Kochi Metro Tender Update: Multiple bidders are qualified for electrical works in Kochi Metro Rail Limited

Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) has opened the list for Empanelment of agency for electrical works in Kochi Metro Rail Limited, where seven bidders are technically qualified for the tender.

  • Tender Reference Number: KMRL/O&M/MMT/2022-23/51
  • Name of Work: Empanelment of agency for electrical works in Kochi Metro Rail Limited.
  • Empanelment Tender Value is: INR 25,00,000/-

In December 2022, the KMRL invited a tender for Tender Number: KMRL/O&M/MMT/2022-23/51

  • With reference to the above referred Tender, technical suitability of the offers received are as follows:

Awarded Bids List

S. No.

Bidder Name



Awarded Value


M/s Vijaya Ele-techs Pvt. Ltd.

Category A

Technically Qualified



M/s Powertex

Category B

Technically Qualified



M/s Linsta Services

Category B

Technically Qualified



M/s Voltech

Category A

Technically Qualified



M/s Wind Tech Electrical Contractors & Dealers

Category B

Technically Qualified



M/s Leela Electricpower Services Pvt. Ltd.

Category A

Technically Qualified



M/s Delstar- A grade electrical contractors

Category A

Technically Qualified



  • KMRL has prepared this Request for Qualification (RFQ ), Pre-Qualification of prospective bidders forexecuting electrical works for Kochi metro. The RFQ is the prequalification document through which the prospective bidders shall be evaluated and shortlisted based on their experience, technical, financial capabilities.
  • The shortlisted bidders shall be considered for participating in the limited tenders issued by KMRL for executing general electrical works. The Authority has taken due care in preparation of information contained herein and believes it to be accurate.
  • However, neither the authority nor any of its agencies nor any of their respective officers’ employees, agents, or advisors gives any warranty or make any representations, express, or implied as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any information which may be provided in association with it.
  • The information provided in this document is to assist the bidder(s) for preparing their proposals.However, this information is not intended to be exhaustive, and interested parties are expected to make their own inquiries to supplement information in this document. The information is provided on the basis that it is non–binding on the authority and any of its authorities or agencies, or any of their respective officers, employees, agents, or advisors.
  • Each bidder is advised to consider the RFQ as per itsunderstanding and capacity. The bidders are also advised to do appropriate examination, enquiry and scrutiny of all aspects mentioned in the RFQ before bidding. Bidders are encouraged to take professional help from experts on financial, legal, technical, taxation, and any other matters / sectors appearing in the document or specified work.
  • The bidders should go through the RFQ in detail and bring to notice of the authority any kind of error, misprint, inaccuracy, or omission.
  • The authority reserves the right not to proceed with the project, to alter the timetable reflected in thisdocument, or to change the process or procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the Project further with any party submitting a proposal. No reimbursement of cost of any type will be paid to persons, entities submitting a Proposal.


  • Kochi Metro Rail Limited is a special purpose vehicle formed between the Government of India and Government Of Kerala for betterment of urban transport systems in the city of Kochi, Kerala.
  • KMRL has completed the construction of 24 kms of metro rail network and is operational for the public.
  • Kochi Metro Rail Ltd. (KMRL (hereafter referred to as “the Authority”) invites online proposals through RFQ(Pre qualification) .The bidders shall be evaluated and shortlisted based on the technical qualification.
  • The Authority is looking for empanelling bidders for participating in various tender/quotations for executing electrical works in Kochi Metro.

Scope of Work:

  • The Electrical Contractors is to undertake HT/LT works, panel board modification for HT/LT, internal and external electrification, associated cabling, earthing, breakdown repair, interior wiring for LT Panel,and other allied works.

S. No.

Name of the activity

Work for Which empanelment is sought


Electrical – Supply, installation, testing commissioning & maintenance of Electrical equipment’s internal & external electrical works etc.

Category A – Up to Rs.25 lacs

Category B – Up to Rs.15 lacs

Category C – Up to Rs.10 lacs

General Electrical Works

  • Bidder should clearly mention the category for which they have applied for empanelling”. Empanelment shall be valid for three years from date of empanelment in respective category.


  • Should have executed one similar work of 80% of the value indicated for the category for which registration is sought during last 3 years, or
  • Should have executed two similar works of 50% of the value indicated for the category for which registration is sought during last 3 years, or
  • Should have executed three similar works of 40% of the value indicated for the category for which registration is sought during last 3 years


  • Average turnover for the last three years shall be Category A – Up to Rs.25 lacs Category B – Up to Rs.15 lacs Category C – Up to Rs.10 lacs.

About Kochi Metro:

  • The Kochi Metro is a rapid transit system serving the city of Kochi in Kerala, India.
  • It is 13-km long and has been built at a cost of Rs. 5,181 crore.
  • The Kochi metro project is the first metro in the country which connects rail, road and water transport facilities.
  • Kochi metro also includes the technology for driverless trains and is hoping to implement this in the near future.
  • KMRL has proposed an elevated route spanning 25 km (16 mi) from Aluva to Pettah with 23 stations. 
  • All platforms are 70 metres (230 ft) long.
  • KMRL has developed a unique PPP model wherein the capital investment as well as the maintenance cost is taken care by a bank and in return the bank to have a co-branded card for Kochi Metro System.

Source: KMRL- Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): Kochi Metro

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