Kochi Metro Update: Tender invited for supply and installation of signages & graphics at Fort Kochi for Kochi Water Metro project

Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) has invited online bids (e-Tender) under two packet systems from eligible applicants for Supply, fabrication and installation of signages & graphics at Fort Kochi for Kochi Water metro project.

  • Tender Reference Number: KMRL/PROC/TENDER/2022-23/137
  • Name of Work: Supply, fabrication and installation of signages & graphics at Fort Kochi for Kochi Water metro project.
  • EMD: INR 42 Thousand
  • Period Of Work: 30 Days
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 19th December, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 13th January, 2023
  • Pre–bid Meeting Date: 30th December, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 06th January, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 13th January, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 16th January, 2023

Scope of Work:

Signing and Acceptance of LOA/Work Order:

  • Upon receipt of LOA/Work order the Successful Bidder shall return one copy of the LOA/PO duly signed and stamped by its authorized signatory within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue of LOA/WO.
  • Signing of the Contract by the Employer is subject to provision of a compliant Performance Security by the Contractor.
  • Acceptance of the WO/LOA and provision of compliant performance security will bind the agreement between KMRL and the Contractor/supplier as per the SCC & GCC of this tender document.
  • In case the Successful Bidder fails to accept the WO/LOA within the time limit specified in the WO or any extension thereof as may be decided by KMRL, the Bid Security shall be forfeited.

Contractor’s Equipment:

  • All Contractor’s Equipment and Temporary Works provided by the Contractor shall, when brought on to the site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for execution of the Works and not be removed without the consent in writing of the Engineer. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed
  • Upon completion of the Works the Contractor shall remove from the Site all the said Constructional Plant and his unused materials
  • The Employer shall not, at any time, be liable for the loss or damage to any of the Constructional Plant, Temporary Works or materials save as mentioned in Clauses 14.1
  • In respect of any Constructional Plant which the Contractor shall have imported for the purpose of the Works, the Employer may assist the Contractor, where required, in procuring any necessary Government consent for re-export of the same after the completion of the Works.
  • The Employer may assist (but is not obligated to) the Contractor, where required, in obtaining clearance through the Customs of Constructional Plant, materials and other things required for the Works

Workmanship and Fabrication:

  • For all the works, workmanship shall be of first class quality, throughout, in conformity with IS:800 (latest), and true to line, level and dimension as shown in the drawings or instructed by the Engineer.
  • All parts assembled for bolting shall be in close contact over the whole surface and all bearing stiffeners shall bear tightly at top and bottom without being drawn or caulked. The component parts shall be so assembled that they are neither twisted not otherwise damaged as specified cambers if any shall be provided.
  • Drilling done during assembling shall not distort the metal or enlarge holes. The butting surfaces at all joints shall be cut and milled so as to butt in close contact throughout the finished joints.
  • Cutting shall be done automatically. Hand flame cutting will not be permitted.
  • The edges and ends of all cut/sheared flange plates, web plates of plate girders, and all cover plates, and the ends of all angles, tees, channels and other sections forming the flanges of plate girders, shall beplaned/ground.
  • Holes for bolts shall be drilled to conform to clause 10 of IS:7215 (1974). Punching of holes will not be permitted. All drilling shall be free from burrs. No holes shall be made by gas cutting process.
  • All welding for the works shall be carried out by first class welders and shall be in accordance with IS:816, IS:819, IS:1024, IS:1261, IS:1323 and IS:9595. The Engineer may at his discretion order periodic tests of the welder and/or of the welds produced by them. All such tests shall be carried out by the Contractor at his cost.
  • Safety requirements should conform to IS:7205, IS: 7273 and IS: 7269 as applicable and should conform to safety, economy and rapidity.
  • As much work as possible shall be welded in shops. The pieces shall be manipulated to ensure down hand welding for all shop joints as far as possible. All parts to be welded shall be arranged so as to fit properly on assembly. After assembly and before the general welding is to commence the parts are to be tack welded with small fillet or butt welds as the case may be.
  • The tack welding must be strong enough to hold the parts together but small enough to be covered by the general welding. The welding procedure shall be so arranged that the distortion and shrinkage stresses are reduced to a minimum.
  • All joints required in structure to facilitate transport or erection shall be shown on the drawings or as specified by the Engineer. Should the Contractor need to provide joints in locations other than those specified by the Engineer he shall submit his proposals and obtain the prior sanction of the Engineer for such joints. The lengths of structural shall be the maximum normally available in the market jointing of shorter length in order to make up lengths required shall not be permitted.
  • Each piece of steel work shall be marked distinctly before delivery, indicating the position and direction in which it is to be fixed. Three copies of a complete marketing plan are to be supplied to the Engineer before erection commences.
  • In the case of welded fabrication any distortion remaining in the member after welding operations are completed shall be rectified by and/or at the expense of the Contractor to the approval of the Engineer.
  • All members of trusses and lattice girders shall be straight throughout their length, unless shown otherwise on the drawings, and shall be accurately set to the lines shown on the drawings. Sheared edges of gussets or other members to be straightened and dressed where necessary.
  • Templates and jigs used throughout the work shall be all steel. In cases where actual materials have been used as templates for drilling similar pieces, the Engineer shall decide whether they are fit to be used as parts of the finished structure.
  • Apart from the requirements of welding specified under the above sub clauses, sections above, the Contractor shall ensure the following requirements in the welded joints. Strength-quality with parent metal. Absence of defects Corrosion resistance of the weld shall not be less than that of parent material in an aggressive environment.
  • No gasket or other flexible material shall be placed between the holes. The holes in parts to be joined shall be sufficiently well aligned to permit bolts to be freely placed in position. Driving of bolts is not permitted. The nuts shall be placed so that the identification marks are clearly visible after tightening. Nuts and bolts shall always be tightened in a staggered pattern and, where there are more than four bolts in any one joint, they shall be tightened from the centre of the joint outwards.

