IRSDC invites RFP for Mixed Use Development on lease rights upto 99 years at Chandigarh railway station

Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation (IRSDC) has invited Request for Proposal (RFP) for the mixed use development on lease rights upto 99 years at Chandigarh railway station for the following land parcels:‐

  • Tender Reference Number: IRSDC/HQ/RFP/2021/04/CDG
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 09-Feb-2021
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 16-Apr-2021
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 14-Mar-2021
  • Bid Submission End Date: 16-Apr-2021
  • Bid Opening Date: 16-Apr-2021


  • Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation (“IRSDC” or “Authority”) has been approved by Government of India as the nodal agency for the development/redevelopment of all railway stations across Indian Railway network and the main project development agency. Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd. (“IRSDC” or “Authority”), a Special Purpose Vehicle under the Ministry of Railways, is promoted by RLDA, IRCON and RITES for undertaking redevelopment of railway stations through various formats including monetization of surplus railway land parcels.
  • Union Cabinet has also given powers for approving its plans under Section 11 of the Railways Act 1989. IRSDC shall consult urban local bodies/other statutory authorities while approving its plans so that the development is harmonious with surrounding development, generally following National Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy. 
  • No Change in Land Use is required pan India by Railways for developing railway land for commercial use.
  • Further, Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) vide gazette notification dated 17-10-2017 no. 13/1/2017-INF has given infrastructure status to station development including commercial infrastructure.
  • IRSDC seeks participation of the entities (hereinafter referred to as “Bidders” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context, include the Members of the Consortium) for the development of land parcel at Chandigarh Railway Station including inter alia all works related to, or incidental to, or required to be undertaken upon the project site in with the provisions of the Lease Agreement and Applicable Laws, as required to be undertaken (the “Project”), and has decided to carry out the bidding process for selection of a private entity/ entities as the Selected Bidder/ Bidders to whom the Project shall be awarded (“RFP”). The Project will be carried out by leveraging the real estate potential of the identified land parcels forming the project site. 

The land parcel details are as below: – 

S.No. Description Details
1 Land parcels to be offered Land parcels Sub Plot Land Area (sqm) Approx, BUA allowed (sqm)
SP-4 4 12427 50931
SP-5  5 15027 61586
SP-6 6 17890 73320
SP-7 7 11347 46504
2 Location Chandigarh Railway Station
3 City Chandigarh – UT
4 State Chandigarh – UT
5 Railway Division Ambala Division
6 Zonal Railway Northern Railway

Scope of work:

  • The scope of work will broadly include the development of land parcels at Chandigarh Railway Station and on such site/s identified by the Authority and the operation and  maintenance thereof. In terms of the Lease Agreement, the Lessee shall also be entitled to collect and appropriate the revenue generated there from.
  • The Lease Agreement sets forth the detailed terms and conditions for grant of the contract to the Lessee, including the scope of the Lessee ’s services and obligations.
  • The leasehold rights on Site are to be given for a period of 99 years as per terms and conditions of bid documents.
  • IRSDC has invited bids from the interested eligible Bidders through RFP No. IRSDC/HQ/RFP/2021/04/Chandigarh uploaded on CPP Portal. 

The above documents will be available at the website

Source: IRSDC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): IRSDC

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