IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Supply, transportation & delivery including loading and unloading of 40 LBS (SH Serviceable) rails of total length 4000m for temporary works for the gantry at locations of track construction base (TCB 1 @ Km 35.200 near Village Sisodra & TCB 2 @ Km 255.700 near Bhatia Toll) on ground in connection with construction of high speed standard gauge double line ballast less railway track between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat Border (MAHSR Km 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR Km 393.700) in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (Package-MAHSR-T2) under NHSRCL.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/3026/MAHSR/T2/40LBS Rails/TCB 1&2
- Name of Work: Supply, transportation & delivery including loading and unloading of 40 LBS (SH Serviceable) rails of total length 4000m for temporary works for the gantry at locations of track construction base (TCB 1 @ Km 35.200 near Village Sisodra & TCB 2 @ Km 255.700 near Bhatia Toll) on ground in connection with construction of high speed standard gauge double line ballast less railway track between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat Border (MAHSR Km 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR Km 393.700) in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (Package-MAHSR-T2) under NHSRCL.
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 61,17,120 Lakh
- EMD: INR 1,22,350/-
- Period Of Work: 30 Days
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 25th April, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 15th May, 2023
- Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 03rd May, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 09th May, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 15th May, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 16th May, 2023
Scope of Work:
- Specifications;
- Rails:
- Material – Iron
- Length – 6 m to 12 m or More
- Bottom width – 85 mm
- Weight – 18.14 to 20 kg/m
- Rail height – 85 mm
- 2nd hand serviceable quality
- Prior to dispatch of the rail, inspection and Certification shall be done by IRCON Engineer. Once the sample is accepted by IRCON Engineer, dispatch can commence. Consent of IRCON Engineer of the sample rail shall not relieve the supplier of its responsibility to supply the entire lot of rails in full conformity with the approved designs and drawings.
- Delivery at Sisodara TCB 1 (Gujarat- PIN 396463) & Vaktana, TCB 2 (GujaratPIN 394230) as per enclosed bill of Quantity, including packing, loading, transportation by Road, delivery and unloading on ground using appropriate equipment, Tools & Tackles as per specifications.
- Both loading of the rails at Bidders premises and unloading on ground at delivery point are in the scope of the supplier. Further lifting of rails over the viaduct from the ground is not in the scope of this work.
Rails shall be stacked and stored as per specification:
- Record of Materials – The Contractor shall on demand produce to the Employer’s Representative original receipts/vouchers/invoices in respect of the supplies. The above obligations are without prejudice to the other obligations of the Contractor.
- Site information – Site information as provided in the Tender Document is given in good faith by the Employer. The supplier shall satisfy himself regarding all aspects of site conditions and collect all site information necessary for transportation of rails to Employer’s site as specified in the tender documents. No Claim will be entertained by the Client on account of any error or insufficiency in Site Information given in Tender Documents.
- Unloading at Purchaser’s store /depot is in the scope of Supplier. The details of the transporter and date of arrival of the consignment shall be intimated in advance.
Similar Work:
- The bidder should possess the experience of having successfully completed similar works during the last 7-years (ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited) which should be any one of the following:
- Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of the estimated cost.
- Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost.
- One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the estimated cost.
- Similar works shall mean the “Supply, transportation and delivery of Rails/Turnouts/Sleepers for Railway/Metro/High Speed/Semi High Speed Projects in India or Abroad (Ballasted / Ballast Less Tracks)”.
Annual Turnover:
- The average annual financial turnover during the last 3-years should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.
- The financial turnover shall mean Revenue from Operations of standalone Financial Statements of the Bidder.
- Revenue from Operations shall be judged from Audited Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, relevant Notes to A/cs and Statutory Auditor Report/ relevant abstracts of Annual Reports covering above documents and the same shall be certified by statutory auditor with UDIN where the accounts are audited.
- In other cases, the same may be certified by a Chartered Accountant with UDIN.
- In case the financials of immediate prior Financial Year have not yet been audited till the time of submission of the tender, the bidder can submit an Affidavit to this effect stating that “the financial results of the immediate prior.
- Financial Year has actually not been audited so far. In such cases, the financials of preceding three audited financial years will be taken into consideration for evaluating the Annual Financial Turnover of the bidder.
- In the absence of such an Affidavit, the benefit of considering three preceding years would not be given and the bid would be evaluated considering turnover for two preceding years only.
- Net worth of the bidder should be at least 10% of the estimated cost of the work. This will be judged from the audited Balance Sheet of the last financial year ending on a date not prior to 18 months from the date of invitation of the tender, but not earlier than an immediate financial year.
- The bidder whose annual financial turnover does not exceed Rs. 50 Lakhs should submit a copy of applicable ITR under Income tax rules which is generated from Income tax portal and duly self- attested to judge their net worth and turnover.
- The bidder should submit completion certificates in reference to S.No.1 (minimum 3 nos., 2 nos. or 1 no. as the case may be) above issued by Government Organizations/ Semi Government Organizations/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous bodies/ Municipal bodies/ Public Limited Company / Concessionaire Company/ Private Company/ JV Company for having successfully completed similar works in the last 7 years.
- Certificates issued by such Public Limited Company / Concessionaire Company /Private Company/ JV Company must be supported by Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) Certificates (Form 16A/ 26AS) in evidence of the value of work executed.
- In case of supply contracts, Copies of GSTR-1/GSTR 3B to be submitted by the bidder as a proof of payment received for supply. Before implementation of GST where no TDS is deducted, relevant copies of purchase order and invoices along with bill wise details of payment received duly certified by Chartered Accountant should be submitted by the bidder in support of value of work executed.
- It shall be mandatorily incumbent upon the tenderer to identify, state and submit the supporting documents duly self-attested by which they/he is qualifying the Qualifying Criteria mentioned in the Tender Document.
About MAHSR Project:
- Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) Project is 508 Km long first High- Speed Rail (HSR) network planned to be constructed in India.
- Out of 508Km, 352 Km lies in the State of Gujarat (348 Km) and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (4Km) and the balance 156 Km lies in the State of Maharashtra.
- The Construction Work is in progress in both Gujarat and Dadra & Nagar Haveli where 98% and 100% land has been acquired respectively.
- In Gujarat, High Speed Rail alignment passes through eight districts i.e. Valsad, Navsari, Surat, Bharuch, Vadodara, Anand, Kheda and Ahmedabad and work is in progress in all the eight districts.
- In Maharashtra land acquisition done so far is 40%.
- The project will entail an investment of 72,000 Crs in the state of Gujarat in both Land & construction.
- So far an expenditure of 14,200 Crs has been done.
- The project will generate direct & indirect employment of 60,000 in Gujarat state.
The complete documents can be downloaded from https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: IRCON- Tender | Image Credit (representational): NHSRCL
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