IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Construction of reinforced concrete track bed, RC anchors and installation of reference pin in RC anchor for ballastless track section in between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat border (MAHSR km 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR km 393.700) in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in connection with the construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail project.
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/3026/MAHSR T2/e Tender/RC Track Bed
- Name of Work: Construction of reinforced concrete track bed, RC anchors and installation of reference pin in RC anchor for ballastless track section in between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat border (MAHSR km 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR km 393.700) in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in connection with the construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail project.
- Estimated Cost: INR 3,94,49,97,196 Crore
- EMD: INR 2,05,00,000 Crore
- Period Of Work: 40 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 19th September, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 10th October, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 03rd October, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 10th October, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 11th October, 2022
Scope of Work:
- The scope of work is broadly described as “Construction of Reinforced Concrete Track Bed , RC Anchors and installation of Reference Pin in RC Anchor for Ballast less Track Section in between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat Border (MAHSR km 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR km 393.700) in the State of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in connection with the Construction of MumbaiAhmedabad High Speed Rail Project ”
MAHSR Chainage | |
From | To |
Km. 156.600 | 393.700 |
- The Scope hereunder is indicative in nature and shall be deemed inclusive of all items to be executed for its completion as per specifications and drawings for construction of RC Track Bed, RC Anchor and fixing of Reference Pins in Main Line, Loop Line and Ramps, Turnouts, Crossover, Expansion Joints etc., using approved material specified in the technical specifications at various specified locations and as per drawings/ designs provided to contractor from time to time and the scope is mentioned in brief as follows:
Reinforced Concrete Track Bed & RC Anchors:
- RC Track Bed in all sections including Straight, Curved, Turnout/CO Section, EJ Section , Transition, Confirmation Car Base at Billimora, Stations and Ramps etc.,
- RC Anchors for open section and tunnel section (Circular Type, Semicircular type)
Installation of Reference Pins:
- Installation of Reference Pins in RC Anchors with grouting (Reference pin survey is not included in scope).
- Installation of Reference Pins at Solid-Bed Track with Synthetic Sleepers section in TO, CO & EJ (Reference Pin survey not included in scope).
- The work under this Contract shall be suitable for maximum design and operating train speed of 320 Km/h.
- The salient features for the construction of proposed RC Track Bed are as under:
Sl No | Description | Provision |
1 | Route Length | 237.10 km.
Viaduct= 236.900 km. Tunnel=200 m (approx.) |
2 | Track length (Main Line) | 480 Tkm ( approx) |
3 | Stations | 4 Nos ( Vapi, Surat, Bharuch , Billimora) |
4 | Safety Confirmation Car Base on Viaduct | Billimora |
- The contractor shall submit a method statement for the construction methodology and Quality Assurance plan for various stages of construction of RC Track Bed & RC Anchor at various locations including the survey and marking of RC Track Bed & RC Anchor, taking material approval at source, Mix Design as per the approved grade of concrete, Plant & Machinery used, Laying Concrete with Machinery (if any), formwork (design, finishing, cleaning and treatment), transportation , placing and compaction of concrete at different locations i.e., on viaducts, over land, over river crossings, tunnel etc.,including curing, dismantling of formwork, testing etc., complete for the approval of the Engineer before the start of the construction work. The contractor shall also interface with the other interfacing contractor like Civil Contractor, Bridge Contractor, Electrical Contractor etc., to make necessary provisions and arrangements like taking over of stretches, shear reinforcement, transverse conduit pipes etc., as per the interface requirements.
- The contractor shall submit a detailed work programme precisely for construction of RC Track Bed and RC Anchor for completing all activities within the Access dates and Milestones provided.
- The necessary civil works for RC Track Bed, RC Anchor installation of Reference pin are to be carried out in phased manner as per standard Engineering practice and as per Engineer’s/ Employer’s requirements as mentioned under the Technical specifications section.
- The general character and the scope of work to be carried out under this contract is illustrated in specifications and the schedule of the quantities and the detailed drawings to be made available from time to time during the construction. The contractor shall carry out and complete the said work under this contract in every respect in conformity with the contract documents and with the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Employer.
- The contractor shall interface with the respective civil works contractor to ascertain as built construction data and conduct survey and setting out as prescribed in the Technical Specifications ( Cl. 3.0 ).
Supply of Plant and Machinery:
- The contractor shall make his own arrangements at his own cost for all plant and Machinery required for the execution, completion and maintenance of all items of work included in the scope of work to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.
- IRCON shall neither supply any plant and machinery nor assist for procurement of any plant and machinery required for the execution, completion and maintenance of works.
Handing over and Defect Liability/Maintenance period:
- On completion of all items of work as per contract, the contractor shall hand over the works to Employer/Client. The handing over of the completed works to Employer/Client shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
- The handing over will be treated as final only when the same is taken over by the Client/Employer officially in writing by issuing a certificate. The defect liability cum maintenance period will commence from the date of handing over to the client.
The process of handing over shall be as under:
- One month in advance of the stipulated date of completion, joint inspection shall be carried out with contractor and Employer Client’s representatives and all the defects, deficiencies shall be noted and a time bound programme to be made for rectifying/making good all the defects and deficiencies.
- The contractor shall remove at his own cost all surplus materials, debris, Labour hutments and clean the entire building and surrounding before handing over.
- If it is felt that the contractor is not responding to rectify the defects urgently and the Client is suffering in using the structural assets due to default of the contractor, Employer shall be entitled to get the defects rectified at the risk and cost of the contractor on expiry of 24 hours’ notice issued to the contractor. All such costs incurred shall be recovered with actual cost incurred +25% overheads.
- The Works shall not be considered to be complete for the purposes of taking over until the final version of all As- Built Documents have received the Engineer’s consent in writing.
The complete documents can be downloaded from
Source: IRCON -Tender | Image Credit (representational): NHSRCL
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