Testing of Welds:

  • Butt welds – Radiographic testing of 5% of welds as per IS1182.
  • Fillet Welds- Ultrasonic testing of 5% of welds
  • All welded connections shall be inspected as perIS:822.
  • All welds shall be tested by “dye penetration test” as per current practices.
  • Agency for testing of weld shall be approved by the Engineer prior to testing.
  • Defected welds shall be repaired or replaced as decided by the engineer. The repaired or replaced welds shall be tested using the same methods as above.
  • Additionally, when defective welds are found, the cause of the defective welding shall be determined and the contractor shall institute immediate corrective action.
  • No extra payable shall be made for the tests indicated above.

Specifications for Electrical works:

Wiring for Indoor Signs:

  • All lights mounted in an individual internally lit sign shall be switched ON & OFF in group, through a switch and controlled through a M.C.B. (The switches controlling circuits and M.C.Bs. are not in the scope of this tender.)
  • The contractor shall provide a Bakelite connector on each sign for connection to feeding wire outside, which shall be extendable in flexible conduit upto a distance of 2.0 M. from the sign. This extendable wiring shall either be laid within the provision made in the supporting structure or in flexible conduit.
  • For all the suspended and projected signs this provision shall be made through one of the suspenders or the connection member to the sign respectively.
  • The contractor shall also ensure that all the connections inside the sign are made through Bakelite connectors and thimbles & screws are used for end terminations of wires. Thimbles wherever installed shall be properly covered with insulated sleeves and no temporary taping is done at any point. All the connectors shall be ISI marked.
  • All connectors and joints shall be mounted or fixed to the internal structures of signs with insulating fixtures
  • The interconnecting wiring between light fixtures within the sign shall not be less than 1.5 Sq.mm and shall be FRLS, PVC insulated 1.1 KV grade, with multi-stranded copper conductor.
  • If specified – An earth terminal shall be provided on each of the lit sign which shall be connected with the earthing conductor laid alongwith incoming circuit wiring.
  • All wiring within the sign enclosure shall be covered with flexible conduit which shall be properly fixed with clamps, saddles etc. in such a way that no shadow is cast on the illuminated surfaces. In no case any loose wiring shall be left inside the signen closure.

Wiring for Outdoor Signs: Totem sign

  • The pole box proposed within the stone pedestal of the Totem sign at entrances shall have provision of one SPN M.C.B. of 6A (10 KA breaking capacity) for control / Isolation of incoming and outgoing cables / wires. The wiring within the sign from the pole box shall be provided by the contractor which shall be of 2.5 sq.mm.
  • FRLS, PVC insulated 1.1 KV grade, with multi-stranded copper conductor for phase and neutral and 1.5 sq.mm. with solid copper conductor wire for earth. The incoming cable upto pole box shall not be in the scope of this tender, but it’s terminations shall be the responsibility of the contractor. An earth terminal for connecting the earth wire shall be provided in the polebox.
  • Pole box (junction box) shall be made out of polycarbonate/compressed moulded fibreglass polyester and designed to insulate and protect the controller and component in outdoor/indoor application making it waterproof. It shall be Lockable with a universal lock/ quarter turn lock and UV stabilized for outdoor usage. This Junction box shall have a front openable hinged door provided with appropriate gasket and all metal components/fittings  should be non-corrosive made of brass to withstand moist conditions.

