Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), has invited bids under single stage two packet system for the work of ‘“Design,Supply,Installation,Testing,Commissioning and Facilitation of Integration with existing system for Automatic Fare Collection System between Kavi Subhash – Biman BandarMetro Station (24 Stations)& Joka – Mominpur Metro Station(8 Stations) ofKolkata Metro Railway in West Bengal State, India.”.
- Tender Reference Number: RVNL/ S&T/KOL/S01
- Estimated Cost of Project: INR 156.62 Crores
- Bid Security: INR 2 Crores
- Period of Completion: 36 Months
- Bid Opening Date: 02-Feb-2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 17-Dec-2020
- Bid Submission End Date: 02-Feb-2021
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 17-Dec-2020
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 02-Feb-2021
Scope of work:
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing ,Commissioning and Facilitation of Integration with existing system for Automatic Fare Collection System between Kavi Subhash – Biman Bandar Metro Station (24 Stations) & Joka – Mominpur Metro Station(8 Stations) of Kolkata Metro Railway in West Bengal State, India.
- The objective of Metro Rail Extension is to provide safe, fast and eco-friendly transportation services to the public at the affordable rates while simultaneously reducing the congestion on the roads. Metro Rail Infrastructure is the long term solution to civic commuting hassles.
- Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is a special purpose vehicle under Ministry of Railways which is entrusted implementation of Kolkata Metro Rail Extension Project’s, 2 elevated corridors; (1) Kavi Subhash (New garia) to Biman Bandar & (2) Joka – BBD Bag of Kolkata Metro Railway Line (the “Project”).
- This work pertains to “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing ,Commissioning and Facilitation of Integration with existing system of Automatic Fare Collection System between Kavi Subhash – Biman Bandar Metro Station & Joka – Mominpur Metro Station of Kolkata Metro Railway in West Bengal State, India. is a part of Kolkata Metro. The Joka- Mominpur Metro Section is a part of Joka- BBD Bag Metro Corridor.
The Nature of work:
The Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) works to be executed can broadly as under:
- Design, Manufacturing and supply of AFC System as per Specification, functional/operational requirements.
- Provision of networking on OFC/CAT 6 cable from Telecom Equipment Room to Station Control Room, TOM Room, EFO Room and other AFC nodes at each station as per site requirement.
- Provision of Networking on OFC/CAT-6 cable from Telecom Equipment Room at OCC to Central Computer Room in OCC/BCC and other AFC nodes including workshop etc.
- Installation, testing, integration of AFC System with existing AFC System of Kolkata Metro and commissioning for functional/operational requirements and carrying out necessary adjustments and modifications in consultation with Engineer. Preparation of all documents related with testing and test reports etc.
- Provision of interconnection of AFC system with other multi mode transport system.
Bidding Documents can be downloaded free of cost from RVNL website www.rvnl.org and RVNL e- Tendering portal i.e https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com/
Source: RVNL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): Metro Railway Kolkata
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