Kolkata Metro leaves no stone unturned to improve passenger amenities to ensure safe and comfortable journey. This initiative has got momentum over the last 8 years. In this context, it is worth mentioning here that installation of escalators and lifts at different stations are the testimony of this initiative.
More details:
- 72 Escalators and 30 Lifts have so far been commissioned in different Metro stations of North – South and East-West Metro Corridor in the last 8 years.
- The state of the art heavy duty escalators are complied with all safety features of International Standard.
- These escalators have been provided with an energy efficient VVVF drive which reduces energy consumption by 50%. Moreover these escalators stop or move slowly during idle time. Aged persons and children will find it convenient to ride on these heavy-duty escalators, as more flat steps have been added to top and bottom.
- In this regard, it needs to mention that lifts too have also several energy efficient modern features. It moves faster and consumes less energy and also has a Regenerative Braking System.
- Lights and fans of this lift will turn off automatically in stop condition. Cross beam sensors are fitted with this lift for automatic door operation. Lift-users will get jerkless smooth riding comfort while these lifts are in motion.
- At present, Metro has 122 escalators and 45 lifts in different North-South and East-West Metro stations.
Source: Kolkata Metro -Press Release
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