s opinion, affect the validity of earlier tests, the Contractor shall repeat the earlier tests and obtain results satisfactory to the Employer and the Employer’s Engineer before repeating the test in which the fault was first identified.
  • The Employer or the Employer’s Engineer shall have the right to order the repeat or abandonment of any test in the event that results demonstrate that the equipment is significantly non-compliant with the Contract.
  • The Employer or the Employer’s Engineer shall have the right to suspend any test in the event that errors or failures have become unacceptable. The Employer or the Employer’s Engineer shall also have the right to suspend any test if a fault was detected by the Contractor but not reported to the Employer’s Engineer within 24 hours of the detection.
  • In this event, the suspension shall remain in effect until reporting has been brought up to date to the satisfaction of the Employer and the Employer’s Engineer.
  • Employers / Clients will bear their own costs for attendance at witnessed inspections or tests (other than re-tests) scheduled in accordance with the agreed Works Programme and subject to notice in accordance with the Specification.
  • The bidder shall furnish a summary of type test reports for all the offered  equipment/material. The offered items shall have been type tested within the period as specified in the specifications and considered proven if the same has been in successful  operation for at least for the period as specified in the document.
  • The quoted prices are deemed to be inclusive of any type test charges. No separate type test charges shall be paid.
  • The contractor has to submit the Quality Plan within the period as specified in the document from the date of LOA for approval from IRCON/NCRTC.

About Delhi-Meerut RRTS Corridor:

  • The Delhi-Meerut RRTS corridor is approximately 82 km long corridor with 25 stations, which will cover the distance from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi to Modipuram in Meerut in about 60 minutes (Currently, it takes around 3 hours to commute from Delhi to Meerut).
  • The total project completion cost of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor is about INR 30274 Crore.
  • RRTS is a rail based high-speed transit system with a design speed of 180 kmph and an average speed of 100 kmph.
  • Once operational, it will be the fastest, most comfortable and safest mode of commuter transport in NCR.

About NCRTC:

  • National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) is a Joint Venture of Government of India and State Governments of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh and is mandated for designing, developing, implementing, financing, operating and maintaining Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) projects in the National Capital Region (NCR) to provide comfortable and fast transit to NCR towns and meet the high growth in transport demand.

The complete documents can be downloaded from

Source: IRCON- Tender | Image Credit (representational): NCRTC

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