Station name:

  • The Junction Control Box proposed for Station name sign on exterior sign shall have provision of mounting 2 Nos. S.P. M.C.Bs. of 6A (10 KA breaking capacity) for control /Isolation of incoming and outgoing cables /wires along with separate neutral link and earth link. This junction box shall be of size 150x225x100 mm.
  • Fabricated out of 16 S.W.G M.S. sheet duly painted of same shade and as per specifications specified for painting of structure. This shall have a front openable hinged door, provided with Neoprene gasket and double screwed knobs for closing. The complete junction control box shall be weatherproof and shall have Index of Protection of I.P. –53.
  • Two separate out-going circuits shall emanate from the Control Junction Box. Each of them shall control 3 Nos. alternative luminaries by looping the main circuit wiring. All the interconnecting wiring from junction control box to luminaires shall be laid in Heavy Duty M.S. conduits.
  • The phase and neutral wires of each circuit shall be of size 2.5sq.mm. FRLS, PVCinsulated1.1KVgrade, with multi-stranded copper conductor and earth wire shall be of 1.5 sq.mm. With a solid copper conductor laid along with the circuit. The size of wire for looping at each luminaire shall not be less than 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS, PVC insulated 1.1 KV grade, with multi-stranded copper conductor for phase & neutral and 1.0 sq.mm. with solid copper conductor wire for earth.
  • The M.S. conduits for wiring shall be properly fixed with clamps, saddles, nut-bolts etc. The complete conduiting shall be duly painted as per specified shade of the supporting structure. The joining in the M.S. conduit with T -Junction boxes, sockets, bends, etc. shall be done by threading. All the threaded joints, outlets of wires etc. shall be sealed so as to resist entrance of Moisture, Dust and Vermin’s etc.

Signage Fixings:

  • Suspenders have been designed for 2 levels for all signs mounted with bottom at 2.4 m above floor Smaller lighter suspenders for all signs with fixings to a maximum of 1.8m, Heavier suspenders fixing to the lighter suspenders to reach beyond 1.8 up to 3.5m.
  • This suspender arrangement covers almost all the situations inside stations up to a clear height of 6m for suspending the sign. A sign with suspenders beyond 3.5m will not be installed as suspended signs and will be changed to a projected or post-mounted sign. Any situations observed by the contractor shall be brought to the notice of Engineer-In-charge and prior approval shall be taken before any variation in fixing is done.
  • The quoted rates of contractor for the suspended signages shall be for suspending the specified suspenders from any medium, RCC Beams/Slabs, and Structural Steel Sections of any shape and size etc. Nothing extra whatsoever shall be admissible on this account.
  • In BOQ 2 suspenders of length 1m suspenders have been calculated for each sign. Payment for this item will be done after deducting or adding to this quantity based on calculating the suspender lengths of installed signs.
  • The contractor has to quote for per running meter of both the heavy and light suspenders.
  • Nothing extra whatsoever shall be admissible for any variations in the lengths and all necessary erection arrangements from site to site for installation of signs.

Post mounted signs:

  • These signs will have a dedicated special structure and will be calculated per unit for fixing at the location. Height variations will not happen beyond the drawings shown.
  • The quoted rates of contractor for the Post mounted signs shall be for erection of the post mounted signs on base/floor of any medium, RCC or CC floor etc. with or without floor finishes of any type. Nothing extra whatsoever shall be admissible on this account for arrangements for fixing signs form site to site.

Face fixed Signs:

  • The quoted rates of contractors for the Face fixed. signages shall be for face mounting the signs at all heights and to any medium, RCC Beams/Slabs or Brick Wall etc. with or without cladding. Nothing extra whatsoever shall be admissible on this account.
  • Nothing extra whatsoever shall be admissible for any variations of the required face fixing arrangements from site to site of work.
  • Variation will be admissible only in case of being asked to fabricate and fix a new fixing bracket in place of the bracket fabricated as per the Good for Construction drawings included in Tender Documents.
  • Variation of amount in this case will be mutually decided and approval of the Employer will be obtained before fabricating such brackets.

Projection signs:

  • The projected signs are fixed using a projected bracket fixed to the wall or column with a length proportional to the sign length. The contractor has to quote for each bracket separately as described in the BOQ.
  • The quoted rates of contractor for the projected signs shall be for each length of bracket separately at all heights and to any medium RCC Beams/Slabs or Brick Wall etc. with or without cladding. Nothing extra whatsoever shall be admissible on this account.

Special mounting for signs:

  • There will be few situations where the details are not provided for fixing or a special customised detail has to be made for the sign to fix to specific beams, columns etc. in such cases, the contractor will check the site condition, work out a detail for the fixing in consultation with SGDC and get is approved with the Engineer-in-charge.
  • The contractor has to quote a rate per Kg of MS used including providing, fabricating, finishing complete with all accessories like nuts, bolts, washers and props etc. used at site for installation of the bracket fixing the sign.
  • The BOQ provides an Item to quote a Unit Rate for fabricating customised fixings for signs. such a rate will be considered for Variation will be admissible only in case of being asked to fabricate and fix a new fixing bracket in place of the bracket fabricated as per provided a customised Good for Construction drawings provided by the Engineer-in-charge. Variation of amount in this case will be mutually decided and approval of the Employer will be obtained before fabricating such brackets.

For Indoor Signage’s:

  • Electrical Power for Illuminated direction and emergency signs. All lights mounted in an individual internally lit sign shall be switched ON & OFF in group, through a switch and controlled through an M.C.B. (The switches controlling circuits and M.C.Bs. are not in the scope of this tender.)
  • The contractor shall provide a Bakelite connector on each sign for connection to feeding wire outside, which shall be extendable in flexible conduit up to a distance of 2.0 M. from the sign.
  • This extendable wiring shall either be laid within the provision made in the supporting structure or in flexible conduit. For all the suspended and projected signs, this provision shall be made through one of the suspenders or the connection member to the sign respectively.
  • The contractor shall also ensure that all the connections inside the sign are made through Bakelite connectors and thimbles & screws are used for end terminations of wires. Thimbles wherever installed shall be properly covered with insulated sleeves and no temporary taping is done at any point.
  • All the connectors shall be ISI marked. All connectors and joints shall be mounted or fixed to the internal structures of signs with insulating fixtures; the interconnecting wiring between light fixtures within the sign shall not be less than 1.5 Sq.mm and shall be FRLS, PVC insulated 1.1 KV grade, with multi-stranded copper conductor.
  • If specified – An earth terminal shall be provided on each of the lit signs which shall be connected with the earthing conductor laid along with incoming circuit wiring. All wiring within the sign enclosure shall be covered with flexible conduit which shall be properly fixed with clamps, saddles etc. in such a way that no shadow is cast on the illuminated surfaces. In no case any loose wiring shall be left inside the sign enclosure.

Similar Works Experience:

  • The bidder will be qualified only if they have completed similar work(s) during last Seven years ending in last day of previous month of tender floating as given below:
    • Experience in successfully completing at least one contract of similar works of at least Rs.16.47 Lakhs, or
    • Experience in successfully completing at least two contracts of similar works of at least Rs.10.29 Lakhs each, or
    • Experience in successfully completing at least three contracts of similar works of at least Rs.8.24 Lakhs each.
  • The “Similar works” for this contract shall be “Signage and Graphics Works” Documentary proof such as work completion certificates from client clearly indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion for such work should be submitted.
  • The offers submitted without this documentary proof shall not be evaluated. In case the work is executed for private client, copy of Work order/LoA, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received certified by C.A., shall be submitted.
  • Value of work done shall be updated to 31.10.2022 price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign currency portions per year. The exchange rate of foreign currency shall be the currency selling exchange rate of State Bank of India as on the date of opening of the tender.
  • Value of successfully completed portion of any ongoing work up to last month previous to the month of publishing the tender or Value of any ‘substantially completed’ work up to last month previous to the month of publishing the tender will also be considered for qualification of work experience criteria. A work will be considered as substantially completed if at least 80% of the work is completed.

Tender Documents and any additional information can be downloaded from website http://etenders.kerala.gov.in

Source: KMRL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): KMRL

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